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Time to get Fit thread

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Almost every gym will have 140’s, only some will have 180’s. I saw 180’s last night at a small hole in the wall gym.
aint nuttin but a peanut!

4 mile down after a short squat day at the gym. had some stability issues in my knee while running, probably from timing the run too closely to the lifting.

proton bar
nature valley proton bar
1 liter of water
2 coffee

16oz t-bone steak
2 cups of rice
1 broccoli

leftover cals:
maybe some pringles since im really down on energy today

I’m wearing suit and tie so...

5x20 - Calf Raise
5x10 - Bodyweight Squat

Maybe more to come when I go home.


• Sesame Bagel
• Pro Shake
• White Bean and Lamb Stew, 2 Slices French Bread & Butter
• Singaporean 3 in 1 Coffee
• Grapes


Suck ass.

I’m wearing suit and tie so...

5x20 - Calf Raise
5x10 - Bodyweight Squat

Maybe more to come when I go home.


• Sesame Bagel
• Pro Shake
• White Bean and Lamb Stew, 2 Slices French Bread & Butter
• Singaporean 3 in 1 Coffee
• Grapes


Suck ass.
Soundtrack: Audioslave

30 minute row
4.6 mile run with 30lb weight vest, 1500ft. elevation
Lat pull downs sets of 8-12 to failure (14 sets at 200lbs.)

3500 calories comprised of whey protein, 1% milk, oats, cranberries, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, blueberries, a chicken, grain-free peanut butter pretzels, pinto beans, brown rice, quinoa, avocado, spinach, and kale.

Unfortunately I seem to be loosing weight so starting tomorrow I'll add 1 cup of peanut butter to my diet.
I get pretty hungry between lunch and dinner, suggestions on healthy snacks?

Also is "carbing up" the night before a big ride or run a real thing?
Manitou Incline........

2,744 steps, 2,000 ft in elevation, and a mile up. My butt's gonna sore.
Hey Dudes,

New here to this thread(lurker) for some time. I'm 30 years old, 6'4 and currently 270lbs. In 2008, I was a fresh boot out of Fort Leonard Wood weighing a whopping 190lbs. Thought it would last forever. Abs were nice! Between 2008-2015, I was relatively fit and always loved lifting weights/crossfit style workouts. I was the never the bro dude about it, loved getting in and getting out. In late 2015, I opened my trucking company and well, fell off the wagon hard.

I've gone as high as 326lbs(confirmed via my doctor)in October 2018. My diet consisted of excessive alcohol, late night meals and I indulged in 80`s style Miami Fun(think Scarface). I was losing myself and thought it would be best to Sober up though I battled with the demons all of 2019..

October 2019, I finally went cold turkey. Since then, I've gradually increased my running/lifting habits. I'm currently on a OMAD setup, with chicken/veggies and fruit being my main source of food. I intake about 2 1/2 gallons of water a day. Purchased a Cannondale Road Bike this past weekend and I've put 21 miles on it so far. Tougher than it looks, especially in headwind.

Hope you guys enjoy your fitness routines even in this weird time. Stay Safe!

Still Maintaining between 260-270lbs however gotten down from 25%BF to about 18%.. Just a lot of eating right, Crossfit and focusing on mental health.

Workout today:

Metcon (Time)
10 sets on the 1:30 mark
100m sprint

Find 1 rep max for snatch(Olympic lift)

easy day.

Yesterday we did 300 single jump ropes, 100 push-ups and 50 deadlifts(185lbs). That was a burner.
Fuckin Beau.....:nchantr

Motivates my skinny ass to get started. Already started eating cleaner, went for a few runs, and am absolutely embarrassed about my ability to do pushups. The push starts now I suppose.
Almost every gym will have 140’s, only some will have 180’s. I saw 180’s last night at a small hole in the wall gym.

Have you watched the Ronnie Coleman documentary on Netflix? Pretty good and interesting and yet, sad at the end. Those dudes doing the 140's...they're destroying their bodies.
Did nothing but work yesterday. 11.5 hours straight. Sucked.

Today started at 7AM and finally got to the weights at 5:20
Threw on Y & T on the phone. That actually helped stay on it.

70 minutes of arms, shoulders and back. Worked up a good sweat. Back to work at 6:30. Home now chilling watching the WS.

Macros. What the fuck are macros.?
Not a big macroni dude. :p.

Peanut butter, banana (missed coffee and OJ because I had shit to do for an 8am presentation.

Chickie sammich, chips, green salad and Diet Coke.
Salad is like lunch 2.0 (2 hours later) with some nuts.

Tall Vodka and a glass of chocolate milk with protein powder.

Keeping it light because I really want to see 210.
211.4 this AM. Getting close.

Going to go thru my jean pile to see if I saved some 20 year old blue jeans before I buy new ones.

Side note.

Met with a CEO on a new project this afternoon. Keep having to explain why I got such long hair. :laughing
Was doing good for a while there.. Walks every night and even legs and stretching .. But fell off the waggon with the smokey air and heat. Gotta set up something to do in the house.

5x10-20 - Bench Press
3x10 - Leg Raise
5x15 - Bodyweight Squat
5x10 - BB Military
5x10 - BB Upright Row
5x10 - Jump Squat
3x10 - Snatch
3x10 - Glute Thing on Bench
5x10 - Decline Cable X Over
5x10 - Cable X Over


• Bagel w Butter
• Grapes
• Ham & Cheese Croissant & Coke
• Pro Shake
• Pre Workout
• Godiva Choc & Strawberry Bar :twofinger
• Lamb & White Bean Stew, 1 Slice French Bread (terrible for health but so good!)




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