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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

I wonder how he's doing. Was he perma banned or did he just give up on us?
I am not sure who you are talking about. The Walmart person is a copywriter there. He does not ride. The Microsoft connection is the host of a podcast that I produce.
Happy Highway Man is at Walmart. He left for a better position then returned to Walmart.
Looks younger than that and smart as a whip.

Boy or girl?

We've found male cats are better pets but female cats are better hunters.

It’s female. It was stalking a fly at the pound so you might be right about its hunting instinct.
I’ve been using the spare bedroom lately because it has patio door with screen so cooler at night. Last night I closed the door and left the cat in the living room so it wouldn’t bother me. Around 2am I hear something scratching the bed and assumed something got in through the patio door.
I was too tired to investigate so tried going back to sleep. Ten minutes or so later the cat jumps on the bed. It was the cat that had been scratching the bed. It had run up to the loft and jumped into the bedroom somehow. The loft is open to the bedroom.
I got up to take a pittop and put the cat back in the living room. Wasn’t long after I see the cat climbing over the loft short wall and jumping down on the bed again. No point keeping the door closed.


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It’s female. It was stalking a fly at the pound so you might be right about its hunting instinct.
I’ve been using the spare bedroom lately because it has patio door with screen so cooler at night. Last night I closed the door and left the cat in the living room so it wouldn’t bother me. Around 2am I hear something scratching the bed and assumed something got in through the patio door.
I was too tired to investigate so tried going back to sleep. Ten minutes or so later the cat jumps on the bed. It was the cat that had been scratching the bed. It had run up to the loft and jumped into the bedroom somehow. The loft is open to the bedroom.
I got up to take a pittop and put the cat back in the living room. Wasn’t long after I see the cat climbing over the loft short wall and jumping down on the bed again. No point keeping the door closed.
Oh yes, you have a smart one.

Hopefully she doesn't attack your speaker grills if you have any.

An investment in some scratching posts near other tempting targets like sofas and such is a good idea.

Keeping her inside?

What's the name?

Oh, and cat trees...and window seats...and catios....and...............................
Happy Highway Man is at Walmart. He left for a better position then returned to Walmart.
I messaged him a couple weeks ago about some other stuff, think he's doing okay. Didn't get the vibe that he was in a hurry to come back.

Summer solstice at 1:51pm, just 20min out. Get ready, it's gonna be wild!
I think the only connections that help right now are people currently working at a company, otherwise no human is likely looking at the majority of the resumes that come through.
I got her a scratch pad that she thinks is a bed. Don’t think I’ll let her out, too many douchebags speeding on my street.
Didn’t name her yet, been under the weather the past couple days so brain is in hibernation.
Pretty day for solstice. Guess I should be getting out and about to enjoy the long day, might do that later, but these walls ain't gonna paint themselves.
I got her a scratch pad that she thinks is a bed. Don’t think I’ll let her out, too many douchebags speeding on my street.
Didn’t name her yet, been under the weather the past couple days so brain is in hibernation.
Bummer, the wife is getting over Covid; dodged it for four years but got it on the flight back from New Orleans we suspect.

We've had several black cats, one, Koko, was the best hunter we ever had; merciless as she was an inside/outside cats.

She'd bring the inside cats live "presents."
Another application down, probably won't hear back from them either, but it makes me feel like I did something. Now to slap a few more coats of paint on this wall so I can see that I did something.
Another application down, probably won't hear back from them either, but it makes me feel like I did something. Now to slap a few more coats of paint on this wall so I can see that I did something.
Multi tasking.


I fixed a rubbing barn door to our indoor laundry, painted where the rub was, cut some vegetation so the cats can see better out of the catio, made coffee in the AM and just marinated some lamb "lollipops" in mustard, sherry and horseradish for dinner.

That's called a "full day" when retired.

Now for a beer and some Olympic trials on the vidi.
She’s definitely your cat 😂

Blankpage, just give in allow her in your bedroom. She will bring you things. Not to mention it's been said that a cat purrs at a very benificial frequency for you physical and mental health.
There’s something magic about the mug. I have a double walled stainless cup with the Triumph logo that I was gifted back in 2006. It’s batteries and bruised, but it’s my cup and my coffee tastes better in it.

We have the best coffee here in San Rafael. Weavers, I’m drinking it now.
You realize after telling me you're aware of Spicy's family, I am obligated to ask you how they are doing every now and then, yes?
took the 03 Multistrada for a spin this post noon, been a long time, forgot how different it is from other bikes.

Naming cat's is serious biz. You got the first name, which is what you'll call her and then the last name to differentiate her from other cats with the same first name. Then there's the honorifics which they earn as time and familiarity will present.

My cat is: Sebastian Janacatski, thunder paws lightning claws. The fluffy overlord.
My informant says Spicy’s kin is amicable, soft and nice.

Cat names:
MM for Murder Mittens
Stormy (after Stormy Daniels since she comes into your bed) for that matter “Melania” after the whore,