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Time to get Fit thread

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2nd day back in the gym.
No appointment necessary, nor any extra cost.
I'll be sore this weekend, but I've lost little strength but it will take me months to get my endurance back to where it was.
Still great to be back in the gym, going for bike rides the next two days.
4 mile down, weights back on track. decided to eat 200 extra cals for the next few days to see if my weight continues to level out or reverse. brogability now.

proton bar
nature valley proton bar
2 coffee
1 liter of water

2 cups of rice
12oz NY steak
2 fried eggs
cherry coke zero

leftover cals:
2 scoops of proton
Installed both a rhythm, and double-end, bag in my house the other day, to help entice me into a regular home workout routine.
Did a little less than half the way around Lake Tahoe. 33 miles in 2:10. Great weather

Nice. :thumbup

Smokey here so no swimming the last two days.
So... Arms shoulders and push ups for the last two days.

Heard Sunday will be good for a swim. Hope so.

Why am I hoping...? it sucks. :laughing

Because it is really good for me and thankfully now I need it.
I haven’t worked out in a month. Probably up 9-10 lbs thanks to some asshole in Wuhan that ate a bat. On a positive note the lay off gave time for my bicep tendon to heal.


No shit. Glad you got thru it.

Finding a bright side is always good.
Best on the come back.
My friend who did the 33 mile ride went for a run after.
Is he a triathlete?

Had a roommate back in 90 who was a very high level triathlete, he was always riding, running or swimming when he wasn't working.

He ended up moving in with a sugar mamma so that he could focus more on his training. That gave him some additional physical activity to do. :laughing
Is he a triathlete?

Had a roommate back in 90 who was a very high level triathlete, he was always riding, running or swimming when he wasn't working.

He ended up moving in with a sugar mamma so that he could focus more on his training. That gave him some additional physical activity to do. :laughing

My dream life. :laughing
4 mile down, air quality was better today.

proton bar
nature valley proton bar
1 liter of water

2 cups of rice
16oz. NY steak
1 broccoli
4 shots of priv
1 white claw
cherry coke zero
diet mtn dew

leftover cals:
2 scoops of proton

No shit. Glad you got thru it.

Finding a bright side is always good.
Best on the come back.

Thanks to you and the others who have continued to work out, your posts have been inspiring :thumbup


3x10 - Leg Extension
3x10 - Leg Press
3x10 - Calf Raise
3x10 - Leg Curl
3x10 - Glute Extension Thing
3x200 Feet - Farmer Carry
3x10 - Cable Lateral Raise
3x12 - Face Pull
3x10 - Cable Upright Cross Over
3x10 - Lat Pull
3x10 - Tri Press Down
3x10 - Overhead Tri Ext w Plate




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Coffee, left over pizza, 05:00, step-son didn't show and I still did a personal best single ride. Thirty miles.

I’m basically maxing out at what I used to warm
up with before Covid :rolleyes

4x10 - Military Press
5x10 - Push Up
4x10 - Bodyweight Squat
3x10 - Face Pull
4x15 - Suburban Guy Sit Up
3x10 - Reverse Forearm Curl
3x10 - Forearm Curl
3x10 - DB Upright Row
3x10 - Lunge
3x10 - Cable Lateral Raise
3x10 - Standing Cable Rear Delt
3x10 - Standing DB Crossover




Probably carby.
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The lady who ran after is probably our fittest female friend, she teaches yoga and cycles and of course runs.

We did a another 20 mile cycle yesterday which was brutal after a night of drinking and partying.
I haven’t worked out in a month. Probably up 9-10 lbs thanks to some asshole in Wuhan that ate a bat. On a positive note the lay off gave time for my bicep tendon to heal.

My gym opened up on Oct. 1. You have to make a reservation and pay $10 for one hour. So today I hit the gym for a light workout.

Same Dan. My gym can eat my ass. I asked for my annual fee back and supposedly they're sending it. Forget that V4 Ducati...I bought the equivalent in gym equipment. I'll get pics soon. I figure I'm never going back to the gyms AND they're gonna shut down soon anyway.

I abhor the "health" officer and the governor for their positions on real health and fitness facilities. Assholes. That's how I REALLY feel.
3 sets of 25 lb isolation single arm curls with 3 fail/resist at the end of each

18 reps plus 3 fail
15 reps plus 3 fail
12 reps plus 3 fail

Wrist curls in between. 25 reps.


3 sets 25 lb single arm isolation hammer curls.
20 reps / 18 reps / 17 reps. A finger from the other arm to make the last two happen.

More wrist curls in between. Blasting the forearms.


30 reps by 15 lb standing single arm reverse curls.
50 rep shoulder shrugs in between (25 lb). Alt head forward and head back. Slow down to feel it.

25 reps reverse curls
50 shoulder raises.

25 reverse
40 shoulder raises.

25 reverse. Slow down on last ten. Huffing and puffing :laughing
Blasting the forearms.


15lb x 30 deltoid raises.
25 lb bent over single arm lat raises. (25 reps x 2 and 20 on the last. Slow on the way down. Make it burn).

Repeat two more times.

Great arms and shoulder pump.

Then Tonight

40 laps in the pool and 200 UW punches.

Then (cut it short because football!)

The 9ers lost. Fuck.

Sore left wrist, left arm/shoulder and still ribs (getting better though).

Food... I ate healthy ...
brekkie ... sausage patty, scrambled eggs, muffin, coffee and OJ.

and late lunch... turkey sammich, chips.. mixed green salad (with carrots, onions, sunflower seeds, raisins .. balsamic dressing. A Diet Coke. Lots of water all day. A couple pieces of beef jerky along the way.

Dinner ... nada.

Weight is stable. No losses but I feel like I am trimmer by a touch.

I won’t bore you with the details again

Arms / shoulders / swim should work huh?
first road ride in 8 weeks.
4973ft elevation gain.
4 mile run down, brogability done

2 proton bars
1 liter of water

16oz ny steak
2 cups of rice
1 broccoli
2 eggs

leftover cals:
2 scoops of proton
Same Dan. My gym can eat my ass. I asked for my annual fee back and supposedly they're sending it. Forget that V4 Ducati...I bought the equivalent in gym equipment. I'll get pics soon. I figure I'm never going back to the gyms AND they're gonna shut down soon anyway.

I abhor the "health" officer and the governor for their positions on real health and fitness facilities. Assholes. That's how I REALLY feel.

I hope you included one of these, it would cover quite a few machines in exercises.


Years ago I thought about quitting the gym and getting one of these, with a little creativity I could hit every muscle group with it.
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