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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

@Lunch Box I could pretty much marry you for remembering how I like my coffee. When I started bopping back and forth between OR and SF a lot more and working to lose some weight/watching macros, I trained myself to drink it black. Now I am fine with black coffee although I will sometimes add a splash of milk if I am at a coffee shop and it's there. I would come home after ten days in the city at like 1:00 am and not have milk for my coffee in the morning. I got tired of having "good" coffee depend on something that wasn't coffee.

I always chuckle when someone says they love coffee, then get some super sticky sweet *$ stuff and proclaim their love for it. Coffee flavored dessert has its place, mind you, but those things are not coffee. My thing at restaurants/cafes is, if I get black coffee and it sucks I just add a bit of cream/milk to make it drinkable and go on with my day. When I make it at home, it is GOD DAMN DELICIOUS. :p
I always chuckle when someone says they love coffee, then get some super sticky sweet *$ stuff and proclaim their love for it. Coffee flavored dessert has its place, mind you, but those things are not coffee. My thing at restaurants/cafes is, if I get black coffee and it sucks I just add a bit of cream/milk to make it drinkable and go on with my day. When I make it at home, it is GOD DAMN DELICIOUS. :p
I grew up with Army coffee...pretty much any coffee is now passable for me because of that. :laughing
Fair point. I haven't had Army coffee, but if it is on par with government cheese I have enough experience to know that it is not particularly good. :laughing
Honestly, I think that's what he meant too. He just doesn't want to wait for it and I'm the same way. If there's a line, I definitely don't need the high-end stuff that bad at all.
Same. I will drink whatever is available at the gas station if that's what has to happen. Just gimme my drugs!
I always chuckle when someone says they love coffee, then get some super sticky sweet *$ stuff and proclaim their love for it. Coffee flavored dessert has its place, mind you, but those things are not coffee. My thing at restaurants/cafes is, if I get black coffee and it sucks I just add a bit of cream/milk to make it drinkable and go on with my day. When I make it at home, it is GOD DAMN DELICIOUS. :p

Oh yeah. I know you have some serious coffee game, Andy. I am fortunate to have enjoyed multiple cups that you have crafted. :love:
Phone consultation today for my lower back issue; appointment tomorrow for my shoulder issue.

"I love how music takes you away to another place. Like Mumford & Sons is playing at this restaurant so now I'm going to another restaurant."
Not fun. As someone who has had multiple back, knee and shoulder surgeries, I am hoping that you find an effective solution.
Good morning. Today I will face the world numbed by pain killers with what is now my imagined condition. Great news though, primary care doctor can see me July 30th!!
Now it’s coffee time!!
Imagined, well that's BS, I've seen you hurting after a few days doing lines but this sure seemed to have you wiped out. I'd say don't face the day though, best thing you can do for just about anything is let your body rest and recoupe as annoying as that can be.
Honestly, I think that's what he meant too. He just doesn't want to wait for it and I'm the same way. If there's a line, I definitely don't need the high-end stuff that bad at all.
I'm ok with a short line, it's SF after all, waiting in line for stuff is one of our favorite pastimes :laughing being all unemployed and stuff I just make mine at home mostly, if I do treat myself it's still usually black, sometimes cold brew (done right so there is still flavor) but usually black with a splash of cream.

When I'm riding I'm just in it for the caffeine, so anything that isn't a sugar bomb will do nicely. Added bonus, coffee and water at each gas stop helps motivate a proper cadence of taking breaks to stretch the ol' legs.

On that note, I had a dream about being on a road trip and frantically trying to get geared up as the crew rolled away. I'm guessing that means I'm frustrated with my slacker self, but also want to go on a road trip again?
Nice roads up there, I need to get the KTM out of the garage for some exercise, maybe a jaunt up north is in order.
Nice roads up there, I need to get the KTM out of the garage for some exercise, maybe a jaunt up north is in order.
Land of YEP this weekend? I will be whacking weeds and working on the pool.
Land of YEP this weekend? I will be whacking weeds and working on the pool.
Got a friends B-day this weekend as well as some pride related goings on unfortunately, but I also don't think that kinda work in the impending heatwave sounds like a good idea, looks like 101 or so up there this Saturday?

Got an 8am call on Friday with a recruiter for a contracting firm, should be interesting. Half considering just applying at Sports Basement to be a bicycle mechanic for a year for fun while I wait the AI boom to implode or things to otherwise return to reality.

In the meantime, more coffee and another two coats on the accent wall before I call it done.