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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

I just need to get my post count up so that I can have full access. 😊
I want more coffee but it's a bit to late to get into more caffeine considering I do enjoy trying to sleep at night. Guess I'll continue procrastinating...
I have a call with a headhunter in about a couple hours. She's in Hawaii so... TIME ZONES. So I'm gonna watch a few raccoon videos and then prep for that.
Could always go decaf... :later


like I just bought this morning. 1/2 pound

I have a call with a headhunter in about a couple hours. She's in Hawaii so... TIME ZONES. So I'm gonna watch a few raccoon videos and then prep for that.
well I know what SHE's headhunting..

that overHEAD fee!


BTW, one of the older guys I ride bikes with is also called Joe, but he's an older black guy. He told me he had a SuperBee back in the day... damn. And the other things he said I probably should not say.

He rides an e-bike, unlike me.. (and said I'm in good shape "If I can go up that hill")
I had a director in Hawaii for a bit, kinda odd having a meeting with him and realizing my day was nearly done and he hadn't done lunch yet.
I'd rather bee welcomed then loled at.

Hello G! If I sold my house and gave you lottsa money, can I pitch a tent on your yep in like 15 years?
I'd rather be thanked for answering your question, rather than bee cold shouldered.

you really think that's not said jokingly!??! :wow
I'd rather bee welcomed then loled at.

Hello G! If I sold my house and gave you lottsa money, can I pitch a tent on your yep in like 15 years?

You can fix up the pink palace and make it yours :love

Yellow is the only proper color for a Super Bee :x
Pink Palace used to be the name for some rather iffy public housing in SF, I assume this other Pink Palace is not that bad...