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The official Barf UFC/MMA thread

I don't think JDS won the fight but it was a close one.

Clearly Miocic won rounds 1 and 2
JDS clearly won Rounds 3 and 5

4 was close but I thought Miocic won it

I would really like to see Jones vs Cain at HW that would be an awesome fight for the UFC. If Jones beats Cormier and Gus then there is no one left for him.

JDS vs Reem should be set up now with Arvloski vs Browne. The winners can fight for the #1 contender

The women's 115lb fight between those two undefeated girls was pretty awesome
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I cant believe diaz missed weight by 5 pounds

I can't wait for those idiots to disappear. That dude got tooled so badly and still had the nerve to fly the bird, bitch slap, talk shit, etc, etc. I loved it when RDA bitch slapped him back HARD and then slammed a few hard elbows down on Diaz, too.

I just cannot take these two nards seriously anymore. Constantly bitching with very little to back it up.

Unless Silva pops a testicle or something, Nick is going to get destroyed. I don't get that fight. Well, I do in a way, but I don't. So dumb. Diaz crew... just go away.
Heavy weight division is such shit. You look at these two, #2 and #4, and they are no where near Cain is.

Velasquez is going to tool Jr. again, if they do end up fighting again. That fight was kind of agonizing to watch. I do think Jr. won, tho I don't think it was a 49/46 fight, more like 48/47.

Honestly, I think the top 10 LHW's could probably run the table in the HW division, for the most part. Shit, look what DC did to Mir. That was embarrassing. Not that Mir is at the top of his game any more, but that was just bad.
Paul Harris with the leg lock again. I don't think he held hit no longer than he needed to. Leg locks are tricky because once you start feeling the pain, it's already to late and your knee/ankle is shredded.

Read about it, forgot to record it. Not that I cared a whole lot. Sucks for Fitch. Not that I'm a big fan of either guy, but Paul Harris is just a dick. He might have let go this time, but he goes in there to do career-ending injury, no doubt about that.
The Diaz /Silva thing is just the UFC giving Silva a jobber for his return fight. UFC needs a winning Silva for PPV buys.
Shit Gsp made nicks look amateurish.

GSP made Nick Diaz look like a n00b.

Everyone talks about how GSP should move up in weight and all that crap when the truth is (and I know GSP has said this and I said it before he did publicly, tho no one believed me) GSP would have an easier time going to LW. He could adjust his training to drop weight more easily than to gain, plus his frame is smaller than even some LW's.

So.... if a guy who could fight LW ragdolls Nick like he's some sort of test dummy, how is he going to fare against a guy who has no problem at LHW?

What is the freakin' point of all this? Are the Vegas bookies even going to take bets on this fight?
The women's 115lb fight between those two undefeated girls was pretty awesome

The 115lb fights this weekend were pretty damn good, for the most part. I think this division is much better than the 135lb division, which has been pretty boring for the most part.

I think that Claudia broad shoulda been fined at least a little bit for that slap, tho.
Come on. You know you want to see Anders0n blast the Nick Diaz in the face with his feet arms.


is normal
I did get a chuckle out of RDA's beatdown of Nate. :D

On the flip side, I wonder how it would go if GSP actually did drop to LW. That's a division he may be able to clean out as well. Ain't going to happen at MW. GSP vs. Nate Diaz? NSAC might not even sanction that fight. :D
I would really like to see Jones vs Cain at HW that would be an awesome fight for the UFC. If Jones beats Cormier and Gus then there is no one left for him.

Only thing about a Jones and Cain fight that it would be delayed 2 -3 times due to injuries. They will have an initial date but it would really happen a year later from that date.
Cain would never make it anyway. Can't stay healthy.

Cain is a beast but he won't be able to do enough damage to the division to justify a super fight, cause he doesn't fight enough

I'm mean shit it's been like 4 years since he fought someone other than Bigfoot or JDS.
I would be mad at Cain for holding the division up but it's not like HW is a log jam at the type like LW so I don't really give a shit.

I'd be fine with Verd00m unifying that belt though.

Probably gonna be trouble for Daniel-san too in a couple weeks. I didn't realize January 3rd was so close. Felt like this fight was never going to happen...

Probably gonna be trouble for Daniel-san too in a couple weeks. I didn't realize January 3rd was so close. Felt like this fight was never going to happen...

Erik Silva, Barao and Machida fighting this weekend :)

But yeah less than 3 weeks left for the Jones fight. This will be the first fight in Jones UFC career that I won't be rooting for him. Cormier has a real chance of winning this fight IMO. I hope he dumps Jones on his head

I hope Lombard smashes Burkman and Cerrone puts on a show also
Anybody read about the lawsuit against the UFC?

Coulda have been something really scary with threats of plenty current and former athletes supporting it. At least that's how it was being sensationalized.

It's being led by... dun dun dun...

Cung Le, Jon Fitch, and Nate Quarry. DANA AND FERTITTAS BE AFRAID!!!

Cung is probably still mad over his inaccurate PED testing. Fitch still mad over being cut for being a 3 round blanket in fights. Probably needs to pay some serious medical fees after he let Paul Harris tear his knee off. IDK what Quarry's deal is.

After these guys fail to successfully solve their personal vendettas, there probably never be another lawsuit of this kind that was talked up to be for the good of all fighters, or whatever. Their game plan is anti-trust laws and monopolizing and they will fail.
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Yes but the law firm behind them will have UFC VERY concerned

It's a lawfirm that's gotten judgements against apple and google. UFC is tiny compaored to the legal teams they're used to fighting
I just don't think the actual details of the suit itself are going to win shit. Their issues and accusations could have been better.

I think the most that might happen is an out of court settlement and they might not even get that. And not without the support of all these other athletes who supposedly back this law suit but are anonymous. Invisible army. But we'll see if more people step up to make themselves known.
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This will cost the UFC millions

The Spin of no other athletes is easy: because they're a near monopoly no active fighters are able ro speak out because of fear
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