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The official Barf UFC/MMA thread

Other than cm punk has a bunch of fan boys that would tune in, why does he get to fight in ufc with no fight record? hope he gets smashed by some unknown.
Cause bellator would have signed him and made the payday. Signing him was keeping him from a bellator payday.

He's a name draw, one who either has fan boys or guys who want to see him get smashed. Either way they want to see him.
Yet also one of their greatest draws ever.

Always laugh when people say he was boring. I found Gsp fights super exciting

H8erz gonna H8!


Smell my finga!
I don't think GSP got the way he is by eating his Wheaties, but maybe he really eas clean in regards to banned substances. Either way, his record is clean tho he did say only sloppy or lazy people get busted.

If its anything like cycling they probably keep test samples for years to let testing technology catch up, he may not be in the clear just yet.
Pro sports period. Hell, way below pro. Dudes juice in Div IV highschool football, I know that for a fact.

I wager the number of people in mid to high level athletic competition who simply eat healthy, take their vitamins and train right is extremely low.
I guess Nick should be given more props for fighting a GOAT on steroids.
I'm watching TUF 15 Cruz/Faber

Cruz really doesn't like losing. Entertaining season
everything ive read said it is a distinct possibikity, but niothing will be official until andersen replies to the NSAC's inquiry. he has 20 days from the date of the results to repsond, then they set a hearing.

if it is overturned to a NC (totaly should ber based on both fighters failing) it wont be until like march when they do
everything ive read said it is a distinct possibikity, but niothing will be official until andersen replies to the NSAC's inquiry. he has 20 days from the date of the results to repsond, then they set a hearing.

if it is overturned to a NC (totaly should ber based on both fighters failing) it wont be until like march when they do

I bet the spider will be retiring in the very near future..
Nevada now sayinh they recommend silva be pulled from TUF, as they won't license him as a corner man

UFC follows through and replaces him with big nog