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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

took the 03 Multistrada for a spin this post noon, been a long time, forgot how different it is from other bikes.

Naming cat's is serious biz. You got the first name, which is what you'll call her and then the last name to differentiate her from other cats with the same first name. Then there's the honorifics which they earn as time and familiarity will present.

My cat is: Sebastian Janacatski, thunder paws lightning claws. The fluffy overlord.
I have Mushu and Mama Kitty.

Mushu is sometimes called shithead and Mama Kitty is sometimes called "Meth Lab Kitty" on account of her horrible dental health. I had to have most of her teeth removed and she is on steroids because of a gum inflammation disorder.

Mushu is just... an asshole. A very cute one.
Had a long talk with my mom last night about a lot of stuff. One thing that stuck out is she is still adamant about me and my brother reconciling.

After I thought about it, I told her how about we start with him paying me back and apologizing for falsifying my identity on a traffic ticket. I didn't even know about it until my first week at my job in Santa Barbara, I was literally waist deep in water when a coworker not in the water got a call from the office to tell me to stop working. My background check came up with my license being suspended. I had to drive down to San Diego, sit in court for hours to clear this mess up, then drive back to Santa Barbara. All unpaid time. Before that, I was driving around everywhere on a suspended license and didn't even know it... because he never dealt with the ticket.

Pay me back for it... or don't. How about at least apologize or admit he did it. And apologize for a lot of other bullshit he's put me through over the years. Let's start there, if you really want us to be on "okay" terms.

It's frustrating because I understand how my mom feels as a mother but she needs to understand my life has been better without him.
Had a long talk with my mom last night about a lot of stuff. One thing that stuck out is she is still adamant about me and my brother reconciling.

After I thought about it, I told her how about we start with him paying me back and apologizing for falsifying my identity on a traffic ticket. I didn't even know about it until my first week at my job in Santa Barbara, I was literally waist deep in water when a coworker not in the water got a call from the office to tell me to stop working. My background check came up with my license being suspended. I had to drive down to San Diego, sit in court for hours to clear this mess up, then drive back to Santa Barbara. All unpaid time. Before that, I was driving around everywhere on a suspended license and didn't even know it... because he never dealt with the ticket.

Pay me back for it... or don't. How about at least apologize or admit he did it. And apologize for a lot of other bullshit he's put me through over the years. Let's start there, if you really want us to be on "okay" terms.

It's frustrating because I understand how my mom feels as a mother but she needs to understand my life has been better without him.
wow your brother is an asshole.

i get loving our mamas but i am old. i am grumpy. my peace is the most important thing and your bro sounds like he disturbs yours tremendously.
Had a long talk with my mom last night about a lot of stuff. One thing that stuck out is she is still adamant about me and my brother reconciling.

After I thought about it, I told her how about we start with him paying me back and apologizing for falsifying my identity on a traffic ticket. I didn't even know about it until my first week at my job in Santa Barbara, I was literally waist deep in water when a coworker not in the water got a call from the office to tell me to stop working. My background check came up with my license being suspended. I had to drive down to San Diego, sit in court for hours to clear this mess up, then drive back to Santa Barbara. All unpaid time. Before that, I was driving around everywhere on a suspended license and didn't even know it... because he never dealt with the ticket.

Pay me back for it... or don't. How about at least apologize or admit he did it. And apologize for a lot of other bullshit he's put me through over the years. Let's start there, if you really want us to be on "okay" terms.

It's frustrating because I understand how my mom feels as a mother but she needs to understand my life has been better without him.
I don't understand how some people are able to "move past" issues and reconcile with someone more easily just because they're family. If you've taken advantage of me or worse and you're completely unrepentant, I don't care if you're family or not. I'm likely better off without you around. I've had to resort to that more than once within my family and trust me when I tell you I have no regrets. Family isn't everything. Self-care is everything.
I like oil filters, especially when the one I thought I would have to drive to town to buy was out in the shop. Hell yeah.
Got a haircut, took a walk, grabbed a burrito walked home and ate it. Now to put another, possibly final, coat of paint down and call it a day / night.
And a quick application to Microsoft, not that I expect to hear back.
Off topic but if you want to nail an Amazon panel interview, look up their leadership principles and think of two examples of each where you have demonstrated that principal in your career.

