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Time to get Fit thread

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Brett, SAME. Same as you described and yeah, alternate muscles and even workouts week/ week. I double (triple) up legs/ and abs as those alternate each day. Legs are great to keep cardio and bonus: Test. Being a large muscle group, working the legs releases the testosterone, as you know. Mays well hit them as my go-to interval set.

My understanding from riding and watching motorcycle racing for years is that very fit legs are a prime necessity in motorcycle racing. If they're not fit enough, then they'll not be up to the task of doing what you need them to do when things get really intense at the end of a race.

Not to mention that very fit legs will recover better for other races throughout the day.

A lot of people don't realize that when you push your body, you're breaking down cells that then need to be replaced. The further you push them outside of their homeostasis, the more they break down. That can accumulate through races (when applied to racing) with you legs only being 80% effective by your 3rd or 4th race. It gets worse as you get older, too.

In track, where we're pushing the body to the limit for specific events, we have what's called a mesocycle where we increase the stress over 4 weeks leading up to a key meet, we then give their bodies a lite week before we start the process over again to reach a higher peak. The light week is necessary for their cells to fully recover to take the stress of the next mesocycle. If you don't do that, you're playing a game of diminishing returns that leads to injuries and a drop in performance.
Cool! I’ll post up some of my stuff.

Dude, this is 100%. Like I said, I used to do flat bench incline with 180’s in each hand. Now, I do 50lbs laughing. I used to squat with 4 plates a side. Now? Body weight squats :laughing Bicep curls with the bench press bar and two 45lb plates on each side for reps. Now? Resistance bands :laughing. I hate to be the “back in my day” guy because I do it with BMX riding but it’s true!

I don’t think squatting 4 plates a side in my mid 20’s was very wise.

But being a martial arts coach and instructor, I can’t take my own decline in physicality as a way to coach these young studs. I see old martial arts instructors try to pass off Taichi as a fighting art to 19yr olds and it just ain’t right. The movements actually have application, but com’on man.

That all being said, I’m actually pretty stoked to be as fit as I am for my age. I am ready for a shot of T so I can be yoked as fuuuuuuu #wisdom :laughing (I’m actually not going to start on steroids but if anybody has some LMK)

It's funny how alike so many of us are. Same here; I'm nowhere near your size, but I'm over putting up 95's as my final set for chest incline...and only 4 reps. What kinda glam bullshit were those days. No thanks. I max at 20 lbs less now and that's about right and even then, I should probably shift to lighter. Your numbers are beastly!

I like that you sculpt your workouts for a purpose other than the workout itself. Seems as we get older, we all trend towards this direction, especially if there's an activity we're prepping for.

I cant be the only one here that does Yoga. You guys should give it a try if you want to maintain body health and dexterity.

Yoga rules. I don't do it near enough. Good reminder, for sure.

Regarding last few holeshot, dion, climber posts: I’m fucking ancient but in better shape than my peers. I’m not as strong as I was in my 20s but my goal now is to be lean, somewhat muscular, and remain healthy into my last Goddamn dying day. I will NOT rely on a nurse to wipe my ass.

Given your age, you're a full inspiration to me/ us, Dan. You're in great shape!

Boxing today. F’ing hard and I strained an abdominal trying to rip on mitts. I dont take Ibuprofen much, but today I did :cry

Ugh on the strain. Those suck. I did that a few weeks ago with an exercise modification via Athleen. It sucked...I was out for about 1.5 weeks.

I go to great length not to compare myself to others, that said, maybe I should... I'm pretty fucking hard on me and could take a lesson or two in being kind to myself and my body.

Be kind to your body. It's only trying to keep you happy and comparing yourself to others...you're not a usual, normal guy Beau. A lot here aren't, and that's a great thing. But, we're also all noodles...don't workout or see declines in fitness/ increase in fatness and things get panicky. In the end, who cares...age is gonna get us all. At least we can feel good and take it easy as we get older. Like Dion said above: the kids don't have our experience and wisdom. We old people win there.

My understanding from riding and watching motorcycle racing for years is that very fit legs are a prime necessity in motorcycle racing. If they're not fit enough, then they'll not be up to the task of doing what you need them to do when things get really intense at the end of a race.

Not to mention that very fit legs will recover better for other races throughout the day.

A lot of people don't realize that when you push your body, you're breaking down cells that then need to be replaced. The further you push them outside of their homeostasis, the more they break down. That can accumulate through races (when applied to racing) with you legs only being 80% effective by your 3rd or 4th race. It gets worse as you get older, too.

Good post Brett! Legs are big, but so it upper body and especially; core. When those are weak, riders rely on legs too much. When a rider relies on a muscle group too much, it fails and then they have to control the bike using different (foreign) muscles and inputs. That's when you know it's gonna be a long race...

