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Time to get Fit thread

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Women have a lower center of gravity, that helps them on routes when you consider the physics. Also, if the route setter was shorter then they'd tend to set shorter reaches, if you're standing up on the foot holds you're getting your center of gravity too high, keep your legs bent and keep your CG lower in relation to the holds, that will reduce the load on your hands.

This isn't to take away your partner's talent, I'm sure there's routes where your (likely) greater height gives you an advantage. Glad you have a talented partner to climb with, I had one who was very strong and did well in the women's competitions.

Just my :2cents

I use the bench straddles to practice Body position coming off a corner, braking for a corner, and moving weight inside for a corner. It's helped significantly in making the on-bike movement more fluid. Doing so while winded is good.

I workout in the same manner I ride, which is to say I do a full round of exercises with a mouth 3/4 full of water, which is how I ride/ race. Figured I'd give you guys something worthwhile to make fun of me about!

This is very cool.

This is what I’m talking about! I use the steel mace (actually homemade with a steel bar and QuikCrete) to generate rotational power for hook punches.

Pretty stoked to see people developing their own exercises to fit what it is they’re trying to do.

I read do think weight/resistance training in sports has changed things up for the better. The more people caught on to this idea, the more you see the improvement of athletes. Also, I think for overall wellness and strength as one ages is probably really good for a person.
The big benefit to resistance (band) training is that you aren't shock loading your joints or muscle tissue, that is definitely beneficial.

I've been putting a lot of thought and learning into shock loading by being a Jumps coach. I have to constantly consider the daily/weekly wear and tear on their legs from their jumps, keeping their jump counts down and limiting the plyometric training when they're also doing full approach jumps.

It's a constant battle, especially with my jumpers who do 2 or 3 jumping events.
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Berto, that looks like quite a workout!

I hope you're not doing that every day, you'd want to alternate muscle groups on alternate days.

I do circuits, non-stop, hitting different muscle groups while the others are recovering. It sucks that I have to spend time wiping down machines, that slows down my pace but is necessary in this covid period.

Brett, SAME. Same as you described and yeah, alternate muscles and even workouts week/ week. I double (triple) up legs/ and abs as those alternate each day. Legs are great to keep cardio and bonus: Test. Being a large muscle group, working the legs releases the testosterone, as you know. Mays well hit them as my go-to interval set.

This is very cool.

This is what I’m talking about! I use the steel mace (actually homemade with a steel bar and QuikCrete) to generate rotational power for hook punches.

Pretty stoked to see people developing their own exercises to fit what it is they’re trying to do.

I read do think weight/resistance training in sports has changed things up for the better. The more people caught on to this idea, the more you see the improvement of athletes. Also, I think for overall wellness and strength as one ages is probably really good for a person.

I want to see the Mace in action.

The big benefit to resistance (band) training is that you aren't shock loading your joints or muscle tissue, that is definitely beneficial.

We're fucking old...you, me, Dion, Beau, Lizard, Mike(s)...the shock stuff and heavy weights ain't gonna run time backwards. It's going to run things forward quicker and wear our bodies and joints when we don't need to do that. We're not needing our bodies in the same way as in our 30's. It's why I gravitate to interval, non-stop weight programs; I can load the target muscles and load my heart with the resistance I feel I can control. That residence allows a 4-count up/down and is easier on my frame overall. It's also repeatable and I believe gives me more control over the unloaded muscles when needed. The heart rate part in conjunction is how I use my body anyway, so makes sense.

Bands are great. Slow lifts/ declines are great (IMO). Anything fast, jerky, overly heavy (low set volume) is where I've ended up hurt. Yes, a set or two of 6 reps heavy weight every other week seems fine for me, but that's only if I'm fucking around, really. I cringe when I see people throwing weigh around (literally), knowing they're gonna regret that later In life.

Chiropractic. One of the unused tools for staving off arthritis, especially when pushing weight around or even, cardio routines. The bone/cartilage turns to bone/ bone with years of use. Add some resistance and it happens quicker.

Overdid it yesterday, taking it easy today with rowing and shoulders only. Diet will be beans, rice, whey, venison, spinach, and egg whites.


It seems the balance between over training and training is best left to having a lazy day (or two) in between a few intense ones. That and not feeling I (all of us) have to perform someone else's routine or intensity.
Was on my way to the airport yesterday and stopped by the sports store picking up a couple more endless loop bands to throw in the suitcase.
Got one rated at 100 lbs and another rated at 80. Much lighter to carry than 180 lbs of steel plate would have been. No excuse to sit on my ass for a week.
Egg sammich and a hash brown patty

Chicken boobs and zucchini with alfredo sauce

IDK yet. Got some ground beef to cook so probably a bunless burger

Overhead Press
Chinups (fuck chinups)

Still super light weights.
I want to see the Mace in action.

We're fucking old...you, me, Dion, Beau, Lizard, Mike(s)...the shock stuff and heavy weights ain't gonna run time backwards.

Cool! I’ll post up some of my stuff.

Dude, this is 100%. Like I said, I used to do flat bench incline with 180’s in each hand. Now, I do 50lbs laughing. I used to squat with 4 plates a side. Now? Body weight squats :laughing Bicep curls with the bench press bar and two 45lb plates on each side for reps. Now? Resistance bands :laughing. I hate to be the “back in my day” guy because I do it with BMX riding but it’s true!

