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Time to get Fit thread

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Nice pics!
I don't see any fluffy butt there! :laughing

Now, move the bars up! :twofinger

<--- Former 3-day eventer from 8-16.
Do as we say not as we do.

I kind of get it for police and fire fighters, but still does not seem fair.

This fire thing is making working out harder. More weights and stuff at the office but I am so damn busy it is hard to fit in. :rant

I have a line on a really nice Lifefitness CMDAP, bud...it's a perfect piece of equipment for all around training...

Exercise and staying in shape is literally part of their job.

Completely a non-issue IMO.

Many ain't doing part of their job then! LOL!
Right on Holeshot.

I am making do. Hope to swim soon.

3 x 50 squats (Body weight)
225 push ups
9 sets 25 DB one arm isolation curls (15 / 12 / 10 to failure)
6 sets wrist curls to failure
6 sets reverse curls (standing so deltoid too) 25 reps first set 20 second. Great pump.
4 sets 25lb hammer curls to failure (other hand A little support the last couple)
3 sets trap shrugs - 15 lb x 50 is my starting point.
3 set standing curls @ 15 lbs in between reverse curls (25 first / 20 second)

20 minutes for that x three sets. Going quick making it aerobic and pushing the pump is the goal.

The key for me on this is the combo on the arms stuff and getting the push ups in before and after the arms are tired.

Better than nothing. Add more (lat raises next planned) as time allows.

More CBD being used. :laughing

Need to swim :laughing
Jesus Bud...go Bud Weider! That's legit stuff...you're gonna need some new, tight, cutoff jean shorts and size small T-shirt. Don't forget your before/ after pics (no joke).
6th week of personal zoom training for an hour every friday and combined with the rest of my stuff I'm getting in decent shape. Did a 19.2 mt hood hike on Saturday.

My friend would add spirulina to our smoothies so I tried that today..no taste difference but now it's green lol.
My friend would add spirulina to our smoothies so I tried that today..no taste difference but now it's green lol.

You want green this shit is amazing, it's not cheap but it replaces most of the supplements in your cabinet: https://www.vitaminshoppe.com/p/vibrant-health-green-vibrance-24-oz-powder/vh-1006
jump roped for a total of 45 minutes since i couldn't be out running today. had to do it in 5 minute chunks since my (blown) rotator cuff tired out after 10-15 minutes. then moved onto pull ups and ab work. while cooling off i shadow boxed a bit just to get a little bit of foot work in twisting the femur bone around in the hip.

nature valley proton bar
1 liter of water

16oz ribeye steak
2 cups of rice
1 cauliflower
4oz roast duck
1 cherry coke zero

leftover cals:
2 scoops of proton
45 minutes jump roping, brogability, and banded weakside punches. mostly feeling out left rear uppercuts and left crosses. did some DDR footwork too just to get used to rotating again. might end up buying a dummy to practice kicks on since i realized my bum ass hip can't kick right now.

nature valley proton bar
1 liter of water

16oz ribeye steak
2 cups of rice
1 broccoli
1 cherry coke zero

leftover cals:
2 scoops of proton
45 min jump roping, burpees and jumping jacks then brogability. gym reopened starting today so i'll be going tomorrow.

proton bar
1 liter of water

16 oz ribeye
1 broccoli
2 cups of rice

leftover cals:
2 scoops of protons
Soundtrack: Peter Murphy

25 minute row
4.6 mile run: 11,944 steps, 102 floors climbed
Shoulder press sets of 12 to failure, 14 sets at 110lbs.
100 leg lifts
60 knee lifts

~3300 calories consisting of whey protein, spinach, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, cranberries, blueberries, oats, chicken, whole wheat bread, Irish butter, apples, unsweetened peanut butter, and raw honey.

53 years old
10.2% BF
4 mile run down in 30:59. guess taking a few days off took the edge off some aching joints. onto brogability and biceps: 10 by 10 at 95lb will do. got a scale last friday and have been getting into the habit of weighing myself in the morning. 178lb this morning. haven't been under 180 since i was 17 in high school lol.. ironically with injuries my lifts are about the same too.

proton bar
2 coffee
1 liter of water

16oz ribeye (last one before switching over to sirloin aka picanha)
2 cups of rice
1 broccoli

leftover calories:
2 scoops of proton
Did my fastest run on my bike ride today, 16.7 mph average, ironically wearing an N99 mask due to the AQI being 108 when I rode.

I definitely would have liked to work less hard to get my air, but I finally changed to clipless pedals my last two rides last week and I'm starting to get the hang of them and the benefit.

Still had 5 hard stops at traffic lights that cost me in my average, but that's just the random factor that I deal with every ride.
Good shit Beau.

Funny I have peanut butter in my bedroom and a spoon and at the office. :laughing

A couple teaspoons is a great snack after an early afternoon meal... or in the early evening.

Did the same weight and push up routine today.
Busy as hell. Hard to fit in.

Ate well today.....cause Back to the pool tomorrow for the first time in a week. Maybe 8 days.

Best for mellow days. Otherwise it's ACDC and Gojira!

...on cut days, Peter all the way.

I like hearing people's music choices. Gets me to try new stuff. I'm on an AC/DC- Van Halen trip lately...don't shoot me. I'll be back to Carley Rae and T-swift soon enough...
I'm on an AC/DC- Van Halen trip lately...don't shoot me. I'll be back to Carley Rae and T-swift soon enough...

Oh hell yes. Two days ago I listened to Fair Warning and Women and Children First back to back. Great sounds for heavy chest day.

After running and rowing I'm practicing perfect form wide-grip lat pull downs for sets of 12. It's excruciating but the pump is unreal.

Soundtrack: Vast and Unamerican
Finally broke 17 mph average, and with an N99 mask on.

I'm psyched, didn't expect it with the mask.
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