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Time to get Fit thread

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I got a slow run in today.


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Decided to renew my gym membership. After a few trips it seems 2-3 times more people there than before. Nobody wearing masks and or behaving any differently. Fortunately people are avoiding the squat rack just like before. I usually start off there and determine rest of my routine by whatever else is available.
Im surprised staff wasn't enforcing mask wearing. All the gyms here in SM County while they were reopened required them when entering.
Theres a gym not far from my house that violated regs for a couple of weeks by staying open - and are now linked to cases. San Diego County is having a hard time with enforcement of the regs. I wouldn't be surprised if other counties are also struggling.
I am a group X instructor for 24 Hour. I have been following their take for a while and they continue to try to figure out a solution.

the most recent was setting up an outdoor space at a couple clubs.
Ours was about to open (with no Group X and appointments required) literally the day the new SIP order came out.

I have decided that I won't go back and 30 plus years of being an aerobics instructor has come to an end. A vaccine might change that but only after a solid year of proof.

The swimming is doing more for me than aerobics was doing.
It is not fun, but it is effective.

Some of my ladies wanted me to do YouTube work outs.. NFW. :laughing

To much work to do them plus without the proper equipment it is a larger task than I have time for in this Fucked up SIP world.
Would a 20-30 minute ride with a bunch of climbing be a good "quick cycle" workout?

yep, but youll have to push the pace. tempo pace is pretty high for a ride that short. if you can base your effort off heart rate, you may need to be >85% of your max HR to get a good workout.

See, I live off Webster street, and my friend who I ride with lives on Turk which crosses Webster. The first time I rode to his house I went way too hard on that hill before his house (basically it goes from Webster to Alamo Square park, and then downhill to his place past Divis).

I was out of breath, tired and frankly scared just from being done before the ride even started. He constantly tells me to just not "blow my load" before the real ride / hills, so the next time I rode to his place I treated it like any other hill, and was energized for the actual ride.

My thought is to do that hill "as the exercise", ride down, and do it again.
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You gotta warm up for any ride if you want to perform. Spiking your heart rate >95% of max within the first few minutes is a sure way to feel like crap for the whole thing. I need at least 10 minutes of warm-up for a >2hr ride, slowly building my HR from chill to 90%. Then I rest for a bit and can go hard. But even with that, my second and third effort will probably still feel better, suggesting I could do with more warm-up.

If you are doing hill repeats right off the couch, take the first one nice and easy. Then build the second and attack the third.
Everyone is doing most of their workout these days outside but come in a few months when it starts getting darker and a chill in the air, whats their plan going to be?
Fun ride.


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4 miles down, brogability going now

sourdough jack
1 jack in the box taco
6+ shots of various japanese whisky
2 white claws
1 lagunitas IPA
2 coke zeros

30 cheddar pringle crisps

16oz ribeye
2 cups of rice
1 broccoli

leftover cals:
2 scoops of proton

Ok, I've been following this thread just to see what motivated people are up to and I keep wondering, what the fuck is brogability? :laughing
bro doing yoga = broga
mobility + broga = brogability.

basically stretches and PT homework to unfuck my neck

40-min Ride on the Road Bike


• Bagel with Butter
• Viet Coffee
• Pasta, Meatballs and a Sausage
• 2 Gatorades
• Pack of M&Ms
• 3-in-1 Malaysian Coffee
• Pre Workout
• Steamed Fish and Brown Rice
• Shot of Tequila


I am clueless.
I rode my bike too :fistbump

Not a good idea to not warm up and immediately go up hill. 13.37 miles. My mild OCD was annoyed it wasn’t an even 15. But not enough to get back on my bike and add more miles :laughing.
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