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Time to get Fit thread

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Boxing drills at home since I’m gonna miss the gym tonight due to studying for an exam I have coming up.

Slip Rope - 3 x 2min rounds
Slip Bag - 6 x 2min rounds
Double End Bag - 3 x 2min rounds
Uppercut Bag - 6 x 2min rounds
Heavy Bag - 3 x 2min rounds (inside fighting/dirty boxing drills)
Speed bag - 3 x 2min rounds
200 body weight squats

That’s 24 rounds in total of boxing drills.

This is the home dojo BTW

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Sweet setup

Thanks! I want a spinning bar because I can improve my bob and weave that slip ropes and slip bags don’t teach.

I got caught in the face during a spar when I weaved right into a punch because I end up loading for a counter and my head bows downward. I didn’t see the punch and I got hit with a nice hook. It’s not the first time.

My double end bag has taught me a lot on super fast countering. I landed a nice 1,2,slip,2 combo and rocked a dude in the head with it. Heavy bag wouldn’t have taught me that. Heavy bag is way overrated, but I still used it for drilling power punches. Today I used it to drill clinch/dirty stuff.

So, next piece of equipment is the spinning bar, definitely. This is the one I want because you can counter with body and head shots.

I’m hoping they accept our offer on the property we’re looking at. There’s enough land to build a legit gym/workshop and I would like to have mats for grappling and such.
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Neat piece Dion. Like reading your workouts. Others too, but Beau's clean diet just makes me feel inadequate!
I bought a 10lbs mace. 5min of that is great for warming my shoulder before climbing. 20min is enough to make me sore :laughing. It’s fun swinging this thing around.
Yup. Any weight on a stick/pole burns up much more energy and requires much more strength. Great for the wrists.
Went to climbing gym for third time since re-openning. Failed my way through 11a, and 11b t the top. That's on top rope too. Mainly because my climbing partner was like "Hey let's go do those." Arms get pumped out so fast now. :(

Good part with so few people allowed in the gym there were plenty of routes to choose from.
Bad part with so few people allowed in the gym reservations are PITA to get.

Also been suffering from allergies for last few days, and on/off for last week and a half, so Whoop recovery score has been shit.
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I wish I was built better for climbing. So much fun.
I did 2 sets of my mace workout this morning.

- 20 shoulder external rotations (10 each side)
- 40 360s (10 each direction & each hand grip)
- 20 halos (10 each hand grip)

Each set is only 5min, but its wrecking me right now. Shoulders, traps, triceps, biceps, some abs, some back. And I can't even do the 360s with my grip at the end of the bar!

I wish I was built better for climbing. So much fun.

Climbing is mostly power-to-weight. You could get lighter if you really wanted to. My strongest climbing friend is 5'4" with short arms. He used to wrestle. His wife is shorter and she's also stronger than me.
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I wish I was built better for climbing. So much fun.
Unless you're competing, what does it matter that you're not a fly weight?

It's a great sport and a great way to strengthen your core (especially bouldering overhangs) in addition to your shoulders and arms. It can be a real thinking sport, being able to see the best way to position your body and hands through a route was a big part of the sport for me.
It's the reach's...not the power/ weight. I think it makes a good hold more Important. It's been awhile. I'm gonna go checkout our rock gym here again.

Thread delivers!
It's the reach's...not the power/ weight. I think it makes a good hold more Important. It's been awhile. I'm gonna go checkout our rock gym here again.

Thread delivers!

You know you can trust us on this :p. Power/weight is far more important than reach. You won't find any discipline of climbing that is all tall lanky people. Here's a list of many of those going to the Olympics for climbing whenever it happens. I wouldn't be surprised if their avg is below population avg cuz there are some tiny ppl on that list.
That's delivered :)

ALso it's literally just for chest press so I don't "need" it...

Well, it should last forever, at least. $2lb isn't horrible for decent quality. I need to shop about two sets above my top weights now (60's). 70's or 75's max...and they're not cheap at all. Ugh...
Power/weight: I hiked Mt. Fuji, posted here awhile ago, with 4 Hong Kong girls. Each weighed about 110 to my 160 and were 15-20 years younger than me. They smoked my fat ass up and down that goddamn volcano :cry
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