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Time to get Fit thread

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Tomorrow, along with Sunnyvale. Santa Clara location is bouldering only.
That's kind of odd. I'd guess they aren't doing up routes because it'd be hard to sanitize all of the holds, but it makes much more sense to just have hand sanitizer around for when you go on and get off of the routes. The up routes would spread people out more.
I had an influx of students yesterday and now my school is 14 kids deep in a small MMA gym. It was already hectic, but now I definitely need help. There’s a couple people that are a maybe, but yeah, things are getting started again.

FWIW, I taught during the entire pandemic, in relatively close quarters with kids from the get-go. I also trained during much of that time. We did all the good stuff with cleaning and masks and social distancing and outdoors stuff, but we’ve been indoors under limited capacity for months. Not a single case of COVID from either martial arts school I teach at. Even when I got sick, I got tested, got well, and came back to teach. Nothing. SC County is different that the Bay Area, but hey, we did it safely and everything came out fine.
That's kind of odd. I'd guess they aren't doing up routes because it'd be hard to sanitize all of the holds, but it makes much more sense to just have hand sanitizer around for when you go on and get off of the routes. The up routes would spread people out more.

He meant Santa Clara is a bouldering only gym, there's no TR there.
Ah yes sorry. It's bouldering gym only that they opened last year. Before covid Sunnyvale bouldering area was over crowded. Well actually TR/lead too, but I guess it's easier to do bouldering only gym.
Ah yes sorry. It's bouldering gym only that they opened last year. Before covid Sunnyvale bouldering area was over crowded. Well actually TR/lead too, but I guess it's easier to do bouldering only gym.
Yeah, there is a gym up in Albany/El Cerrito that is bouldering only. They can be popular, easier to do things since it's a solo climb and less equipment.

I did far more bouldering in my later years of climbing at the gym. Generally harder moves.
Alright kids, I did y’all’s bodybuilding workout, now that I have a cool bench and 50lb’ers that required a cash out of my 401k to fund:

Flat dumbbell press - 3 x 10 with 50lb’ers
Incline dumbbell press - 3 x 10 with 50lb’ers
Dumbbell Pec Fly’s - 3 x 15 with 25lb’ers
Shoulder press - 3 x 10 with 50lb’ers
Reverse Dips - 3 x 12 with body weight
Shoulder Lateral Raises - 3 x 12 with 25lb’er
Tricep Extensions - 3 x 12 with 100lbs
Cable Standing Crossovers - 3 x 12 with 100lbs
Body weight Squats - 10 x 20reps (200 total)
Glute Hyper Extensions 3 x 20reps

I haven’t done “traditional” weight lifting in awhile and it’s about how I remembered it.
Today’s workout: BOXING DRILLS

Shadow Boxing: 3, 2min rounds
Slip Bag: 3, 2min rounds
Speed Bag: 3, 2min rounds
Double End Bag: 3, 2min rounds
Heavy Bag: 3, 2min rounds
Heavy Bag Burnout: 3, 1min rounds (hard in the paint)
100 crunches

Developed a new jab counter I’m stoked on. Time to try it in sparring, hone it, then teach it.
Rowed and had some "extra curricular" cardio this morning, then did a hill climb; 1.4 miles with 1800 feet elevation in 48 minutes. Lat pulldowns right now. Eating about 3k calories of egg, whey, greens, and chicken. Lots of water too.

Queens of the Stone Age

20-Minute Run


• 3 Tabs Airborne
• 1/2 Dozen Donut Holes
• 3 Empanadas
• Smoothie: 2 bananas, vegan pro & almond milk
• Salmon & Couscous
• 3 Glasses of Port, Cheese, Bread, Cashews, Ice Cream


Don’t ask. Don’t tell.
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Yesterday’s workout

Lat pull downs - 3 x 20reps @ 100lbs
Cable rows - 3 x 20reps @ 100lbs
Shoulder shrugs - 3 x 20reps @ 100lbs
Laying pullover - 3 x 10reps @ 50lbs
Dumbbell bench rows - 3 x 10reps @ 50lbs (per arm)
Standing dumbbell curls - 3 x 20reps @ 25lbs (per arm)
Seated dumbbell curls - 3 x 10reps @ 50lbs (per arm)
Incline dumbbell curls - 3 x 20reps @ 25lbs (per arm)
Grasping on to a time when I was young, handsome and fit - 3 x 50reps
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20-Minute Run
3x15 - DB Curl
3x15 - Suburban Old Man Crunch
3x15 - DB Shoulder Press


• 3 Tabs Airborne
• 2 Eggs, Bacon & 2 Slices Ezekiel Sesame
• 3/4 Cinnamon Roll
• Smoothie: 2 Bananas, Blueberries, Almond Milk & Vegan Pro
• Pre Workout
• Beef stew & Rice
• Glass of Tawny Port


Sucks ass.
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Just did my 2nd Barry's, this one was biceps, triceps and core. I find traditionally when I would do weights I'd do say 6-10 reps with increasing weights and decreasing reps but Barry's model is basically pick one weight and do circuits or repts for X amount of time and I find even with a 10 lb weight I can't do 5 minutes of reps...

I feel I'm pretty worked out though gonna be sore again tomorrow.
Took the weekend off but got some good cardio in none the less. Today is rowing, military press, and an evening 1.5 hour run through the hills. Diet will ideally be beef, whey, spinach, kale, oats, beans, and rice.

Really trying to beat out some low-level depression with exercise induced endorphins and dopamine.
Shadow Boxing - 3, 2min rounds

Slip bag - 3, 2min rounds

Speed bag - 3, 2min rounds

Quick drills on slip, weave, lead hook to the body, lead hook to the head (this is feeling better and getting much more pop)

Flat bench dumbbell press - 3 sets of 10 @ 50lb per grip
Incline bench dumbbell press - 3 sets of 10 @ 50lb per grip
Seated shoulder press - 3 sets of 10 @ 50lb per grip
Shoulder lateral raises - 3 sets of 10 @ 25lb per grip
Cable Crossovers - 3 sets of 10 @ 100lbs

Tonight is traditional karate (kata, kihon, weapons)

I broke my hand in sparring last year and it bothers me to this day, so we’ll see how things go as I continue to lift weights. Definitely don’t like the “pumped” feeling in my upper body when boxing, though. We’ll see. * shit, I just realized I may have broken it the year before - where does time go????
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Rowing then hitting the climbing gym today, first time doing that, kinda looking forward to seeing what it's all about.

Diet today so far is a Whey, spinach, almond, kale shake. I'kk have some chicken and egg whites later with grain-free peanut butter pretzels and vegetable protein drink.
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