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Time to get Fit thread

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KT Tape works fairly well if it's applied correctly.

It's not a miracle cure or anything but I definitely prefer it to wearing a brace.

Also maybe try one of those upside down inversion tables to help stretch too.
went to the gym to squat, nothing heavy at all just 5x5 at 275 to get back into the swing of things (and my back's sore). got back at 5 and ran my 4 miles. wanted to see how much weight i shed from the gym and running so i stepped on the scale, i was 171 so about 7 lb of water down in 3 hours of work (i drank ~30oz. of water total for the 3 hours).

proton bar
2 coffee

16oz. picanha
2 cups of rice
1 broccoli

leftover cals:
2 scoops of proton
1 pack of nature valley oats and honey cereal bar.

@hhm i have a herniated lumbar disc and the thing that's worked most is consistent ab work. so leg lifts, ab wheel, planks, etc. the more jacked your abs are, the less your disc will bother you. also, if the disc is not too far gone, i would recommend looking into PRP and regenokine (if you're a baller, add stem cells). if you don't intend to have kids, hgh, test and deca will help the tissue regrow as well.
oh and traction exercises (reverse hyper or inversion table are two that i know)
One run thru the arm routine. Another brutal day of work meant that was it. 90 minutes in the pool after work.

60 laps / 300 UW punches.


Coffee / OJ / Peanut butter

Turkey Sandwich
Mixed green salad
Bag of chips
Diet Coke

Shepard’s pie

1 beer / 1 bourbon
How’s everybody’s supplement situation? I’ve boosted my supplementation since Covid as a way to boost my immunity and I feel awesome. With me now working from home 100%, I’ve focused on sleep and less stress (I was driving 3000 miles a month to see clients before Rona, and I don’t particularly like the Bay Area nor it’s traffic) and I was stressed out a lot. I’d get sick quite a bit. Now, I purposely sleep more. Sometimes I stay in bed until 7:30, whereas before I was up at 5:30 and rushing.

Working out is also “stress” even though it’s good stress. But combine that with bad stress and I would always get sick.

I don’t do protein shakes or bodybuilding supplements, but just stuff for health and particularly immunity. I’m gonna start looking into anti-aging things as well. One of my students parents knows quite a bit about this.
I just try to make sure to eat my greens and get solid protein from my regular meals and minimize carbs at night. Most of the time just meat and veggies.

Frank Thomas wants the old man to take supplements..:laughing
4 mile run down, nothing else today. skipping the 2 scoops of proton because i think i'll throw up if i try to choke it down after all the beer and whisky.

proton bar
1 liter of water
1 coffee

2 cups of rice
1 broccoli
1 egg
16oz sirloin steak
1 cherry coke zero
6 shots of jameson
4 IPAs

leftover cals:
nature valley proton bar
I got an ice pack and lower back strap that holds it in the right place and it's really helping. I iced my back on and off last night and today it feels vastly better.

Ironically I asked my doctor for painkillers yesterday and I ended up needing...1. lol
4 mile run down, brogability done and some biceps just to get a stretch in.

proton bar
nature valley oats and honey cereal bar
1 coffee
1 liter of water

20oz sirloin roast
2 cups of rice
1 broccoli

leftover cals:
2 scoops of protons
On Saturday I had a great boxing/sparring session with a friend. He's going in for knee surgery in a week and wanted to get a willing person on the mat willing to beat each other for a couple of rounds. Something clicks in me, where I don't get nervous or excited when hard sparring, so I actually feel more "fit" in sparring than I do drills. Or maybe maxing out during drills is what got me the fitness?

We had a new guy who only does "fitness" boxing and he said how different it was to actually get punched back. I've never done a "fitness" version of a combat sport but it was interesting to hear that. People's perspectives change when you get punched in the face.

Yesterday I felt like I fell off a building and got ran over by a truck. Between weight training on Friday and going for murder on Saturday, I was in zombie mode. The wife and I went out to sushi on Saturday night, and I think it triggered inflammation because I felt like hell. I really wanted to ride a BMX session, but there was no way.
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Shot up to 191 lbs earlier in lockdown. Lots of body weight stuff (pushups, pull-ups, squats / lunges, etc) shaved back down to 183 (no cardio / running though just paddleboarding and golfing).

First day back in the gym yesterday, did legs.

6 sets of squats
5x10 sets of deadlift
5X10 sets of lunges
5x10+20 supersets of half-squats + calf raises
5x10 sets of leg extensions
5x10 sets of leg curls
5x10 sets of hip thrusts
5x20 sets of leg press

Feels great to be sore again.
Jesbus! that's a lot of volume. I bet you are sore!
4 mile down, not smokey outside but air quality is not great. onto brogability and bench for the day. 4x10 at 225 and i'll call it good, anything beyond that will be bonus.

proton bar
2 coffee
1 liter of water

16-20oz sirloin roast
2 cups of rice
1 broccoli

leftover cals:
2 scoops of proton
I'm back! Just did a GG park/presidio city loop and broke like20 personal records for segments lol. Back feels a lot better. This was my first proper ride since being set up by Pedro and it's significantly better.
Shoulders day

5x10 iso press
5x10/10/20 super set: upright rows, overhead press, shrugs (same barbell)
5x10 barbell shrugs (from deadlift)
5x10 tricep split pulldown (rope w/ pull apart at the end of rep for the split)
5x10 delt raises
5x10 overhead press
Yesterday I felt like I fell off a building and got ran over by a truck. Between weight training on Friday and going for murder on Saturday, I was in zombie mode. The wife and I went out to sushi on Saturday night, and I think it triggered inflammation because I felt like hell. I really wanted to ride a BMX session, but there was no way.

I get this. I over-train pretty often, yesterday was a prime example: ran for 40 minutes, rowed for 40 minutes, full shoulder workout, then 17 sets of leg lifts and knee raises, then I went for a six mile run with a shit-ton of elevation. I kept "forgetting" that I was kinda done for the day.

And today I pay the price, I'm pretty much useless now (didn't stop me from rowing and running but I swear I'm done for the day).
I finally got back to exercise last weekend. I got sick the first week of Sept and thought I had COVID. I got tested on day 7 after symptoms and it was Negative. I had a lot of fatigue along with and after the fever, so that kept me down for 2 weeks. Then a fire killed the air quality for a week. Thankfully things are finally better and I was able to cycle and climb.

I felt ok on the bicycle, just a little tingle in my lungs probably from moderate air quality and all the time off. And surprisingly, I felt great climbing. I did my regular workout and completed it rather easily - V0, V1, V1, V2, V2, V3, V4, V4, V5, V6. Then I worked on a V7 and completed another V5. For so much time off from climbing, I was shocked my fingers and shoulders put up with all of that.
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