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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

No idea. I'll be phoning them first thing tomorrow to demand some explanation and reinstatement
Did yours just wake the twinz right after the wife finally got them to sleep?
It's all night. All fucking night. When I decide I am going to sleep in my car instead of my house, it's time for that car to drive off into the sunset and disappear. I never understood how people can just up and start a new life. I understand it completely now.
So how'd you find out if they didn't send you an email and/or letter explaining why? Seems like that would be a legal requirement. :dunno
Got a notice from DMV for one of my vehicles that there was no proof of insurance on file
This mess of waking up at 3:15 am to listen to the circling Waymos has to stop. :x practicing eh ?

Lost like hours of sleep 😞😴 😡
Morning. I am pretty sure I made jet fuel for coffee this morning...

In other news my merely 4 year old sub gave up the ghost last night while we were watching the rings of power, which isn't even that good. Sounds like it's blown, but the outer foam surround is not damaged and there is no noise from the core when I push on the driver, but it definitely rattles now whenever the bass hits. It's a Paradigm speaker so I'm hopeful that I can maybe get a warranty or buy a new driver from them. As far as I know it's never been driven even close to clipping so this failure is a bit of a disappointment.
Morning. I am pretty sure I made jet fuel for coffee this morning...

In other news my merely 4 year old sub gave up the ghost last night while we were watching the rings of power, which isn't even that good. Sounds like it's blown, but the outer foam surround is not damaged and there is no noise from the core when I push on the driver, but it definitely rattles now whenever the bass hits. It's a Paradigm speaker so I'm hopeful that I can maybe get a warranty or buy a new driver from them. As far as I know it's never been driven even close to clipping so this failure is a bit of a disappointment.
If under warranty you are good to go.
Morning. I am pretty sure I made jet fuel for coffee this morning...

In other news my merely 4 year old sub gave up the ghost last night while we were watching the rings of power, which isn't even that good. Sounds like it's blown, but the outer foam surround is not damaged and there is no noise from the core when I push on the driver, but it definitely rattles now whenever the bass hits. It's a Paradigm speaker so I'm hopeful that I can maybe get a warranty or buy a new driver from them. As far as I know it's never been driven even close to clipping so this failure is a bit of a disappointment.
Looks like you are SOL.

The Paradigm Subwoofers covered in this manual are warranted to be and remain free of manufacturing and/or material defects for a period of three (3) years from the date of the original retail purchase. Within the time period specified, repair, replacement or adjustment of parts for manufacturing and/or material defects will be free of charge to the original owner.
Yeah, found that myself and I was dissapointed. I unfortunately lost access to the email address that had my receipt, so I don't know the exact date but I am pretty sure I have had this for more than three years. If I'm lucky they'll at least have parts I can purchase as it'd be a shame to have to throw the whole thing out which feels like a waste as the enclosure and electronics are fine.
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