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Time to get Fit thread

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So what's the secret to pushup endurance, i.e. 50+ pushups in a row

Do lots of them but focus on good form. It will require core strength as well.

One way to start: instead of holding from your toes, let your knees be the anchor points (other than hands). Bend your legs so your feet are sticking straight up. Knees about shoulder width apart. Keep your body locked in a straight line from thighs to shoulder. Hands a little wider than shoulder width and placed to about where you could draw an invisible line through one palm, across your nipples, and through the other palm, while laying flat on your stomach. Try to touch your chest to the ground on each rep while keeping that straight line through your body from knees to shoulders.

Intensity : do a set to failure. This is your starting max. Take about 75% of that and use it as your rep number per set.

Frequency : wake up, knock out 3-5 sets. Going to sleep, knock out a few sets. Do sets throughout the day as the mood strikes. Focus on good form.

Keep at it and it adds up quick.
Speaking of push ups I got my 100 in thanks to a little kick in the ass. I cannot do 50 in a row any more. That ship sailed at 45 or so. Now 30 20 20 20 10.
Breathing hard in between and go and repeat. The last two sets are tough. My Left wrist is killing me. Not sure how much longer I can do them. :(

Pool workout when I got home.

40 laps Swam
200 UW punch’s
60 UW wind sprints to finish me off.

Well used up OG.
Do lots of them but focus on good form. It will require core strength as well.


+1, repetition is key to increasing output. I would not get hung up on the consecutive number of replicates in a row as a metric, but focus on pushing yourself to/beyond your current routine, using good form. Yoga type pushups are quite different from what I tend to usually do (shoulder width vs torso width?), and the replicate number represents that ..
So what's the secret to pushup endurance, i.e. 50+ pushups in a row
If you want to increase your total number try doing pushups with weight, like a weight vest, on.

As a rock climber, I learned that rate of fatigue is a function of the percentage of your total strength that you were expending on each move. Same thing with push-ups. If you have greater strength for them, you will fatigue slower, but it has to be an endurance trained strength, so a few reps on the bench press wouldn't be as effective if you're using heavy weight.
I'm considering a weight vest for that and other things. Might be interesting to do a bike ride with 10 extra lbs of dead weight
I wouldn’t worry about adding a weight vest until you can do sets of 50, hands and toes, proper form.

And even then you can raise the bar without a vest by doing 1 legged pushups, crossovers, push and pull, all sorts of things to mix it up and make 50 feel as out of reach as 100 again.

That being said, I don’t always practice what I preach and do have ankle weights and such.
So what's the secret to pushup endurance, i.e. 50+ pushups in a row

On push ups. Pre-Covid, I could do 3x50, strict form and I’m 60. Tip: agree with most people; my 0.02: work on strict form, hi no. of sets with low no. of reps, improve diet, youtube either Jeff Caveliere or Jim Stoppani on technique. Same theory in pull ups.

3x10 - Lat Pull
3x12 - Straight Arm Pull Down
3x12 - Cable Face Pull
3x10 - Cable Tri Extension
3x20 - Squat with Plate
3x15 - Suburban Guy Sit Up
3x200’ - Farmer Carry with Plates
3x12 - Leg Extension
3x10 - Leg Press
3x10 - Calf Raise


10 Prawns
2 Slices Ezekiel Sesame Bread
Pre Workout
Thai Chicken Basil and Rice
Handful of Chocolate Covered Cherries


Don’t ask. Don’t tell.
I don’t feel nearly as wiped out as I would have a month or so ago

Means you are gaining fitness.

Went for a long ride today. My bike computer said I burned. 3.4k calories, based on power. The Whoop fitness tracker says 3.8, based on HR. Interesting, since previously it has been under estimating. So far I am digging it. Hopefully once it is fully calibrated, 30 days worth of data, I can start using it to get insights. So far what I got is drinking really impacts recovery for next 3-4 days. :( I think I might cut it back from couple times a week to one, or back to zero. Probably for the best. It was becoming a bit of a habbit...
I'm fairly certain the estimate is wrong for me, as my friends who have power meters register a few hundred less calories for the same ride. Mine goes off heart rate and distance I guess.

5x10 - Push Up
5x10 - DB Bench Press
3x12 - Standing Cable X Over
3x12 - Standing Upright Cable X Over
5x20 - Steps
5x10 - DB Military Press
5x10 - DB Lateral Raise
5x10 - Standing Cable Rear Delts


• 2 Eggs, Trader Joe Vegan Burger, 2 Slices Ezekiel Sesame
• 1 Cup of Coffee
• 2 Thai Summer Rolls & a Coke
• Handful of Chocolate Raisins
• Chicken Thai Basil & Steamed Rice


Suck ass as F!
Just completed two months of p90x at home since gyms are not a thing right now.

I lost about 15 lbs and gained muscles all over. What really did it for me was switching from free feeding to food prep. What a massive difference it makes.

Anyone else food prepping? Never thought of adding whey protein to so many things!
Just completed two months of p90x at home since gyms are not a thing right now.

I lost about 15 lbs and gained muscles all over. What really did it for me was switching from free feeding to food prep. What a massive difference it makes.

Anyone else food prepping? Never thought of adding whey protein to so many things!

Man, props to you! I bought P90 long time ago but never used it #lazyass

Pre Covid I was drinking whey shakes. I tried mixing it in oatmeal but didn’t like the thick texture.

5x10 - BB Military
5x10 - BB Wrist Curl
5x10 - BB Reverse Wrist Curl
5x10 - DB Incline Bench
5x15 - Calf Raise
5x10 - One Arm Bar Dip Machine
6x10 - Weighted Bar Thing Forearm Stuff (have no idea what its called)


• 2 Eggs, 1 Trader Joe Vegan Burger, 1 Slice Ezekiel Sesame
• Peets Cold Black Tie
• Lamb, sausage & white bean stew
• 3 Slices French Bread w Butter
• Pro Shake
• Slice of Cake

More to come but will be garbage.


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