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Time to get Fit thread

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69 this month. 25 miles on the Cannondale this morning. Long term goal of 70 miles on my 70th birthday seems within reach now. Oh, yeah. . .Spotify is now my best friend and Alvin Lee's guitar was today's soundtrack.

So much winning in this post. :thumbup
FaceTimed with a friend today during a workout. It was AWESOME! having someone “around” made me push myself cause I was trying to prove to them I could do it. If by myself I would have probably just did ok. :laughing

Worked out everything. Too lazy to list. I feel awesome. I’ve missed this.
Be sure to check on craigslist, first.

Back in the 80's, when rowing machines first came out, it seemed like half the guys between 25 and 40 had one under their bed that had been there after one or two uses. :rofl

:wave I bought one a couple years ago, used it about 3 times, then it went in the garage.


Felt better to just put on shoes and go out for a run than sit in my apartment on a machine. Donated it to goodwill before I moved last month.
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I ordered the Wahoo speed and cadence sensor pack. I figure more info = fun and good. My friends are only obsessed with power and I found the cheapest power meter is $200 and just got on your handlebars...the next cheapest option are pedals which are $50-$200 more. Also of my fried's Elemnt Bolt his power meter made his caloric calculation much more accurate. I also have to assume a sensor will be more accurate than GPS for speed purposes.
I ordered the Wahoo speed and cadence sensor pack. I figure more info = fun and good. My friends are only obsessed with power and I found the cheapest power meter is $200 and just got on your handlebars...the next cheapest option are pedals which are $50-$200 more. Also of my fried's Elemnt Bolt his power meter made his caloric calculation much more accurate. I also have to assume a sensor will be more accurate than GPS for speed purposes.

If it not in your crank, pedals, or rear wheel... it’s not a powermeter.

4iiii or Stages single-sided powermeter is a solid choice. They are down to $350 now, including a new crank arm.
A few days after my gym closed due to SIP, I picked up one adjustable dumbbell after visiting 3-4 stores. Every store was wiped out. I paid $80. Then the prices got jacked up on ebay and amazon.

I stopped by a few Big 5s in the last couple of months. One day I found one lonely 50-lb plate and added that to my “home gym.”

Last week I noticed prices came down a bit so I picked up a second dumbbell. So I think I am good!

Now I need to get back to my routine, which includes diet. But of course National Tequila Day and International Beer Day added more distraction. Anyhoo, thanks for listening.

Look mackafackas, my home gym! —-V

If it not in your crank, pedals, or rear wheel... it’s not a powermeter.

4iiii or Stages single-sided powermeter is a solid choice. They are down to $350 now, including a new crank arm.

Yeah I've decided to hold off for now not worth the money.

Thank a lot for the advice!
Yeah unless you plan to train with it, or serious data nerd it's not worth it.
Dropped by a fitness equipment store today to browse and see if anything worth picking up. Big lineup outside was so I said screw it.
Like to get a hack squat machine that doesn’t take up much room.
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Those adjustable weights are amazing


Got my Wahoo sensors :)

Unfortunately delivered while on the ride :
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Does anyone else use Monday to recover from their weekend :laughing

Yesterday's ride was the hardest I've done in a while. My Cat2 friend wanted to hit up some gravel and committed to a chill ride, so I committed to join. Then he invited a current national pro and a prev collegiate competitor. I invited my primary riding friend. The warm-up miles were chill. But by the time we hit gravel around mile 8, things got tough.

The route goes clockwise. The first gravel is through the green park near "San Diego". Then we hammered the flat >20mph avg down to the corner at "Chula Vista". Then the whole loop from there to "Imperial Beach" was rolling gravel with steep short climbs. There were some insane 20deg inclines with sand that forced us to hike. There was plenty of amazing single track in trees alongside that lake out east. There was tons of rock and lose dirt that sapped my energy, made eating impossible, and kept me on my toes. Thankfully it wasn't too hot. But it was all good fun.

We stopped for drinks at "Imperial Beach" at a coffee shop and met my SO and another friend. They dont do gravel and are a little slower, so they left later and took a direct route. After too long of a break, my legs felt like wood. Heading north to Coronado always has the worst wind ever, so that sucked. We got another break taking the ferry across the bay. Then we headed home on one of my normal routes.


my regular riding buddy

the strong group

chilling on the ferry

I havent been this beat on a Monday in months. Feels good, I just wish I wasn't sunburned. I didn't think we'd be out in the sun for 7hrs. But oh wells, it was still a great day.
Soundtrack: Recoil

40 minute row
Flat bench sets of 8-9 to failure; 10 sets at 215
Incline bench sets of 9-10 to failure; 7 sets at 135
62 minute HIIT run; 4.1 miles, 9929 steps, 97 floors climbed

Consumed: salmon, chicken, whey protein, spinach, broccoli, cashews, raisins, oats, flax seed.
another 4 milse down, brogability and bench press now if my shoulder isn't a piece of shit.

2 coffee
1 protein plus bar
1 nature valley protein bar
1 liter of water

2 cups of rice
2 eggs
1 broccoli
16oz of chicken leg meat

Leftover cals:
2 scoops of proton
2 plus months of swimming 5 days a week.

Feeling really good.

Typical day again today.

60 laps.
300 UW punches
20 UW sprints.

Legs feel solid. Best they have since my knee was replaced 6 years ago.

Muscle structure doing pretty good for an OG.

Sticking to it.

Doing brekkie. Light lunch snack and then big lunch at 3pm. Avoiding eating after that basically except once in a while.

Finally added a little heat to the pool. Was taking 30 laps to stop being cold. Today only 20.

Goal: Stay the course. See where it goes.
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