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The official Barf UFC/MMA thread

okay what the fuck.

I have a charge on my card for paying for 184. I went to watch that shit at the bar!!

I know I got super shitfaced that night but that was way after!!
I wonder if Ronda would be down to do a catch weight of 140 to fight Cyborg.

She's already said no. Cyborg has problems making 145 let alone 135. If she really pushed it she MIGHT hit 140, but it would probably be a stretch. I've never seen her next to Rousey, but she's a muscled out freakshow and probably a lot bigger.
No fighter IQ. Cat just really showed how poor women's mma is outside of Honda housey.

There have actually been some decent fights at straw weight. But at bantam weight, no.

What kind of dumbass move was that anyways? Seriously, WMMA, at least at 135, is 10+ years behind regular ass MMA except for Honda.

Cyborg is terrible for the women's division

Carano was just legitimating the concept and cyborg sent them bsck 5 Years. She terrible for the sport in every way. She's filth, a cheater, a brawler. There's no reason to have her around
Rener gracie

"And I've told people in the past, I've never felt armbars like hers in my life. The best armbars I've ever felt are Ryron's, my older brother's. Because Ryron's been doing armlocks and chokes and triangle and footlocks and everything else his entire life, he's good at all of them. But Ronda, because she spent so many years just breaking arms and focusing entirely on that submission, she actually is the best. She actually has the tightest armbars I've ever felt in my entire life."
Rener gracie


A couple of distinctive things about her armbars:

She practically always traps the opponent's arm in the crook of her own elbow, giving her enormous leverage to straighten the arm out as she lays back. People rarely if ever escape once she gets the crook of her elbow around the arm.

She frequently crosses her ankles around the opponent's opposite arm and gets her hip really close to the opponent's near shoulder. The leverage this gives her on both the opponent's (victim's) elbow and shoulder is ridiculous.
Was impressed that Cat actually performed a legit and sweet Judo throw on RR.

Only to find that RR has been in that position about a million times in compettion and wasn't as impressed as I was, and was already eyeballing the postfight bonuses.

Stupidest title fight strategy in the history of mankind.

Instead of leaping Kamikaze style at Honda, Zingano should have at least tried to play to her own strengths. Bull rushing your opponent like that is old skool and generally doesn't work in high level MMA.

Instead of leaping Kamikaze style at Honda, Zingano should have at least tried to play to her own strengths. Bull rushing your opponent like that is old skool and generally doesn't work in high level MMA.

I think the only way you're going to beat RR is to keep her on her feet and to avoid the takedown.
I hope Cat gets another shot. Holm looked terrible and Rousey would tear her face off. If they make Cat fight Holm before getting another shot Cat will walk right though her. Who else is there at this point really?..
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