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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

Wood glue is fine.

Hide glue is rendered hides, is heated, has a working time of one minute and has a molecular bond instead of mechanical. It can be dissolved with heat and water, allowing for non-destructive disassembly. It's strong enough to crackle glass as it dries.

It's a traditional glue in violin making and was widely used in furniture making before synthetics.
I bought this insane glue in a tube recently from the any-store. Called E6000. I did not know it existed (but I had "Duco-cement")

believe it or not yes it does really smell. and yes apparently cancer etc. I glued what it needed ... but it stank for 1 day.

duco cement might be okay for you? I Think that one had a warning against use on poly-propylene
(Potential) Hurricane Helene is set to fuck us up a bit. May be off the grid a while after Thursday.
Batten down the hatches! I assumed you're already stocked on necessities, but fingers crossed you don't need to use emergency supplies
Good luck and minimal damage

Batten down the hatches! I assumed you're already stocked on necessities, but fingers crossed you don't need to use emergency supplies
The good news is we're far enough inland that wind shouldn't be a big issue. However, the rain forecasts right now are varying wildly between 5"-12" of rain in the span of about a 30-34 hour period and we're in one of the worst droughts on record for this valley. That's a fuck ton of rain in any case but with such dry soil, it's largely going to run off into the river and potentially flood the creeks and tributaries. The Tennessee River itself should be fine as the TVA unfucked that situation nearly 100 years ago, but the potential for some serious flooding damage elsewhere is a realistic possibility. As for us, we're on a hill outside of the flood planes so I'm not really worried about us in general, but with the amount of rain set to fall, truly anything could happen.
First priority is to stay safe, but report back and let us know if ya see any cows, chickens, two guys in a rowboat
or Miss Gulch on her bike go flying by your window!

Oh, wait... you're not in Kansas!
who wears short shorts? kornholio wears short shorts!

i’m gonna be singing about short shorts now.