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Stunt Lessons?


New member
Aug 9, 2023
ducati hypermotard 796
Does anyone know if there is anyone in the bay that teaches stunting? I'm looking for someone who's got loaner bikes with crash cages. I've been riding for a few months and would like to learn some basic stunts, without dropping my bike. I don't have a crash cage on my bike, and replacement parts are hella expensive. If someone has a bike with a crash cage that would be willing to teach me, or knows of anywhere that offers lessons, that would be amazing. I would pay you a reasonable amount for the rental bike and lessons.

Not sure this is a good idea. Stoppies, burnouts and wheelies look like fun on YouTube but they are dangerous and illegal.
It doesn’t take much to loop your bike and end up on your back with a 400 pound moto crashing down on you. Stoppies are even more dangerous than wheelies with the same potential result.
In both cases you could easily crash into someone else while stunting and hurt them.
And if a cop sees you you’re toast with a fat ticket for reckless driving.
Doing wheelies in the dirt on a dirt bike might be a better solution.
Get a cheap dirt bike and practice in the dirt and gradually get a bigger bike. Keep off the street as stunters give street riders a bad name!
I wouldn’t want to be the stunt instructor or the guy who lends/rents the bike for practice.
If you get injured they’d be named in the lawsuit that would surely come.
YouTube has videos on how to do stunts so that is a source of info for you.
Nothing wrong with learning to stunt IMO. Sure in public we get the bad press but in a parking lot with friends lots of smiles and some oweeeees to prove you are trying.

Still don't understand the preference to not gear for the fall, but whatever.

Good luck OP.
That is typical man. No worries. It has become a different classification of the sport. I totally get it.

Wish I could do that stuff.
Yea, I know to keep stunting off the streets. Its just something new I want to learn. I might see if any of my friends have a dirt bike I can stunt on.

Thanks yall