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Time to get Fit thread

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Were some of them wearing Golds Gym cut-offs? :laughing

I’ve never seen anyone lift the 180’s or the 140’s. Not sure I’ve ever seen anyone use the 100’s.
I suspect gyms just stock the 180’s just to give themselves some cred with the juicers.
Waking up 5:45 = hard

Stayed in bed until 5:55 = easier

Actually awake within 10 min and feeling fine, it's just getting up. Once on bicycle was fine.

Some highlights:

Also the line for Arsicault was so long we didn't even stop
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Soundtrack: Gary Neuman

30 minute row
Incline bench press sets of 8-10 to failure, 13 sets @ 175lbs.

I'll get in a 1.5 hour run later with lots of elevation.

4000 calories comprised of whey protein, 1% milk, oats, penut butter, cranberries, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, blueberries, a chicken, grain-free peanut butter pretzels, pinto beans, brown rice, quinoa, avocado, makuna honey, spinach, and kale.
I get pretty hungry between lunch and dinner, suggestions on healthy snacks?

Not a nutritionist at all but hard to see where you can go wrong with celery sticks or baby carrots. I'd toss some cherry tomatoes in there too but then you start dealing with fruits/sugar, dunno how strict you are about that.
I agree but they're not really filling. Like recently I've rediscovered my love of Grannie Smith apples but I think I may be hungrier after eating one :) (good fiber though).

Breakfast pre-ride: Half cup rolled oats (oatmeal)

20 mile cycle

Breakfast post ride: Smoothie (banana, spirulina, 2 scoops protein, water, ice, chia seeds)

Lunch: BBQ pork rib sandwich and potato salad

Snack: Green apple
Id guess you are having lunch early because your breakfast isn't filling, or rather doesn't keep you full. Blended foods are a great way to pack in the calories because they digest quickly.
i think you eat enough variety in foods that you're fine if you eat enough protein (probably 100g minimum for your lanky frame)
Got my Whoop


I have been using it for almost a month.
What I noticed is that once it goes above 150 readings become less stable, and tends to read low or drop 10bpm. Maybe due to sweat.
I ordered arm band.

This is inside on a trainer, so probably more accurate outside. Just harder to compair.
I get pretty hungry between lunch and dinner, suggestions on healthy snacks?

Protein. Fats.

Trader Joes Banana/Almond drink has been my new favorite discovery. A lot of carbs and sugars, but man I have had so much more energy grabbing one of these versus a shitty energy drink.

Slight adjustment to my swim again due to the dark thing.

50 UW punches and then 60 laps straight.
Then 250 more UW as it got dark.
5 sets of 50 with 20 deep breaths in between. Damn.
By the last set I was feeling winded and beat.

Thinking long lunches to swim is going to be the game.
I will try swimming in the dark. But man it be cold soon.

Got to figure out what is the best course.
Slight adjustment to my swim again due to the dark thing.

50 UW punches and then 60 laps straight.
Then 250 more UW as it got dark.
5 sets of 50 with 20 deep breaths in between. Damn.
By the last set I was feeling winded and beat.

Thinking long lunches to swim is going to be the game.
I will try swimming in the dark. But man it be cold soon.

Got to figure out what is the best course.
Get a surfer's farmer john (thin) and a neoprene hood, those would preserve your body temperature without inhibiting your swimming. One thing I learned the hard way, when I was a serious diver and got to a dive in Maine and found out that I had forgotten my hood, was the you lose a LOT of heat through your head. Even with a dry suit, my dive didn't last long.
I have been using it for almost a month.
What I noticed is that once it goes above 150 readings become less stable, and tends to read low or drop 10bpm. Maybe due to sweat.
I ordered arm band.

This is inside on a trainer, so probably more accurate outside. Just harder to compair.

I had the same issue on my wet morning ride today. Hit like 160 when I was probably 130 and then registered 115 when I was working hard on an uphill.

Think it's a defect?
4 mile down, brogability ensuing. no lifting today either, drew blood for blood panel (hope im not 3x+ on all the maxes this time)

proton bar
1 liter of water

2 cups of rice
12oz t-bone steak
8oz filet mignon
1 broccoli

leftover cals:
I had the same issue on my wet morning ride today. Hit like 160 when I was probably 130 and then registered 115 when I was working hard on an uphill.

Think it's a defect?

Not sure. Make sure strap is tight, and in a right spot. It seems to be sensitive to that.
Just did an hour of fitness recorded on app. Apparently eventually it knows what you're doing and don't need to hit the activity button
I am not one of those people who say privacy doesn't matter, but in this particular case no.
Also this is a subscription model, so even thought it's not guaranteed I think it lowers chances of them monitoring it. They also mention it on their website. How true it is? :dunno
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