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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

Oh - I'm sorry Guys and Gals - ROTATION was done by me but was exactly 1 year ago....~5k miles ago.

(and by this, it nearly sounds like front AND rear should be the same wearing out now.. but they are not. :LOL: the rear passenger still seems the most worn of all 4! )
So they all have approximately 5k on front and back, to the total of 10k.

---> hmm. More right turns. ! That's IT!!! Alignment and right turns. ha

they're actually due for a 5k rotation again.. BUT now that the rear seems worn...it's weird!
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I would suspect drag, alignment or bad suspension components (blown strut = lots of wheel bouncing) but also I only play a mechanic on the internet. Gonna be 80 degrees in SF today, so I'm gonna be a degenerate and sip beers on a certain patio this afternoon
Holy cow that is higher than what I would have thought

Patio? I don't even get the hint unless it's a beer garden 😂

Posted from the barf mobile walking app
I'd think that on left hand corners you could corner harder due to you weight in the drivers seat, thus more wear on the right side tires.
Today's natural instinct...


Whatever little man has, wolverine wants.

Crinkle toy? (Wolverine noises)

Literally the same crinkle toy but the one in his hand not currently in hers? (Wolverine noises)

Bottle in her mouth... But he's getting a bottle? (Wolverine noises)

Gotta be instinctual to want what she doesn't have because it can't be a learned behavior.
I see it in our dogs Koi. The girl can have a favorite toy an dthe boy has a sick. She goes for it. she can have a discarded gaterade bottle, he can have a beni bone he wants the bottle. It's constant.
They haven't met any other kids...
Two is enough. ..(for jealousy for toys)

BTW if you have time read some stuff(but you probably don't have time) . At infant age they don't even have a concept of mom or dad, but they do have of 'adult', i.e. protector. I found that surprising,i.e. it runs contrary to 'they feel who's their family'

So IMO, they could have a concept of non-sibling-adversary-infant
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