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Time to get Fit thread

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Talk is cheap.

Gym rat step-son didn't show for our bike ride Wednesday morning. Third time he stood me up and this is after I tuned his Specialized, lubed the moving parts and retaped the handlebars for him. (He is a fifty year old)

Anyway, I went out and cranked off a twenty-five miler fueled by coffee, banana and toast. Soundtrack was 'The Orb w/David Gilmour'.

if its the third time and you have to see him again i think its time for the "why you bein a bi***?" reminder/text. :laughing
Missed my weekly personal training last week due to Tahoe trip so doubling up this week...man I feel good! Crushed the workout this morning.
Soundtrack: Guns & Roses "Use Your Illusion II"

20 minute row
Military press sets of 8-12 to failure, 14 sets capping at 135lbs for 8's.
4.6 mile run: 11,933 steps, 102 floors climbed.

2700 calories comprised of whey protein, oats, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, cranberries, spinach, salmon, humus, and some dark chocolate.

Got some heavy shit coming down the pipe and I'm doing the best I can to chase the endorphins and stay out of my own way. Ie: can't think if I run so hard I'm puking.
Missed my weekly personal training last week due to Tahoe trip so doubling up this week...man I feel good! Crushed the workout this morning.
Enjoy your youth!

Each decade brings it's challenges, among them, it takes longer to get there and it goes away faster for physical fitness. Each decade, you lose twice as much as you did the previous one.
It is 12.5

So not huge distance. Still plenty for an OG ;)

I was thinking about how much I have been doing during the SIP than before.

My thought: I am doing 5-8 times more exercise and it is more diverse in terms of benefits to the body. Then I thought how hard are your really working for a 62 yo dude. I thought 80% or so of what the avg Social Security eligible dude does.

Then I thought back. Football me (220lb - bench 325/ squat 400lb), MX racer me (180lb super fit me - see below), road racer me (190-195lb) aerobics and weight lifting nut. Then retired but even more weights and started teaching aerobics. 6 day a week routine. Then the fade from 49 or so... weights slowed. Drinking increased. :laughing. :(

Then I thought .... How does my current 80% routine Stack up against the early days. Just percentages cause I know your already bored. This does not mean a percentage of my strength or endurance. More about effort.

20-25yo 80%(Now) = 30% (Then)
25-30yo 80 = 35%
30-35yo 80 = 40%
40-45yo 80 = 50%
50-55yo 80 = 90% (working a bit harder now)
55-62yo 80 = 125% (Because I am doing way more)

So bottom line. I am 55 again. :laughing

So the most physically intense training I did was in that 20-25 range. 21-26 is more reality.

60 minutes on the stationary bike Level 10 x 5 days a week at 6AM
Aerobics or weights for an hour at lunch 5 days a week.
Weights ( after a year or so I had a Special MX weight routine developed by Mr America over 60 and myself - Gene Gene the arm machine :rip)
... or running after work. 10 miles + wind sprints (40 and 100y)
Ninjitsu classes in the evenings (2) and Saturday's when I could make those.
I still found time to play softball too. Damn. I remember running around like a mofo :laughing

Saturday was little league or MX practice or both and usually after a few hours at work work. Nice thing about racing it continues all year around so giving up some for family or kids sports did not hurt so much.
Sunday was a race or hang with fam or do life.

Sorry for the thread jack.

Inspiring!!! :thumbup

Thats a really cool way to look at it. Well, except for the 30% of early-20s :laughing:(. Its still great to know that you can put in solid effort and that you have improved with SIP. Its interesting what can actually motivate us.

Highschool and Jr College swimming was probably the most consistent Ive ever trained for anything, 2hrs x 5 days a week for 2/3rds of the year. Now with a job and other hobbies, I'm probably 30% of that too, mostly on the bicycle. And I'm 35 this year. I do think I could sustain my current activity level for decades. But we'll see if I actually do it.
The SIP did motivate me. Got to do something. I was so entrenched with just doing my aerobics class and calling it good. Kidding myself I suppose.

