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Post / Chat whores post here (2024)

I gotta vent about something...

We're having a concrete pad poured for a small garage and things started off okay, but went south fast. The guy comes out with a laser level and a rented bobcat and does about two hours of ground prep and then puts some gravel down and leaves. Then the next day he works all day and gets to like 2pm and says we have a problem, the ground isn't level and he needs to take the gravel out, do more earth moving, then put the gravel back, and he wants me to pay for another day of bobcat rental.

He says it's my fault because I told him the pad had to sit on top of the ground. I did tell him that the pad could sit on top of the ground as a means of trying to help him move less dirt so he doesn't think he has to french it in flush with the ground. I don't understand how his explanation fits with having to remove more dirt at one end because it's not level, and this illogical conversation starts pissing me off, so I basically said no fuck you, you put gravel down before making sure it was level and that's on you. He gets pissed and we argue a bit, but seems to accept that he's going to eat the extra day of rental and things are okay'ish the next day. We avoided each other all that next day and had a short talk about the schedule at the end and there doesn't seem to be any tension.

Now we're down to tomorrow being the pour day and there's still stuff left to do. They never dug a thickened edge and have close to 5" gaps under the forms in some spots, plus there's a floating piece of the form that's about 3/8" higher than it should be, so if they leave it as is and pour and screed off of it, there's going to be a noticeable rise. I send a few texts about it and also try to give him a soft/friendly exit/delay just in case he's had enough of me and this project and he calls and says that they're going to be here at 6am to sort it out before the truck is here at 7am to pour.

The pad is 12ft x 52ft and the ground here is insanely hard. I don't expect the standard 6-8" thickened edge because he mentioned it as a little extra depth and I accepted that and never spec'ed it, plus I think this 6" thick slab would be fine to build a small garage on without it, but we agreed to it, so it's going to be a problem if it doesn't happen. Whenever he says he's going to be here at a specific time, you have to add 30-45min to it, plus that's 128 feet of thickened edge to dig by apparently three people this time. So dig that out and use some of the gravel/dirt to fill the gaps on the backside of the form in addition to adding more lumber, plus adjust a piece of form that was screwy that I know he didn't know about it and pretended like he knew there was still work to do, all roughly by the time the truck gets here, or at least within the bandwidth of patience of the concrete truck driver. Why on earth would you leave that for the morning of and make pour day that much harder?

Soooo, it's stressing me out. Supposedly the pump truck driver will be here at 6:30am to get setup and I'm probably going to let these guys know what all is left to be done and that we're not pouring without it being done. They may end up sitting around for a while, not sure how well that goes over. I want to be optimistic, but felt the need to let the negative side out. Seems like whenever I get too negative, things end up okay, so we'll see. I just reeeeaaaaally don't want to get stuck with twelve yards of concrete that needs to come out. We're doing a pay-as-you-go deal and we're pretty close to even with what's been paid and what's been done, so at least the guy is incentivized to finish things out strong..
BYKE!!!! Breathe...or not, I'd be trying to hold back the vein that starts pumping in my forehead.

Concrete trucks can't just sit around, that s**t starts harding up the moment it's mixed.

Also, does this mean you have a plot of land?
I'm just gonna drink wine until I fall asleep!

The contractor says the trucks have water tanks in them and can adjust the mix. The materials yard where the concrete is coming from says the gaps could be okay if you start the pour a little dry and then put more wet stuff on top and that it actually cures harder that way. So, a good result is all easily possible, I'm just not feeling that great from what I've seen thus far.

We moved to Placerville and are trying to get the place setup. There was no garage, so we bought a broken box van and had it dropped here to use for storage while we build the garage, then I'll work on fixing the box van and figure out what to do with it. Maybe retro paint it into a 90's Honda moto box van like the good old days!

Still interest in land. I'm hoping the fall/winter will put forth some cheaper options.
The White Sox are doing their best to not set a record as the worst losing team in baseball history.

And the Angels are the worst team for them to be matched up because they will fuck it up.

3-3 in the bottom of the ninth. :laughing

I've got 5 hobo dollars the Angels will fuck this up and let the White Sox hold on to not attaining that terrible record for at least one more game.
I have to be tested for TB tomorrow :wtf remember that kidney infection? The ear aches? The fatigue? Etc etc doc has me on the radar now which is good but not a fan of poking and prodding.
Well, if it ends up finding a solution so you can feel better, that'd be a win, but yeah, poking and prodding isn't fun
It's weird. Sometimes the prescription just does not work at all and sometimes it works almost immediately. It took 3 doses over 8 hours to mitigate it today. Bleh
May have solved my cheap gym need, sounds like the Mission Rec center is free to residents and has free weights, I'll have to go check that out to see if it'll motivate me to restart a regular strength training routine.