This is after the phone interview of course, which is mostly technical but may have one or two questions similar to the above.
I think my biggest challenge is I'm not really technical compared to the current workforce, and despite my long tenure at the big G I never was never a manager so unless they have strategic partners valuable enough that they'll assign them to real person versus making them shoot tickets into the abyss, I don't really have anything that stands out :dunnoif I do get a phone screen that'll be a nice start, but hey, a figure applying to a few jobs a day and something is bound to hit eventually. Worst case I can always load trucks for UPS, at least that gets my health insurance and whatnot handled.
I had a warehouse job decades ago and can still tap into the sick feeling from working indoors with propane forklifts. I'm sure they'd be electric now, but man that was a rough time.
Yeah, that sounds unpleasant, I worked at a big garden center in high school. Outdoors mostly, but even so when we'd get the diesel backhoe running you could practically taste the exhaust. It might have needed a tune up.
I don't understand how some people are able to "move past" issues and reconcile with someone more easily just because they're family. If you've taken advantage of me or worse and you're completely unrepentant, I don't care if you're family or not. I'm likely better off without you around. I've had to resort to that more than once within my family and trust me when I tell you I have no regrets. Family isn't everything. Self-care is everything.
When I lived in Hawaii with my uncle doing construction work for him, my brother copied the key to my bike. So he can just ride it whenever he wanted. He copied my key at some point before I left for Hawaii so he could ride my bike while I was at work or school or whatever. Who fuckin does that?

How about that time when we were kids when pointed a gun to my face and thought it was funny. (Should my dad should have secured the gun better, yes, but that's beside the point.)

My mom didn't know these things before but she knows how. So again, you're asking me to make peace with this person?

Why am I the one who has the decision to solve this situation, when I'm not the one who fucking caused it?
The primary reason for me getting into martial arts when I was 6 or 7 was because the biggest bully was my "brother".

Til' this day, my mom has a wrong perspective of what I can and can't do to him, or anybody. She thinks when we were young, the outcome was because I didn't want to hurt him. I do remember punching my brother in the face and him whining to our parents about it... Like, you fucked around and found out. If I had to fight him, I'm confident I could hold my own. (No one 'wins' in a that kind of fight) But it would probably end up with one or both black eyes and a lot of bruises.

She doesn't understand the reason I never wanted to fight my brother is because he would fight me the way he would fight anyone, in a super aggressive way to cause pain. It wouldn't matter if I was his brother. He's not a good person. Everything I've ever learned in martial arts is how to diffuse a situation, keep anyone from hurting me or anyone with me, and if you have to fight... then so bet it. But that's the last straw...
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Kinda reminds me sparring with a friend of mine a few months ago in my neighborhood in his garage gym.

He got me with a punch I should have blocked but I didn't and it knocked me down.

He said I'm sorry. I said SORRY FOR WHAT? LET'S IT KEEP GOING
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Morning, gang. I'm ashamed to admit this, but my body is kinda sore after playing 4 hours of pickleball after work yesterday. God damn, I'm old. :laughing :|
[Stoned Gen X'er] hey man, you know how like Ping Pong is table tennis? What if we, like, played ping ping on a tennis court, man?That'd be crazy [/Stoned Gen X'er]
[Stoned Gen X'er] hey man, you know how like Ping Pong is table tennis? What if we, like, played ping ping on a tennis court, man?That'd be crazy [/Stoned Gen X'er]
My dad and I were talking about pickleball the other day. He spent a career in public service with different city's parks and recreation departments and I asked him the same thing..., "What's up with this pickleball craze and why does it seem more like a thing for middle-age and older folks?" His opinion is that it's far less demanding on the body than tennis and easier for people in those demographics to pick up with little cost for equipment. Thus, it's appeal continues to grow.
@Lunch Box , moving the conversation from the PS over here...I'm on a quest to visit all the MLB ballparks and still need to scratch the Cards off my list. Are you going to be around through the end of the season at least?