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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

Dude. Your roommate has uses cleaning gloves. He probably has some germ issues whatever. In this situation, I think you are being the Ahole. He uses kitchen gloves, cut him a little slack, He literally said (and yes it's a bit passive aggressive), OK, next time I'll put them away.

Talk to your roommate dude. Set your expectations and ask him what his are. Be upfront and open, maybe you guys will find some common ground.
Dude. Your roommate has uses cleaning gloves. He probably has some germ issues whatever. In this situation, I think you are being the Ahole. He uses kitchen gloves, cut him a little slack, He literally said (and yes it's a bit passive aggressive), OK, next time I'll put them away.

Talk to your roommate dude. Set your expectations and ask him what his are. Be upfront and open, maybe you guys will find some common ground.
I'll accept maybe I'm being the asshole here and petty.

Here's the thing. It's not like I haven't tried to talk to him. I have. Our other roommate has too. He'll initiate a conversation or we will and then he'll just start talking about nothing relevant and off-topic.

Suggestions and/or clarifications about how things work in this house for the past 4 years seem to go in one end and out the other.

Consider the option maybe I'm not the asshole and this kid is not good at adulting yet. Our other roommate has a very timid personality, non-confrontational and even he has the opinion that yeah... thing's are a little weird around here and he's doing stuff that makes you scratch your head.
FWIW, I leave my rubber gloves over the sink until they are dry. Then I put them in a tray under the sink.
Maybe the kid has habits like that?
I couldn't live with someone in their 20s tha's for sure. What else do we know about him? Does he work, what does he do, does he have a degree, in what? I want to know all of tese things.https:
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Foe Kuro.

In our back yard while we were in Oregon for the Oregon Shakespeare Festival.

you are in my backyard! :x
FWIW, I leave my rubber gloves over the sink until they are dry. Then I put them in a tray under the sink.
Maybe the kid has habits like that?
I couldn't live with someone in their 20s tha's for sure. What else do we know about him? Does he work, what does he do, does he have a degree, in what? I want to know all of tese things.https:
It doesn't take rubber gloves 2 days to dry.

As far as what else do I know about him. He's in college. I'm not sure which school. Don't know if he has a job while he's in school.

I'm fine with a roommate that is different than me, has weird habits. I mean, I'm a weird motherfucker and anyone I've lived with has put up with me :laughing but common courtesy goes a long way.

I don't think it's too much to ask if I get a package in the mail, I shouldn't have to wonder where the scissors are to open it because the kid rearranged the kitchen and didn't tell us.

Ultimately, I can admit it's a lot of my own frustration because when I moved here, I could have gotten my own apartment but we got this house because it was convenient for me and my other 2 really great friends, as far as proximity to our jobs. And at this point, this house has become... not that. Just 3 people who inhabit a house but aren't friends. I have 11 months to change that. At least my other roommate, even though we aren't really friends, I do actually care when I ask how his day went, ask about his parents, his job etc.
If you’re going right to throwing his things in the trash without speaking to him first, you are being the asshole.

And now you have a hidden webcam in your room.

Fine. Then I was the asshole on that one. Again, in hindsight yeah that was definitely petty and could have been handled better.

I was curious why this morning when I went to the kitchen to refill my water bottle, why is there some random dude I don't know laying on the couch browsing his phone at 7AM? I don't mind houseguests and we've all had guests over without having a house meeting about it, so I can't throw stones from my glass house on that one.

And yes it is possible I have a hidden webcam in my room now. :laughing
It doesn’t sound like a good situation.
It's not favorable.

I'll do my best to operate my daily life in a way that keeps me happy and not be an asshole.

My opinion is that as much as our landlord tried to convince us that he wants tenants that jive together, clearly he doesn't give a fuck about us and just wants rent, or we wouldn't be in this situation. The new kid probably doesn't like me because I haven't been very courteous.

I remember living in Santa Barbara with a house of 5, it worked well. We were all around the same age and we had a good understanding of our home.
In more exciting news, I met a lady at the local watering hole on my way home from grocery shopping.

We both agreed driving/riding is stupid so I/we walk here. Her apartment is closer than my house but not far.

Her name is Amanda. Mandi to most of her friends and family, I told her I call most people by their full name, so Amanda because Joseph/Joe is a weird quirk of mine. Through our conversation, out birthdays are only 3 days apart.

She's from New York. Queens. We were watching the Yankees game and she was super excited. I told her, let me know if you want to watch another Yankees game sometime.

Fun times.

I chalk it up to what my little sister calls "strange women in dark places."
A bit of an eventful weekend. Tried stand up paddle boarding for the first time in my life. Right here in tomales / Inverness Bay. So that was fun

Buddy K gave me the board just as he was exiting the water but the board belonged to Shee so I was a bit on a thorny...erhhm water. (I do know Shee and it was joint event so no problem )

after I did my 5 min learning circle and found out the board just like rotates left and right ...headed back to the shore and what do I see. A fking baby 4 yo screaming , "Heelp, someone!" in the water on a paddle board ...he had a vest on.

full beach mommy or dad nowhere to be seen (lots of people. Well they were seen but deep behind someone. )

both I paddled there and by then Buddy K jumped too because I pointed it out (he was monitoring me because I was out for the first time)

He helped pushed the kid, his teen brother arrived in a double kayak...so it turns out that didn't help much and finally we put them (or I lifted him) on my big board. Arrived to the shore no problem, I don't think many noticed ...bonus points mom and dad were not running up :dunno

100, would do again, but the board rotates.
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