I also treat boxing differently. I use more technique as to not get hit and to hit back rather than trying to step in and maul people like I used to do. Just wasn’t smart because people grab you and you take punishment.

I was talking to my wife about getting up in age. I told her all the physical crap that comes with it sucks, but wisdom. WISDOM is kinda awesome and it comes from doing and saying stupid shit and realizing it was stupid, or seeing and hearing stupid shit and realizing it was stupid and somehow the payoff is this thing called wisdom.

I don’t think squatting 4 plates a side in my mid 20’s was very wise.

But being a martial arts coach and instructor, I can’t take my own decline in physicality as a way to coach these young studs. I see old martial arts instructors try to pass off Taichi as a fighting art to 19yr olds and it just ain’t right. The movements actually have application, but com’on man.

That all being said, I’m actually pretty stoked to be as fit as I am for my age. I am ready for a shot of T so I can be yoked as fuuuuuuu #wisdom :laughing (I’m actually not going to start on steroids but if anybody has some LMK)
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I cant be the only one here that does Yoga. You guys should give it a try if you want to maintain body health and dexterity.

Yoga is fantastic. I took a beginner class at my gym a few years ago. I could not believe how much strength it requires. I took the weekly class for 2 months. I’d wake up in the morning feeling flexible and relaxed. I stopped because the class interfered with night meetings at work. I’d really like to start again whether I youtube or Yoga for Dumbasses.

Do you go to a class?


Regarding last few holeshot, dion, climber posts: I’m fucking ancient but in better shape than my peers. I’m not as strong as I was in my 20s but my goal now is to be lean, somewhat muscular, and remain healthy into my last Goddamn dying day. I will NOT rely on a nurse to wipe my ass.
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Hell yah, I did it for about 2 years and recently picked it back up again. Definitely helps in the injury prevention department. The views aren't bad in class either. :laughing
Boxing today. F’ing hard and I strained an abdominal trying to rip on mitts. I dont take Ibuprofen much, but today I did :cry
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Sister’s Birthday

Tired AF but dragged myself out of afternoon nap just so i can post on this thread LOL

3x15 - DB Curl
3x15 - Bodyweight Squat
3x15 - Push Up
3x10 - DB Lateral Raise
2x15 - V Up
3x15 - DB Shoulder Press


• 3 Tabs Airborne
• Jelly Donut
• Gai Jook & Gnau Lei So
• Smoothie: 2 Bananas, Almond Milk, Blueberries & Veg Pro
• 1 See’s Chocolate
• 2 Carrots
• 1/4 C Pumpkin Seeds


Cal - 2020
Pro - 70
Carbs - 320
Fat - 52
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The Day After Sister’s B-Day


Decided to work out after waking up. Also adding some cardio before running; seems to help me get into a rthym faster when running.

• 3 Sets Jumping Jacks/Running in Place
• 3x15 - Push Up
• 20-Minute Run


• 4x15 - Push Up
• 15-Minute Run (worked on my stride)


• 3 Tabs Airborne
• Post Work Out (Pro Jym by Jim Stoppani)
• 10 Haribo Gummy Bears
• 1/4 C Pumpkin Seeds
• 3 Eggs, 1 Slice Ezekiel & Black Coffee
• Jelly Donut
• Handful of Raw Almonds
• Cara Orange
• 1/2 Turkey Cranberry Wrap
• 1/2 Chicken Breast & Salad
• 1 Slice White Cake
• 2 Tequila & Fresca




I don’t worship celebs but here’s one I actually met in person and was nice to me.
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It seems the balance between over training and training is best left to having a lazy day (or two) in between a few intense ones. That and not feeling I (all of us) have to perform someone else's routine or intensity.

I go to great length not to compare myself to others, that said, maybe I should... I'm pretty fucking hard on me and could take a lesson or two in being kind to myself and my body.

Soundtrack: Sunday's Bahrain Grand Prix

Lat pulldowns today followed by an evening 5 mile hill climb. Diet of turkey (yuck), ham, little bit of cheese, oats, beans, brown rice, and oat milk.
Diet of turkey (yuck), ham, little bit of cheese, oats, beans, brown rice, and oat milk.

How I deal with turkey:

• turkey breast, hummus & Ezekiel Sesame Sprout bread
• Frozen turkey burger patty with quinoa/spelt or quinoa/bulgur. Don’t recall the brand of turkey but its seasoned with rosemary. Quite delish. The quinoa is frozen from Sprouts.
• Jennie-O turkey breakfast sausage patties with eggs and Ezekiel. Delish but hard to find the Jennie-O patties.

Enjoy anf God bless!
MONDAY, MARCH 29, 2021

3x15 - Push Up
3x15 - DB Incline Press
3x15 - DB Incline Flye
4x15 - DB Shoulder Press
4x15 - DB Lateral Raise
3x10 - DB Bent Over Raise
3x10 - Bodyweight Squat
3x10 - DB OH Tri Ext

20-Minute Run


• 3 Tabs Airborne
• Bagel & Butter
• 2 Carrots
• 2 Cara Oranges
• 1/2 Turkey & Cranberry Wrap & 1/2 Coke
• 1/3 C Pumpkin Seeds
• Pre Workout
• 10 Haribo Gummy Bears
• Post Workout
• Chicken, Cod & Rice


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