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The official Barf UFC/MMA thread

His fight with Rory is pulled from 186. Now co-mained by Might Mouse vs Horiguchi.

lateral movie for me. Card isn't better or worse.
Actually it was reported that the Rory/Lombard fight was scrapped before he got caught. But I'm sure they knew that when they pulled the fight and the reporting is just out of order.
Alright, now I know GSP was roidin.

He just got out before Vesuvius blew its top and annihilated Pompeii.
You almost have to think anyone with body like Lombard is on something.
You almost have to think anyone with body like Lombard is on something.

yep, 37 year old men dont look like that. and its not like, at a short height and medium weight, he is some sort of mountain of a man and athletic anaomoly.

pretty mich everyone is on something I swear.

theres only a handful of guys I feel id be surprised to find out were on

cant weait until jonny H pops :laughing
Anyone who ever held a belt had to beat guys that were juicing. Anyone that ever earned $1M UFC fighting likely took a few needles to the ass...yeah safe bet
yep, 37 year old men dont look like that. and its not like, at a short height and medium weight, he is some sort of mountain of a man and athletic anaomoly.

pretty mich everyone is on something I swear.

theres only a handful of guys I feel id be surprised to find out were on

cant weait until jonny H pops :laughing

No one looks like Lombard at any age without some sort of help.

I'd throw down a hunnert bux says Hendricks juices. Then again, I wager the percentage of people who simply train hard and eat their Wheaties is a small minority.
Not sure why you guys think Hendrix juices? I feel like if he did he would be more lean and less fat on average. He's not exactly huge compared to Lawler for example.
Everyone juices. I would be very surprised if he DIDNT.

But GSP all but said directly that Hendricks does. He quits the VADA testing for that fight.

Then after more stringent testing is announced he can't KO, almost dies making weight, gasses.
Rousey and zingsgano subject to surprise drug tests today.

Report that rhonda was super excited about it because of her anti PED stance.

What's the bet that cat tests positive?
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Rousey had some interesting comments after Silva's failed drug test. She feels that PED's will lead to MMA's first homicide case:

"This is a combat sport, and we're not trying to hit a ball harder," Rousey said. "These drugs can make you hit a person harder. The only reason we're able to do this sport is that the level of human potential is just [low] enough that we can barely allow it. We're right at the threshold."

Hendricks was a collegiate rassler. High level. I'm tellin' you from rasslin' in high school and being well acquainted with the HS athletic scene in general (back then, pervz :twofinger ), juicing is very common from D-5 HS all the way to D-1 college. Same with football, and probably baseball, too.

I was a pretty athletic kid but was always 100% clean and figured out pretty quickly that were I to use my athletic abilities to fund my education or as any sort of career, I would have to resort to "alternative methods". Too big of a risk for potentially no payout.

I witnessed guys in HS get huge and crazy strong in a very short time. Sure, HS is where you really develop your build, but some guys got freaky strong, really fast and it was NOT from hitting the gym and pounding creatine.

Funny thing is, there was a guy who frickin' dominated in HS wrestling (known juicer... over 500lb bench press), got a scholarship to Okie State and was mid to lower-mid level there. Dunno what happened to him beyond that, but all the roiding he did still didn't get him to the very top.
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There's already been reported deaths in mma. At least one. Wasn't professional. Might have been some amateur backwater Louisiana promotion but she's still really reaching with that death in the cage thing and off base.