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SFPD Motorcycle Training Class.


My office.
Feb 4, 2005
san mateo
'22 Triumph Speed Twin. '22 Ducati Streetfighter V2. '22 Multi Strada V2S. 2015 R1200 RT-P
I took this class a few weeks ago and it was awesome. I had a blast. Basic skills course, some of which I found easy, and some of which I really need to continue to practice. The instructors are all SFPD motorcycle cops and clearly all are very talented riders. They were also all cool dudes. The class is also free. It's a great way to spend four hours meeting new riders, learning some new skills, mastering old ones, and finding out where your strength and weaknesses are. Here's more information
I took this a couple of years ago and loved it. Lots of cone formations and tight figure 8’s is the main thing.
What those guys can do on those big Harleys is something to see.
Awesome, thanks for posting. I'm going to try to sign up for one.
You won’t regret it. I recall the first exercise is a slow speed race so practice going as slow as you can.
Last one to touch the ground wins.
I should get my butt there and do one. It's been a long time since I did the Alameda Sheriff course.
I'm signed up for the SFPD training class on July 21st..

Trying to decide which bike to use - KTM 1090 vs my CRF300L Rally
I'd say use whichever one you are more comfortable dropping, that way fear of dropping it won't hold you back from pushing yourself a little.
I'd say use whichever one you are more comfortable dropping, that way fear of dropping it won't hold you back from pushing yourself a little.

Doesn't matter on either. They've both been down their fair share of times o_O
I'm signed up for the SFPD training class on July 21st..

Trying to decide which bike to use - KTM 1090 vs my CRF300L Rally
For what it's worth I took my Multi Strada since it's my biggest bike. I figured if I could do everything on the MS the other two would be pretty easy by comparison. I did drop the bike once in the class when a cone decided to run under my front wheel. :p No biggie. I think I made the right choice in using the MS.
I took the Alameda sheriff’s course and had a blast. I highly recommend it. I sprang for onec of the old cop bikes they had. Mine was an ex Beverly Hills Kawasaki. At our lunch break, the instructors left to get their lunch and I thought to myself, why not try riding through the W cones. Made it through the first time. Then I went through going the opposite direction, acing it each time. When the officers came back they weren’t happy that I was riding on my own but they mellowed after they saw my amazing skills. Well worth the money.
I took the Alameda sheriff’s course and had a blast. I highly recommend it. I sprang for onec of the old cop bikes they had. Mine was an ex Beverly Hills Kawasaki. At our lunch break, the instructors left to get their lunch and I thought to myself, why not try riding through the W cones. Made it through the first time. Then I went through going the opposite direction, acing it each time. When the officers came back they weren’t happy that I was riding on my own but they mellowed after they saw my amazing skills. Well worth the money.

I heard that course was cancelled. I took it about 10 years ago and had a good time except it was like 100F that day and probably 120F on the tarmac. They ended the course early and no one complained. The MC cops were very skilled and even on old junky ex-cop bikes could beat ABS on the emergency braking exercise.
I took the Alameda AMOC about 10 years ago and thought it was time for a refresher. I called and learned that the class is no longer offered.
The MC cops were very skilled and even on old junky ex-cop bikes could beat ABS on the emergency braking exercise.
They’re crazy skilled yes, but ABS is intended to prevent skids / loss of traction and not to minimize braking distance - it’s to avoid locking up. As with a car, skills at the controls will optimize braking performance, the computer is just pumping the brakes faster than a human can.
Had a blast today doing this. I won the slow speed race four times in a row, but then they put me against the other undefeated rider and a cop. I was winning and only had a few feet left to win and I stalled out and lost LOL..

I think I'll try this again on my 1090. I felt like I was cheating on my 300

The cops did some showing off.

One shot of one of the slow speed races. The guy in the popsicle stitch on the 701 was the other undefeated rider and was killing it.