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Time to get Fit thread

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4 mile down, brogability and pullups today. bought the new apple watch with the blood oxygen sensor, hopefully it'll be useful to track things :teeth

proton bar
2 coffee
1 liter of water

16-20oz sirloin
1/4 box of pasta
1 broccoli

leftover cals:
2 scoops of proton
Felt much better yesterday. Here’s a bit of heavy bag work I got in before teaching the kids class. I try to drill what I plan on teaching that day.

Looking forward to boxing tonight!

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4 mile down, did brogability and some mashing but didn't lift anything today. have a gym appt tomorrow where i work on breathing through a surgical mask again. bringing a bottlecap that i cut the top off of to be a spacer between my mouf and the mask if needed (the mask still seals, but there will be space i can breathe through if the mask gets soaked in sweat again).

proton bar
1 liter of water
2 coffee

1/4th a box of linguine
half cup of pasta sauce
quarter cup of alfredo sauce
1 broccoli
20oz slices of sirloin with the fat trimmed off

leftover cals:
2 scoops of proton

1 run thru the arm routine. (Rather do 3 -work)
A bunch of push ups over the course of the day. 200
Those are easy to fit in. Zoom ups. :laughing
Wimpy two sets of Zoom squats.

After work I did 40 lap swim (4 x 10) mixed with 4 x 50 = 200 UW punches and 3 sets of 20 UW sprints to finish me off. Those are a good pump. 80 minutes in the pool.

An observation for what it is worth.
My Dad told me I would pay for being a bit extreme and breaking shit when I was young and in my 20’s...when I got old. I always said “This stuff is awesome fun and it is worth it!”

We were both right. :laughing

So...Where is the pain?
* Wrist - broken / dislocated moto - X accident
* Way Upper arm / shoulder - broken playing football. Clean break way up by the knobby part.
* Ribs - Laguna Seca highside ( This one is temp not sure what I did :laughing )

Not bad really.
Knees good.... back good. :thumbup

I Would think some of you have to overcome a bit to keep it going.
I feel ya.
I know the feeling, Budman.

In my late teens and 20's, I used to say that when I died, I will have done so much high impact sports that my joints would be all shot. Sounded good back then, but 4 knee surgeries in one knee, moderate arthritis in my left shoulder and some in my right, wrists cracking every night when still for more than an hour (rock climbing, karate and boxing) are somewhat limiting now. I haven't done a full sprint in 21 years since my 4th knee surgery.

The arrogance of youth and the price we pay for it later.
Those of you with bad backs....I have a herniated disc but for years now it's been under control and I haven't "tweaked" it like I used to...would keep me stiff and out of exercise for a week or more. Well, I tweaked it a week ago...and it's still very stiff and painful. I'm doing a lot of stretching and rolling and such but are there any other suggestions on how to treat it? (short of chiropractors which I am skeptical of)

i've never gotten a diagnosis for my back pain, but I have had it bad enough to keep me flat for a week. This guy and his techniques have saved me over and over again, allowing me to heal every pain since I found him. I even wrote him a little love letter once, but I digress.

Bleh apparently EVERYONE decided it was leg day yesterday. Every single squat rack, smith machine, cage, even the crossfit racks - people squatting and crap. The cable machines for leg press and everything too. I did a half leg / half back split day with more biceps and core thrown in.

5x10 weighted back extensions / good mornings
8x12 leg press machine
5x10 wide grip iso lat pulldown
5x10 reclined dumbbell curls
5x10 calf raises
5x10 core ab rotations (like doing a baseball swing movement with a cable machine, 10 reps to each side is 1 set)

Half-ass workout but it was too packed to be able to jump between the stuff I really wanted to do (legs).
The arrogance of youth and the price we pay for it later.

People say stretching is enough, but Lord knows its not. The body just simply breaks down over time. So, if you want to continue doing the "fun" stuff, you just do it differently.

Last night, I had a very hard sparring session with men half my age. I am the oldest guy in that class at 45, and ain't nobody my age trying to stand with these young killers. But, I have years of experience, so I just do it differently, and love tee-ing off on these young guys.

Weight training - the heaviest weight I pick up is deadlift weight and bench press weight and that's 100lbs. That's it. But, the true beneficial weight lifting is lighter stuff, in the form of kettlebells, steel mace, sand bags, resistance bands, and body weight. The heaviest of those things is 35lbs.

Back in my youth, I could dumbbell shoulder press two 100lbs in each hand. There is no waaaaayyyy, I could do that now, nor would I want to.

I've come to grips with adaptability. I know this train is headed for a dead end, so I will do what I can to enjoy what I can while it's good, albeit painful at times.
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I went to a PT for back pain and spasms a few years ago. The solution was to stretch everything but my back :laughing. Mostly my hip flexors and hamstrings. Im solid as long as I do that once or twice a week.
Once thru the arm routine with some additional deltoid raises at work.

Mostly work again.

60 laps swam
300 UW punches
60 UW sprints.
100 minutes.

Worn the fuck out. :teeth
4 miles down, deadlifted at the gym today 365x5 for 4 sets. felt fine. then brogability.

proton bar
2 coffee
1 liter of water

1 broccoli
1 red baron pizza

leftover cals:
2 scoops of proton
Chest day today.

Wrist was giving me shit so I didn’t quite complete some sets, leading to extra sets to make up the reps.

4x8 flat bench
2x4 flat bench
1x10 flat bench
5x8 incline bench
5x12 flys (machine)
5x6 decline bench
5x10 skull crushers
I went to a PT for back pain and spasms a few years ago. The solution was to stretch everything but my back :laughing. Mostly my hip flexors and hamstrings. Im solid as long as I do that once or twice a week.

dude...SAME exact thing for me. Took me awhile to figure it out, but some reason, hip flexors and hamstrings/ inner thighs pull me out of alignment when they get really tight. It's great to read someone else has the same issue...I've been down for over a week thanks to not stretching much and having it twist my pelvis around. It's fucked!

Great post Rob!
I spent a few minutes every morning and evening stretching out and I always do warm ups before exercising now. I'm not old or anything but I am no longer a "young man" with fast recovery and hard to injure. Also my elbow joints are often sore. Keeping care of your body needs to be a lifetime pursuit.
Good back day today.

6x8 High row
5x10 ab machine
3x8 lat pulldown (wide grip)
3x8 lat pulldown (close grip)
3x8 seated rows (wide grip)
3x8 seated rows (close grip)
5x8 reverse flys
3x10 barbell curls
3x10 weighted back extensions
2 times through the arm routine with added lat pulls and deltoid raises times 2 sets each at the end of the arms.

40 laps in the pool and 200 UW punches.

Legs were tired. I could tell so only 40 an no sprints.
We will see what tomorrow brings.

We will see what tomorrow brings.
4 mile run down in the morning, brogability now

12 shots of priv
2 white claws
32 oz. of water
1 breakfast sandwich

3 gyoza
1 order of fries
1 order of chicken karaage
12 shots of liquor (priv and jameson)
6 modelo's
16oz. of sirloin steak

leftover cals:
2 scoops of proton
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