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Time to get Fit thread

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Budman, how are you adding heat?

I got a solar blanket, but down here in Fresno the pool has been at least 84 every day for the last couple months. I'll probably start using it in September when we're no longer in the 100's most days.

On another note, I switched my bike rides from mon-fri to sun-tue,thur-fri. Five days in a row wasn't benefitting me and my legs were feeling thrashed by Friday. From a development standpoint this new schedule makes much more sense.
Had my second zoom hosted personal training session. Amazing! My form is much better with him and lower weights hit me harder.
Had my second zoom hosted personal training session. Amazing! My form is much better with him and lower weights hit me harder.
That's great!

Often, people try to move onto higher weights too soon at the expense of form and before they know it they're getting less strong because they've sacrificed the range and form that was getting them to where they wanted to go.

I've seen plenty of people in the guy only moving the weight or cable 1/4 the range they should have because they had moved on to higher weight far too soon.
Exactly. I don't care that I went from 50 lbs to 25 lb presses because I'm doing them properly and good form and 15 reps vs. 8 shitty pushes at twice the weight.
Budman, how are you adding heat?

I got a solar blanket, but down here in Fresno the pool has been at least 84 every day for the last couple months. I'll probably start using it in September when we're no longer in the 100's most days.

On another note, I switched my bike rides from mon-fri to sun-tue,thur-fri. Five days in a row wasn't benefitting me and my legs were feeling thrashed by Friday. From a development standpoint this new schedule makes much more sense.

Convinced the wife to turn on the fucking heat!! :laughing

I have a solar cover that helps keep it in but it never got past 77.

It was 85 and perfect last night. It is set to heat once a day for an hour which should hold it.

Last night.

60 laps
400 UW punches
30 UW sprints

Felt good.. recovery breathing started to be reduced.
Usually 10 deep breaths after a lap down to 9. Will keep reducing to where not sure, but we will see. I am not swimming slow casual laps. Every one is a full sprint.

A friend noted I look fit... that is cool.
Not seeing a lot of people so hearing it is nice :laughing

215 lbs this AM so slowly leaning out still.

Between my hair looking similar to my late 20's (long) and feeling fit as I have been since being 45yo. Just not the muscle mass in my upper body that weights provide, but the rest of the body feels pretty similar. I am happy with the progress for sure and look forward to adding weight lifting to the mix.
Soundtrack: Gojira

40 minute row
70 minute run: 4.6 miles, 11,456 steps, 99 floors climbed
Lat pulldowns, sets of 8-10 to failure: 212.5lbs for 13 sets (wide grip)

Consumed: walnuts, cranberries, blueberries, almonds, a chicken, salmon, spinach, peanut butter, raw honey, 1% milk, oats, whey protein.
Had a dad body. Was overweight at 184 lbs. Went to Kaiser and changed my diet to keto for a year. Lost 26 pounds of fat.

Found newfound energy halfway through the diet and started training with calisthenics following Dr. Steven Lowe's Overcoming Gravity.

Full body workout MWF, TTH skill work, Sunday stretch. Currently working on strict muscle ups, planche, and handstands.
04:00 in the dark.
soundtrack: 'Unicorn Heads'.
gear: Cannondale Adventure
24 miles/2hrs.

Mantra. . . .keep pedaling, gonna' be 69 soon and blood numbers can be held at bay if I keep pedaling. Keep pedaling.
Finally got seen at the doctor, they did an ultrasound on my junk and surrounding area.

Good news! I'm not pregnant!

Bad news! I have a tear in my abdominal wall, but it's not bad enough to be considered a hernia because there's nothing pushing through.

Lifting and any sort of sportsball is off the table for awhile. Haven't heard from the actual Dr yet on what the treatment will be, but i'm guessing surgery to repair just like a 'regular' hernia.

