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Time to get Fit thread

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A year ago.

Doc said pills or exercise. I bought a Cannondale and lost all the bad blood numbers and 10% of my body weight. Clothes fit great, strength and endurance have returned. It's like waking up ready for a new day.

But. . . wife of forty-five years is now surly and depressed while listing the names of her friends that I am not to talk to. Ever again. (Especially the one who sports the results of paying for her surgeon's new boat.)

Me being a novice at the fitness game, how do you guys deal?

She down to ride a bike with you?

Forbidding your spouse from talking to your friends seems rational and logical...if you're a jealous young woman who self esteem issues.
A year ago.

Doc said pills or exercise. I bought a Cannondale and lost all the bad blood numbers and 10% of my body weight. Clothes fit great, strength and endurance have returned. It's like waking up ready for a new day.

But. . . wife of forty-five years is now surly and depressed while listing the names of her friends that I am not to talk to. Ever again. (Especially the one who sports the results of paying for her surgeon's new boat.)

Me being a novice at the fitness game, how do you guys deal?
Get your wife to work out, or at least walking every day. She may not be able to compete with women 20 years younger, but a firm body always feels sexier than an untoned one.

There is nothing that will more likely extend your life than staying active, it can make a difference of 5-10 years.

Me being a novice at the fitness game, how do you guys deal?

you have to have a reason to start day 1. you can lead her to it but she has to want to do it in order to adhere to the changes. it's much more comfortable to not do shit and overeat.

for me personally? i was an emotional mess in my late teens and found an outlet in the gym to work out the demons. here i am a decade later going to the gym 360+ days out of the year on average and those demons still aren't worked out :laughing
Great job, Budman! :thumbup

PS, what kind of snakes are you eating?
Had rattler once. :laughing


When I text a friend we refer to autocorrect typo's as intervention by Loki.
Yeah Thors bro..

Snacks as I am sure you knew what I meant. :laughing


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Yeah, I knew, but couldn't help having a little fun with it. :laughing

I've sworn at autocorrect enough times, sometimes I didn't catch it and found out days later.
So, no foot surgery yesterday. My heart took a half a minute smoke break during pre op and scared the fuck out of everyone so now I get to go see the cardiologist....

Jordan I’m super jelly of your bike fitting. It’s on my list of want-to-do’s...
forgot to log since i changed up my routine this week.

ran 4 miles every day with some lift after each run. trying to keep my bench frequency at once every 4 days with moderate volume and squat about the same with a light/heavy day. pull ups and accessory work whenever they're not sore. still need to figure out deadlifts or a satisfactory replacement. abs are in and i need to tan at some point. might stop by the beach to tan since i run there every day anyways.

thankfully diet hasn't changed, so the past week it's been the same food:

2 coffee
1 nature valley protein cereal bar
1 liter of water

1 NY steak (12-16oz)
2 cups of rice
1 broccoli

leftover cals:
2 scoops of protons
1 cereal bar if I feel lethargic
4 miles down followed by brogability and no lifting today. had a twinge in my knee im guessing from all the uneven dirt/rocks i ran through for a few miles a few days ago. didn't want to squat on it and have an accident on the patella tendon.

nature valley proton cereal bar
2 coffee
2 liter of water

12oz NY steak
2 cups of rice
1 broccoli
1 coke zero

leftover cals:
2 scoops of protons
Do as we say not as we do.

I kind of get it for police and fire fighters, but still does not seem fair.

This fire thing is making working out harder. More weights and stuff at the office but I am so damn busy it is hard to fit in. :rant
Exercise and staying in shape is literally part of their job.

Completely a non-issue IMO.
Perhaps the police but not city workers. What about people who do physical labor for a living ? It’s literally part of their job.

Also have you not see fat police? Because I have.
I mean -- there has been nothing keeping private employers from letting employees use their private gyms either?

I know. I did it while I was in Orlando in the MLS bubble. :dunno

Again,iIt's separate from public gyms. IMO.
4 miles down, did the minimum for brogability before remembering that i didn't have any steak left in the fridge. packed it up, showered and went to smart and final because ribeye's on sale. bought 7 to get me through sat/sun then i'll restock again.

nature valley proton bar
1 coffee
1 liter of water
8 cheddar pringles

14-16oz ribeye steak
2 cups of rice
1 broccoli

leftover cals:
2 scoops of protons
Milestone: Twelve months into actual bicycle fitness effort paid off.

Downside: Stepkids (adult) and grandchildren are in process of obtaining bikes to ride with me. (Hah! Let them show up at 04:30 and they can come.)
Well, since the gym thing is still - questionable - and I needed to get off my fluffy butt and more active, I started volunteering at the barn where I was taking some lessons.

Now I'm out there 2-5 hours/day (or more on occasion) helping with chores and/or riding. My body is still protesting all the extra activity, but it will adjust eventually here.

As a bonus, since my race season has pretty much been shot, this is giving me something else to compete in an enjoy until my budget settles down - and since I'm working off many of the normal costs, it's been pretty cheap comparatively speaking lol.


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