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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

Made some pasta sauce and had Bucatini. Fabulous. Lots of left overs too.
This was the last little gap to be filled in
Good morning! I need coffee and a shower.
Met some dude on the mtn bike trail yesterday. In fact, I was standing at my favorite little safety break spot adjusting my suspension setting when this guy came down the hill, tried to ride across the boardwalk bridge across a creek and wiped out into a tree right in front of me. He then showed me the one part of the trail I was missing. It's a perfect little flow trail that just goes and goes and goes. I love it. I am tempted to go ride it again today, but am a little sore from yesterday.
I too need a shower... And I base that only because I don't remember when I last showered.

There is no difference in days, there is only day and night.

I know it is day right now, but what day? When did the last day end and what happened on that one that didn't happen the day before that? What is supposed to happen tomorrow that's not happening today?

Also, Muppets wizard of Oz making a girls gone wild reference... Yup...
back in the 80s a buddy and me would go to the hotel on Durant ave in Berkeley and get a latte and a shot of cognac early on a Saturday morn.
In today's chapter of new weird kid roommate, I'm watching MotoGP in the living room. He comes down and asks me if I knew where his rubber cleaning gloves are. I said yes, I know. I threw them in the trash can. They've been sitting there draped over the kitchen sink for 2 days. I was out of the house most of the time the past couple days and didn't need to use the sink but I noticed. The stupid part is he knew the gloves were in the trash because he already took them back out of the trash and put them back on the kitchen sink, which is actually super gross. So I put them back in the trash and then I cleaned the sink.

He says maybe next time I'll put my gloves away when I'm done with them. Is that okay?

Yes, it would be very okay if when you're done using your rubber gloves you did something else other than leaving them hanging over the kitchen sink. Why is that something that has to be asked or explained?

What do you even need rubber gloves for in the kitchen day after day? This whole house was just deep cleaned a few weeks ago and our kitchen is not in disrepair. I've already noticed he's definitely been in my room when I wasn't home because some things were moved that I did not move.

I've already said it... Psychopath. I'm gonna get murderrated in my own home.