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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

Hi Kurosexi, my neighbor called yesterday to say one of Spicy’s nieces or nephews has been coming every evening like clockwork to his shop. He said it lets him scratch his head.
This warms my heart. <3
I don't appreciate that tone
mmmmm, coffee.
McDonald's coffee at that...but I don't judge. I subscribed to the Tony Bordain school of thought it when it comes to coffee...

“There are few things I care about less than coffee. I have two big cups every morning: light and sweet, preferably in a cardboard cup. Any bodega will do. I don’t want to wait for my coffee. I don’t want some man-bun, Mumford and Son motherfucker to get it for me. I like good coffee but I don’t want to wait for it, and I don’t want it with the cast of Friends. It’s a beverage; it’s not a lifestyle.”

― Anthony Bourdain
Good morning. Today I will face the world numbed by pain killers with what is now my imagined condition. Great news though, primary care doctor can see me July 30th!!
Now it’s coffee time!!
Good morning. Today I will face the world numbed by pain killers with what is now my imagined condition. Great news though, primary care doctor can see me July 30th!!
Now it’s coffee time!!
July 30th? The fuck? That's so long!!!!

I hope you feel better with each passing day.

Also, mmm, coffee. I like mine black and made in my ceramic cone. I have a god bless the USA cup that is my designated coffee mug and has been for like 20 years. We got it helping clean out a storage unit when I was still married. It holds the heat and is the perfect size.
There’s something magic about the mug. I have a double walled stainless cup with the Triumph logo that I was gifted back in 2006. It’s batteries and bruised, but it’s my cup and my coffee tastes better in it.

We have the best coffee here in San Rafael. Weavers, I’m drinking it now.
McDonald's coffee at that...but I don't judge. I subscribed to the Tony Bordain school of thought it when it comes to coffee...

“There are few things I care about less than coffee. I have two big cups every morning: light and sweet, preferably in a cardboard cup. Any bodega will do. I don’t want to wait for my coffee. I don’t want some man-bun, Mumford and Son motherfucker to get it for me. I like good coffee but I don’t want to wait for it, and I don’t want it with the cast of Friends. It’s a beverage; it’s not a lifestyle.”

― Anthony Bourdain

One of the few areas in which I disagree with Bourdain. I will say that, while I like good coffee, I will drink mediocre stuff without complaint. But I will always choose good stuff if it is an option.

Good morning. Today I will face the world numbed by pain killers with what is now my imagined condition. Great news though, primary care doctor can see me July 30th!!
Now it’s coffee time!!

July 30 seems too far out, but at least you have a date. Yay, progress. Enjoy the painkiller ride! :p

July 30th? The fuck? That's so long!!!!

I hope you feel better with each passing day.

Also, mmm, coffee. I like mine black and made in my ceramic cone. I have a god bless the USA cup that is my designated coffee mug and has been for like 20 years. We got it helping clean out a storage unit when I was still married. It holds the heat and is the perfect size.

You drink black coffee now? I remember bringing you coffee at work and it had to be paper bag colored. :laughing (I drink milky coffees as well as black. First cup is sometimes milky. Subsequent cups are always black)
@Lunch Box I could pretty much marry you for remembering how I like my coffee. When I started bopping back and forth between OR and SF a lot more and working to lose some weight/watching macros, I trained myself to drink it black. Now I am fine with black coffee although I will sometimes add a splash of milk if I am at a coffee shop and it's there. I would come home after ten days in the city at like 1:00 am and not have milk for my coffee in the morning. I got tired of having "good" coffee depend on something that wasn't coffee.
One of the few areas in which I disagree with Bourdain. I will say that, while I like good coffee, I will drink mediocre stuff without complaint. But I will always choose good stuff if it is an option.
Honestly, I think that's what he meant too. He just doesn't want to wait for it and I'm the same way. If there's a line, I definitely don't need the high-end stuff that bad at all.