Gonna have to be super strict on the diet so I don't get fatter. Was down to 191.2 this morning after being all the way up to almost 210.
Damn, Mike. Glad you're not pregnant! :laughing
But sorry to hear about the setback, hopefully it all goes well and you can get back to working out again without too long of a break!
If you want, after your surgery, I have a series of 14 core exercises that take just 10 minutes a day to complete and would prevent something like this from happening again.
Rode from my house to Ocean beach through the park up the hill and back through the park. 11 miles feels like a warmup now :)

Gonna do Paradise loop tomorrow and want to be loose. My cadence meter works though not sure if the info is at all useful.
Bummer about the test, but hey at least you are not pregnant.

Did 79 mile ride today. A teammate joined for most of it. Went through 5 bottles of water. Made sure I had electrolytes in each one. Made a lot of difference. I was tired, but not recked like last Saturday when I did same route.

I am so lasting over his Madone. Haha. Will sell my rain bike and will buy a new Madone. Then sell my race bike. Hopefully will recoup a good portion of the cost.
Finally got seen at the doctor, they did an ultrasound on my junk and surrounding area.

Good news! I'm not pregnant!

Bad news! I have a tear in my abdominal wall, but it's not bad enough to be considered a hernia because there's nothing pushing through.

Lifting and any sort of sportsball is off the table for awhile. Haven't heard from the actual Dr yet on what the treatment will be, but i'm guessing surgery to repair just like a 'regular' hernia.

Gonna have to be super strict on the diet so I don't get fatter. Was down to 191.2 this morning after being all the way up to almost 210.

I’ve had 2 hernia surgeries. Not a big deal. Rest for 1 month and then you’re good to go. See previous post on this thread: I hiked Mt. Fuji 6 wks post hernia surgery. And I’m an old guy :cry


1) if you fix one hernia, the other side may blow out in 3-5 years. Path of least resistance. Informed by my doc; came to fruition.

2) I had both types of surg: “gut me open like a fish” and laparascopy (sp)

3) Recommend woman doc since handling the scrote is part of the deal :love
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skipped my run yesterday since i was getting wasted at the bar. had a gnarly hangover until 3AM when i sobered up and yackd the rest of the liquor out. stayed up an hour and some change to drink a couple liters of water (forgot electrolytes and salt). woke up OK today but decided to take my 4 mile run at a moderate pace. ironically, wasn't much slower (pace was 8:15 per mile there and 8:45 the way back). brogability going meow and doing some pull-ups for moving my scapula around since i have PT tomorrow.

yesterday's food:
-1/3 bottle of hennessy priv cognac
-1/3 bottle of jameson
-2 white claws
-2-3 non-IPA beers
-2 popeyes spicy chicken sandwiches
-2 orders of garlic fries
-6 honey bbq glazed wings
-10 gyoza
-2 scoops of protons

-nature valley cereal bar
-safeway select ultra thin crust pizza
-2 coffees
-2 liters of water

-12oz chicken thigh
-2 scoops of rice
-1 broccoli

leftover cals:
-2 scoops of protons
-2 proton bars
skipped my run yesterday since i was getting wasted at the bar. had a gnarly hangover until 3AM when i sobered up and yackd the rest of the liquor out. stayed up an hour and some change to drink a couple liters of water (forgot electrolytes and salt). woke up OK today but decided to take my 4 mile run at a moderate pace. ironically, wasn't much slower (pace was 8:15 per mile there and 8:45 the way back). brogability going meow and doing some pull-ups for moving my scapula around since i have PT tomorrow.

yesterday's food:
-1/3 bottle of hennessy priv cognac
-1/3 bottle of jameson
-2 white claws
-2-3 non-IPA beers
-2 popeyes spicy chicken sandwiches
-2 orders of garlic fries
-6 honey bbq glazed wings
-10 gyoza
-2 scoops of protons

-nature valley cereal bar
-safeway select ultra thin crust pizza
-2 coffees
-2 liters of water

-12oz chicken thigh
-2 scoops of rice
-1 broccoli

leftover cals:
-2 scoops of protons
-2 proton bars

Ok, what exactly are protons
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