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Time to get Fit thread

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4mile run, then bench just a quick 205 for ~25 (lost count after 20) then 205 x 12 for 5 sets while doing brogability. the vaccine i took yesterday is really bogging me down, but felt better today than yesterday.

proton bar

16oz NY steak
2 cups of rice
1 broccoli

leftover cals:
Swim done

90 minutes

60 laps
300 UW punches.

Tired of me posting the same old shit yet ? :laughing
Went for a bike ride.
Decided that I'll do 3 days in the gym alternating with 3 days on the bike with one day off a week, though I'll be doing yard work and house tasks on my day off.
Just ordered a good bike light, it's getting dark early out there! I'll also be riding my bike to and from the gym.
surgery pushed back to Nov 30.

guess I should drink less and eat better.

192 this AM. 20 more to go.

5x10 - Bench Press
5x10 - Hanging Leg Raise
5x10 - Squat with Plate
5x10 - Military Press
3x10 - Cable X Over
3x10 - Incline Cable X Over
3x10 - Decline Cable X Over
4x10 - Cybex Flye
3x10 - OH Tri Ext with Plate


• Bagel w Butter
• Grapes
• Lentil Soup & 1 Slice Ezekiel Sesame
• Pre Workout
• 10 Gummy Bears
• Beef Nihari & Basmati Rice
• 1/2 Pack M&Ms


Step off, mutha fucka
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god damn a bagel with cream cheese sounds amazing
Light day
30 minutes spin bike

Ham & eggs
Chocolate raspberry croissant
Pizza bread
Bowl of vegie chips
Elk burger
Bowl of ice cream
Whole mango
Slice of watermelon
Bowl of pistachios
Went and got poked and prodded at the doctors for like 5 hours today. No gym tonight, last thing I did at the hospital was get a Covid test :| should have the result in a day or two.
Still punching people, and they're punching me back. Still doing tricks on an expensive little kid's bike. Still pushing heavy things around.

It was weird because the other day we were sparring, and I got so hot, I thought I was running a fever. I trained for 2 hours that night, working karate kata, then skipping rope, and boxing the rest of the night. Sometimes I surprise myself that I can keep up with these young athletes.

I was talking supplements with a parent of two of my students and he's a acupuncturist. I'm not a non-believer in Western Medicine, but with COVID, I got really deep into supplementation and wellness, something that's not really discussed on this thread much. Since I've been supplementing vitamins this year, I have felt SO well... better than I ever have. Also, my stress is reduced greatly since I've stopped commuting. I used to literally make myself sick every year at least 3 times a year. I say make myself sick because I was working out hard, but not really doing the other necessary things to be overall healthy. I don't drink nor smoke, and I eat healthy, but stress and lack of supplements while working out, my body would just say "f' you" and I'd get really sick.

I've realized, exercise in overall wellness is just one component. I used to think that because I was working out, I was "well". Nope.

I know this thread is about how much you can work out and lift, but I have noticed a huge difference in my wellness with things I do outside of the gym and off the mat.

As exposed as I am to COVID, staph, skin infections, etc. I've doubled down on being well.
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Sleep and eating right are an important part of training track athletes.

If you don't give your body the building materials and the rest to to replace and repair damaged cells, you don't make the progress you could.
The Cannondale is now 14 months old. Six thousand miles means a new seat, steering neck bearings, chain, cassette and crank set.

I'm almost seventy, six thousand miles means the blood work is excellent, BP is low/normal and my sex life has returned.

Average ride is now past twenty miles in two hours or less. The only regret is that I bought a hybrid and that means I can't chase down the guys on road sport bikes.
Still punching people, and they're punching me back. Still doing tricks on an expensive little kid's bike. Still pushing heavy things around.

It was weird because the other day we were sparring, and I got so hot, I thought I was running a fever. I trained for 2 hours that night, working karate kata, then skipping rope, and boxing the rest of the night. Sometimes I surprise myself that I can keep up with these young athletes.

I was talking supplements with a parent of two of my students and he's a acupuncturist. I'm not a non-believer in Western Medicine, but with COVID, I got really deep into supplementation and wellness, something that's not really discussed on this thread much. Since I've been supplementing vitamins this year, I have felt SO well... better than I ever have. Also, my stress is reduced greatly since I've stopped commuting. I used to literally make myself sick every year at least 3 times a year. I say make myself sick because I was working out hard, but not really doing the other necessary things to be overall healthy. I don't drink nor smoke, and I eat healthy, but stress and lack of supplements while working out, my body would just say "f' you" and I'd get really sick.

I've realized, exercise in overall wellness is just one component. I used to think that because I was working out, I was "well". Nope.

I know this thread is about how much you can work out and lift, but I have noticed a huge difference in my wellness with things I do outside of the gym and off the mat.

As exposed as I am to COVID, staph, skin infections, etc. I've doubled down on being well.

I am glad you brought this up. I have Omega 3s, multi-vitamins and also zinc (for covid) but got lazy and haven’t taken them in awhile. I think I will resume. Thanks for the inspiration!

Sleep and eating right are an important part of training track athletes.

If you don't give your body the building materials and the rest to to replace and repair damaged cells, you don't make the progress you could.

:thumbup I often go to sleep at 9ish, 10-ish just to get a good night’s rest.

I got home late due to a work night meeting so I hit my home gym for a light workout.

5x10 - DB Curl
5x10 - Burpee
5x10 - DB Upright Row
1x10 - DB Lateral Raise
5x10 - Bodyweight Squat


• Bagel w Butter (bad habit)
• Grapes
• Rib Eye & Basmati Rice
• Nonfat Greek Yogurt
• Pre Workout
• Post Workout
• 10 Gummy Bears
• Lamb & White Bean Stew & 1 Slice Ezekiel Sesame Bread


The Cannondale is now 14 months old. Six thousand miles means a new seat, steering neck bearings, chain, cassette and crank set.

I'm almost seventy, six thousand miles means the blood work is excellent, BP is low/normal and my sex life has returned.

Average ride is now past twenty miles in two hours or less. The only regret is that I bought a hybrid and that means I can't chase down the guys on road sport bikes.

I have steadily maintained helping at the barn - which equates to 2-3 hours of barn chores (mostly cleaning stalls) and riding at least one horse a couple/few times a week. Generally spending 3-3.5 hours at the barn before work each day.

This has got to be having an impact on me - measurements have steadily, albeit slowly, continued to drop, but the scale has been extremely slow to follow.

Trying to get better about tracking my food at least on weekdays, although i will admit to far too much "comfort eating" with my present stress levels, which is sure to be impacting the lack of scale movement...
4 mile down, i should really cut down on drinking at some point. had a bunch of shots and beer yesterday with dinner.

proton bar
4oz honey dijon kettle chips

16oz ny steak
2 cups of rice
1 broccoli

leftover cals:
Weight day yesterday.
Same old 60/300 in the Pool tonight.

The lack of sunlight is expediting my swim.

About ready to do a one hour how many laps can I swim check. Thinking after taking Saturday off....Sunday.

Tomorrow both weight and pool wipe the OG out is the plan. :laughing
4 mile down, felt pretty good despite it being a little hot

proton bar
liter of water

16oz ny steak
2 cups of rice
1 broccoli
coke zero

leftover cals:
Well work sucked up the day so no weights.

Swam my 60 and did the 300 UW punches and finished with 40 UW wind sprints. Two sets of twenty. Fairly wiped out.

Recovery includes a Bourbon. It is Friday!
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