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Time to get Fit thread

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Today’s farts:

Flat Dumbbell Press: 2 x 20reps (light warm up)
Flat Dumbbell Press: 3 x 12reps (heavy)
Incline Dumbbell Press: 3 x 12reps (heavy)
Reverse Dips: 3 x 12reps (body weight)
Cable across Overs: 3 X 20reps
Alternating Bicep Curls: 3 X 10reps
Seated One Arm Curls: 3 X 10reps (heavy with Weider cheat principle)
Isolation Single Hand Bicep Curl: 3 x 10reps
Tricep Dirty 30’s: (10 laying tricep extensions, 10 pull over and press, 10 narrow grip press; all continuous) 3 sets
100 body weight squats
40 kettlebell wide stance squats

EDIT: eating pizza right now
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Saw a YouTube where dude was unpacking his new dumbbell set. They started at 180 and went up to 225.
I always figured gyms just equipped themselves with 180’s for show. Didn’t think humans actually used them.
barbell shoulder press

chin ups (fuck chin ups)


still doing hella low weight. trying to force myself to do it m/w/f anyway to redevelop the habit.

egg sandwich for breakfast, sandwich wrap for lunch, keto chicken parm for dinner. also 2 whiskeys cause I am fuckin SORE.
Saw a YouTube where dude was unpacking his new dumbbell set. They started at 180 and went up to 225.
I always figured gyms just equipped themselves with 180’s for show. Didn’t think humans actually used them.

In my 20’s, I used the 180’s and 200’s for flatbench dumbbell presses. I think the heaviest I went on incline was 175’s in each hand. In each case, I think I could bang out about 6 reps with a spotter.

This was back when I was competing in bodybuilding. Just like anything, you just build up to it.

Any just like anything extreme like that comes consequences.
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Flashed 11a yesterday, and proceeded to fail my way up 11b. Arms getting pumped so fast. Climbing strength coming back slowly. Not that I was all that strong to begin with, but at least could do some 11d, and have a good go at 12a.
Bought some dumbbells for $1.50/lb from Target. All the handles and rubber molds don’t perfectly match. But it’s weight, who cares. Time to wreck my legs with some weighted lunges.
Had something nasty going on with my sinuses last week so no gym. I figured I was over it enough to go last night and damn it the gym was packed with kids on every damn machine. So I did 50 minutes at 6% incline on the treadmill and then hit the bench machine 160lbs for 4 sets. Then the butterfly machine 85lbs for 4 sets. Did some rope tricep pulldowns about 110lbs for 4 sets. Not my best workout but got tired of waiting for things and figured I would leave early. Hopefully, this is a fluke and the gym is not packed at night here on out which would be a bummer.

May need to break out the heavy gloves and hit the bag again for some extra cardio.
Here it's still reduced capacity. Would probably stop going if they were at full.
Well when I first started back about a month ago it was the same people at the gym from before I stopped due to covid. Last night was some of the same peeps but a ton more new kids. That is why I go later in the evening was to avoid the crush of people.
Morning dose,

Vitamin C
Vitamin D3
Vitamin B12
Fish Oil
Creatine (tapering dose)
Quercetin (as a Zinc ionophore, because, stupidly, hydroxychloroquine is controversial and I won’t even ask for it.)

This is the best I’ve ever felt my immune system working. Absolutely the strongest, and exposed to viruses through martial arts training. I used to get sick twice a year, and bad. Not anymore. Even when I feel a little off, it’s like I can feel my immune system fighting it and I never succumb to falling ill. I cannot emphasize enough this aspect of wellness, and I used to be a huge skeptic of supplementation because I was told “food is enough”.


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The MMA gym is getting handfuls if signups everyday. My class is growing, too. Super stoked because the owners thought they were going to lose the gym.
Berto, do you ride a bike?

I can't think of a better training tool for preparing you for racing season, especially since you don't like cardio if you push yourself hard for a 40-60 minute ride.

Just a thought, if you aren't already doing it, though be careful were you ride, drivers around there suck.

I do Brett, mountain. I never clicked with road bikes. I'm so limited on time that a 1:15 interval weight program seems to work best for my endurance cause it's repeatable throughout the week and more easily accessible for me. The controlled environment I've preferred.

Now, if it was a standup, I'd be making excuses and saying that's better...but sadly, it's not. Still a hell of a workout though.
Goddamn Zoom night meeting at work. Three and a half hours of my life I will never get back. So I squatted since video was off.


10x10 - Bodyweight Squat


Working on cutting carbs so...

• 3 Tabs Airborne
• Peanut Butter & 1 Slice Ezekiel Sesame
• Sumo Mandarin
• 1/2 Can Kippered Herring & 1 Slice Ezekiel
• 2 Hard Eggs
• Bulgur/Quinoa, 4 Vegan Meatballs & Newman’s Own Pasta Sauce
• 1/2 C Pumpkin Seeds


CAL - 1200
PRO - 88
FAT - 52


Anne White played tennis at 'SC. I loved her so much! At the '85 Wimbledon, she wore the unitard that shocked the world:

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airborne tabs just cause you're feelin off, or is there something up with that?
Anyone use any rubber bands in their routines?

Was at a fitness supply store today and BS’s with the employee. Dude was demoing a thick endless rubber band and suggesting it could be used for deadlifts. I didn’t take it too seriously but tried following his example and no shit I could feel it immediately target my lower back seemingly even better than deadlifts. Just targets it in a way I’m not used to.

I ended up buying some of the smaller bands just to see if they might be of any use for some other movements. The thick one the dude was showing cost more than I thought it was worth but now second guess that. Could be handy when travelling and stuck in hotels and such.
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