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The official Barf UFC/MMA thread

I suspect he will likely get a fine and some suspension time. In other words, he's gonna pay a few pennies and start training for the winner of Gus/Rumble during his 'suspension' time.

5 hobo dollars on that.

This whole situation does kinda blow my mind still, tho.

This is how I think it went down.... DW may very well have been doing blow off the same hooker's ass as JJ, BUT he may not have known about the "surprise" drug test.

So... when they got the results on 12/23, I'm sure NSAC went straight to DW and broke the news. Merry Christmas! So, DW either begged or "bargained" with the NSAC to put off announcing the results until after the fight, cuz even if he technically didn't break any rules, I could almost guarantee that would have killed the card. Which kinda pisses me off cuz I kinda wish it was killed because it sucked.

Anyways, I'm sure DW had a little sit down with JJ and told him what was going to go down... go fight your fight, we'll make the announcement, then you're going to apologize and do some bullshit rehab. We'll remain butt buddies cuz GSP, Brock, etc. are all gone, so we have no more real marquee names so I've dumped a bunch of money into you yet everyone still doesn't like you. Don't worry, we'll still do blow off hookers' asses.

I just cannot believe how many people who've been crucified for weed yet this guy is doing blow and so far all DW has said is that he's "proud" of him. Srsly, WTF. Don't get me wrong, failing an in-competition drug test (or even out of comp) is stupid, but bong away all you want otherwise. But somehow blow is ok? This whole situation has my head spinning. Truly amazing.

And really, after the last card sucking so bad and then this, I certainly will never ever pay for another UFC event. Sure show all the broadcast stuff like a mofo, but that was THE last PPV, period.
That's why I don't know what to think.:laughing We all know Roy Nelson is going to show up ready to bang but which Reem will show up on fight night? That pretty much determines the outcome of the fight. He SHOULD destroy Roy but we also know he has a tendency to get punched in the face and take a nap.

I think Reem literally has no fear of fighting anyone, period. Dude probably mauls people in the gym and either forgets or doesn't care if someone blasts him right in the noggin.

BC will be out to put his head in the bleachers, but if Reem can manage to keep his hands up and his chin tucked, he's gonna make Roy piss blood.
I think Reem literally has no fear of fighting anyone, period. Dude probably mauls people in the gym and either forgets or doesn't care if someone blasts him right in the noggin.

BC will be out to put his head in the bleachers, but if Reem can manage to keep his hands up and his chin tucked, he's gonna make Roy piss blood.

PS, if Roy got popped for coke, DW would have his head on a platter and his body quartered and impaled on display at the four corners of Las Vegas. :D
This whole situation does kinda blow my mind still, tho.

This is how I think it went down.... DW may very well have been doing blow off the same hooker's ass as JJ, BUT he may not have known about the "surprise" drug test.

So... when they got the results on 12/23, I'm sure NSAC went straight to DW and broke the news. Merry Christmas! So, DW either begged or "bargained" with the NSAC to put off announcing the results until after the fight, cuz even if he technically didn't break any rules, I could almost guarantee that would have killed the card. Which kinda pisses me off cuz I kinda wish it was killed because it sucked.

Anyways, I'm sure DW had a little sit down with JJ and told him what was going to go down... go fight your fight, we'll make the announcement, then you're going to apologize and do some bullshit rehab. We'll remain butt buddies cuz GSP, Brock, etc. are all gone, so we have no more real marquee names so I've dumped a bunch of money into you yet everyone still doesn't like you. Don't worry, we'll still do blow off hookers' asses.

I just cannot believe how many people who've been crucified for weed yet this guy is doing blow and so far all DW has said is that he's "proud" of him. Srsly, WTF. Don't get me wrong, failing an in-competition drug test (or even out of comp) is stupid, but bong away all you want otherwise. But somehow blow is ok? This whole situation has my head spinning. Truly amazing.

And really, after the last card sucking so bad and then this, I certainly will never ever pay for another UFC event. Sure show all the broadcast stuff like a mofo, but that was THE last PPV, period.

Couldn't agree more. The whole thing is so fucking bizarre and sends this message:

If you make a pile of money for Dana White you are free to do what you want.
Smoke weed and yer fucked! :laughing

That's some bullshit!


  • B6ttkQeCUAEN9UG.jpg
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NSAC now reviewing whether jon jones perjured himself durring the hearing about the corner fight, and sayinh then that he lost no's Nike sponsorship because of it, but saying a few weeks ago that wasn't the case

So turns out mister humble Jesus guy is a drunk driving come head liar lol awesome. I love UFC's top guy is a total piece of shit lol
Man. I remember first time I saw Jones and knew immediately he could/would be champion. Very impressive and he seemed like such a grounded, humble kid.

I normally, as a fan, don't really get into the personality and whatnot of an athlete. I just hold them to a performance and entertainment standard.

But damn it is hard not to think of this guy as an utter douchebag and pray for him to get beaten down badly in the cage!

At least with guys like the Diaz's you get exactly what you see. They don't pretend to be anything but what they are. I respect that even if I would be afraid to hang out with them, lol. Jones really does seem to be a snake in the grass at this point, lol.
I don't really care. Everyone will rally behind Gus or Rumble in his next fight in hopes Jones finally loses. Then Jones will win and the lynch mob will sit down and shut up.

This won't even be a topic of conversation in 2-3 weeks. And it will come back when his next fight is booked as a way to hype the fight.

Business as usual.
If the UFC has their way, this will no longer be a topic tomorrow. :laughing They will do their damnedest to sweep this under the rug. I have a feeling a lot of backs are going to get scratched to minimize the damage. This could have the potential to be huge, but I have a feeling it won't get as big as it maybe could.

Either way, this dude will never live this shit down. People will be chuckling about this years after he's gone.
If the UFC has their way, this will no longer be a topic tomorrow. :laughing They will do their damnedest to sweep this under the rug. I have a feeling a lot of backs are going to get scratched to minimize the damage. This could have the potential to be huge, but I have a feeling it won't get as big as it maybe could.

Either way, this dude will never live this shit down. People will be chuckling about this years after he's gone.

idk. I mean, nobody even really talks about his DUI anymore and that was way worse of an offense.
love that they put DC into a FIGHT with a known coke user/addict.

thats safe

this might be the straw that breaks the camels back for me, when it comes to watching ufc
love that they put DC into a FIGHT with a known coke user/addict.

thats safe

this might be the straw that breaks the camels back for me, when it comes to watching ufc

This is exactly my issue with the situation. Don't get me wrong, most of these guys are on some kind of elixir that makes them more than human, in some regard, but this..... yikes. Even regular-ass people all hopped up can be dangerous, let alone a high level pro fighter. I said this last night when I found out about all this... I'd be PISSED if I were DC and this information was knowingly withheld.

I dunno, this is entering new territory.
This whole situation does explain why he grinded his muddy shoes into my new white sofa, weeks before the fight.
This is exactly my issue with the situation. Don't get me wrong, most of these guys are on some kind of elixir that makes them more than human, in some regard, but this..... yikes. Even regular-ass people all hopped up can be dangerous, let alone a high level pro fighter. I said this last night when I found out about all this... I'd be PISSED if I were DC and this information was knowingly withheld.

I dunno, this is entering new territory.

Recall DC called out JJ's character before the fight saying he was a horrible person. I thought DC would say some disparaging remarks about JJ and the issue but he took the high road and wished him well and hoped he gets help as people look up to him.

Makes me look at DW and the UFC differently now though. They just want to make that money. Sorry...no more PPV's for me.