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The official Barf UFC/MMA thread

Just arrived home, what is all this talk about Jones's testosterone levels being EXTREMELY low?
Tested by accident probably means the UFC knew JJ had an issue and wanted to confront it. The whole thing is fishy
I had read a different article that indicated he was tested for coke on the 18th even though he wasn't supposed to be. The facts seem a bit loose right now.

The actual copies of the test are now public

He wasn't retested for street drugs

Mmafighting made s publish records test and got the results of the December 4 test Ans also confirmed test on dec 18

Is test levels and ratios were crazy too
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"Confidential" test results being released to the public is pretty lame.
"Confidential" test results being released to the public is pretty lame.

confidential between the testing agency and the NSAC, but actually public record thereafter recieved and reviewed

I guess you can pretty much ask for any test
also his firsty dec 4 test had to be done twice because his urine was "watery" and unacceotable to testing

second test tested positive for cocaine and crazy low level, that doctors are saying is indicative of masking agents for roids lol

and under investigation for perjury? :laughing
I don't really care about the coke issue but if Jon is caught using PEDs, I will rage quit.
What does the numbers mean?

im neither a doctor nor endocrinologosts but from what i have read over the past few years as well as commentary now, his testotserone levels and ratios were/are way low. very very low, which suggests a masking agent and/or comming off cycle.

my guess is a lot more wil come of this issue in the next few days
Anderson doesn't want that fight. Not because he's afraid of the Chris but he wants Jacare to have his chance and he won't fight Jacare. He won't fight Vitor either if he wins. He's on a new no fighting Brazilians thing now.

"Prepare? Shit, I don't even have enough time to prepare a cake. What are you talking about, prepare? I'm just going in there fighting. I've got enough time to cut weight and get to Boston. So there will be no gameplan. Just fight. That's all there is to do. Short, sweet, and get it over with."

lol. Honestly, the original matchup was just dumb. Henderson would have kicked Alvarez' ass for 3 rounds. They bring the guy over from Bellator and give him Cowboy and then Henderson. That's just mean. haha
Oh yeah. And if Anderson does lose to Diaz, I'm done. That's what it's gonna take to get me to quit UFC. Jones getting busted for PEDs basically nullifying his career and Anderson getting starched by Nick fucking Diaz.

Yep. That's it. I'll switch to watching figure skating.
Anderson doesn't want that fight. Not because he's afraid of the Chris but he wants Jacare to have his chance and he won't fight Jacare. He won't fight Vitor either if he wins. He's on a new no fighting Brazilians thing now.

Damn, major bummer. If Anderson only had 5 fights left I would want him to fight the following:

#1 Machida
#2 Vitor again
#3 Rampage
#4 Gustafson
#5 Bisping

Just give the guy some fun fights to end his career