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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

Everyone is settled in…

Mountain time is always a good time. Got the wall taped off, paint acquired and first coat applied, moderately productive yet again. I'll do another coat in 4 hours and then clean up for the night. Going from a burnt orange to a light yellow so it's gonna take a few coats to get proper coverage.
First coat of paint always makes me feel like I really suck at painting. Last coat of paint usually confirms I am not a professional :laughing we'll see how this attempt turns out.
Hi Kurosexi, my neighbor called yesterday to say one of Spicy’s nieces or nephews has been coming every evening like clockwork to his shop. He said it lets him scratch his head.
It'll continue to inventory it's new domain, probably at night, and then it'll start testing how long it takes to get from various points to other various points, probably around 3am, while also checking out the acoustics of the place.
Also if you want to laugh hysterically, while causing the cat to lose it's mind and potentially have less energy overnight. Get Da Bird. Just be advised, they tend to go into full on predator mode and if the get the lure, you may lose a finger trying to get it back :laughing
I am in love! What a stunning little panther. Welcome to cohabitation with a predator. He/she has stunning little murder mittens.