Took a while to decide what to do.
Push ups and squats in the beginning
Then swim.. yeah I will swim. I still remember the first. 12 laps and I said fuck this...:laughing

Then adding the UW punching (my kids suggestion).

Then adding weights to my routine at the office.

Then adding UW sprints (again my kids suggestion).

Now figuring out when to do what for max benefit and allowing some time to recover.

Accepting that some things are not going to fly as an older guy and figuring out what does is a key to sustaining it in my mind.

Bicycling is a great example of an exercise that can be sustained for decades. Swimming is too, weights as well, but all need to morph to be maintained. Weights more than the others (in my case I think a lot of that has to do with old injuries limiting what can be done).

Good luck with sustaining it Robert.

Hell good luck to me sustaining what I am doing after the SIP drifts back to normal. Hoping being able to go to the gym will help add more weight lifting and the bar does not affect the swimming. :laughing
yesterday was a wash for dieting tho my proton was very high.

yesterday: run 4 miles, stretch/broga

lunch: proton bar + 1 scoop of proton + 1 serving of grogurt + totino's pizza

20 hot wings (25c wing wednesday)
30 burger king nuggets
4oz ranch sauce
12+ shots of jameson
4 coronas


4 mile down, 60 pull ups, brogability
proton bar
grogurt + scoop of proton

16oz t-bone steak
2 scoops of rice
1 broccoli

5x10 - DB Military Press
5x10 - Push Up
8x10 - Bodyweight Squat
3x10 - DB Hammer Curl to Military Press
3x10 - Lunge
3x10 - DB X Over on Bench
3x10 - DB Bench Press
5x10 - DB Lateral Raise
3x10 - Leg Ext
3x10 - Leg Press
5x10 - Calf Raise
3x10 - Standing Tri Ex w Plate
8x10 - DB Wrist Curls


Bagel with Butter
2 Nectarines
1 Orange
2 Handfuls of Cashews
Scoop of Ice Cream
Handful of M&Ms
Lamb and White Bean Stew & 1 Slice Ezekiel w/butter
Curry Chicken & Steamed Rice
10 Gummy Bears


Too lazy to calculate.
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Light back day today.

4x [15-12-8-4] close grip pull downs
4x [12-8-6-4] wide grip pull downs (2 front, 2 rear)(ie to chest / shoulder blades from overhead)
4x10 Reverse flys
4x10 single arm low row
3x8 dumbbell curls
3x8 upright rows
Soundtrack: AC/DC "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap"

20 minute row
40 minute run, 300ft. elevation
Lat pull downs sets of 8-12 to failure: 15 sets peaking with sets of 8 @ 212lbs.

3000 calories of whey protein, 1% milk, oats, cranberries, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, blueberries, chicken, bean chips, pinto beans, brown rice, quinoa, tuna, and some dark chocolate.
Arms / Shoulders routine done.
2 sets of squats done will be 3 before I head home.

Push ups... telling myself do your damn push ups. :laughing
Push ups... telling myself do your damn push ups. :laughing

It's easy Dennis, you just drop to the rug whenever you think of it and push out as many as you can, keep a running tally. When you hit 100 for the day you're done. Work of home. Only maybe not in the cereal isle at Whole Foods.

This is literally how I got started on my fitness journey six years ago.
Yeah... just got to wrap my head around doing them. Feeling the upper body part already.

I got two hours to get them done.

Then swim / eat / chill and sleep.
Thanks Brother. Needed the push. :thumbup
4 mile run down, squats at the gym, hip was bothering me. moving onto brogability now.

proton bar
1 liter of water
2 coffee

grogurt + proton
t-bone steak
2 cups of rice
1 broccoli

leftover cals:
as much liquor, beer and chemicals my gut will tolerate.
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