I really like your plateau/ rest paragraph. Thanks for reminding me of that and not driving head first into over training. I'm so glad I read this today....next week is gonna be an "easy" week.
Good post Brett! Legs are big, but so it upper body and especially; core. When those are weak, riders rely on legs too much. When a rider relies on a muscle group too much, it fails and then they have to control the bike using different (foreign) muscles and inputs. That's when you know it's gonna be a long race...

I really like your plateau/ rest paragraph. Thanks for reminding me of that and not driving head first into over training. I'm so glad I read this today....next week is gonna be an "easy" week.
Glad to help, Berto!

This week is a much needed rest week for my jumper and hurdlers, we're going into competition season in a bit more than a week and jumping takes a big toll on jumpers legs. In my training their repeatedly stressed 'less is better' to help avoid injuries and chronic issues from over-training.
Today my MMA kids formed a single file line and proceeded to rip 46 free, zero-defended shots to my mid section for my birthday, per tradition. I got punched, kicked, elbowed - one of my students even did a crane kick :laughing. One of my yellow belts who was counting was off to the side would throw in a roundhouse kick for good measure between students. I guess I taught them well, because these children can hit friggin’ hard.

Contrast that with the traditional karate dojo I teach at. I got a birthday card and a box of cookies :laughing

I know I say this a lot, but my MMA kids sparred today, and man, I cannot be more proud. My kids are going to really make a statement as competitions start to come around. They are so gnarly and tough and much better fighters than I was at their age. I got an amazing BJJ/wrestler helping me now, so they get amazing instruction for all sides. These kids make it all worth it.

BTW: for all the teaching I do, my time, my personal money I spend, the long commute... I don’t get paid a penny for it. I started the kids program as a big F YOU to the lock downs and destruction of kids play time and recreation. I did it because the gym lost members when things got shut down. This was my protest; I don’t need to stay hidden on Facebook or Instagram and post about it - I fuckin did something. I’m not a COVID denier, but I do care for the mental well being of these kids having to live with a bunch of hysterical adults and losing their school time. There is barely any consideration for the mental well being of children in lock downs. I wasn’t having it. Heck, my wife and I are so financially blessed, I’ll pay for a kid to attend my class of it keeps them from losing their childhood. I taught all through the pandemic and we took major precautions and care and not a single instance of COVID nor even the flu. My kids are dialed, strong, happy, adjusted and confident. We overcome fear in my school and someday these kids are gonna be adults. I hope they remember what my class did for them, as I remember what martial arts did for me when I was their age. Especially during this time of chaos, fear, politics, and insanity displayed by friggin’ adults. Anyway, sorry to get on my soapbox but I am one proud Sensei. My Sensei played a major part in my life, so I intend on doing the same #johnnylawrence
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Dion, you've got an army. They need transportation. BMX bikes. BMW Bandits 2, w/out Nicole Kidman...
Lots of running hills and sets of compound lifts lately, I'm starting to get lean and vascular, just in time for the warm weather. Feels good.

Six miles, 1.5 hours of hills and beach running today followed by military and incline press, ten sets of 8 each. Eating mostly beans, brown rice, egg whites, peanut butter, honey, chicken, and asparagus.

Listening to T00L right now, feeling full of venom and fire.
You've got so much more adherence to a quality diet plan, Beau!
Long AF week at work and its not even Thursday. Jesus F! Anyway, got in a light workout at home.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

5x15 - DB Hammer Curls
5x15 - Bodyweight Squat
5x15 - DB Shldr Press
5x20 - Standing Calf Raise
5x20 - DB Wrist Curl


• 3 Tabs Airborne
• Bagel & Irish Butter
• 2 Sumo Citrus
• 2 Slices Ezekiel & Amish Blue Cheese
• Nation’s Cheeseburger & Coke
• 1/2 C Pumpkin Seeds
• 1 Piece Chocolate


Disregard. They sucked.

Studied under Ed Parker. Allegedly a black belt. And I believe he also plays the guitar.
Finally was able to go to Sunnyvale PG. Climbing partner decided to do bunch of crimpy 11+ lol.
Fingers sore today.
Sunnyvale is a nice gym. I find them to be the most difficult of the 3 bay area gyms. If you get a chance check out their brand new Santa Clara bouldering gym. Love that place.

5x20 - Push Up
5x20 - Side Squat
3x10 - Ab Roll Out
1x10 - V Up
5x15 - DB Lateral Raise
5x20 - Glute Extension
3x15 - DB Bent Over Face Pull

15-Minute Run


• 3 Tabs Airborne (Come at me, ‘Rona!)
• Bagel & Butter (too carby, must stop)
• 2 Sumo Citrus
• Vegan Meatballs & Quinoa/Spelt/Broccoli
• 1 Minneola Tangelo
• Pre Workout
• Turkey Patty & Quinoa/Spelt/Broccoli
• Post Workout
• 1 Pint Rasberries


Cal - 2156
Pro - 115
Carburetors - 226 (high due to bagel & fruit)
Fat - 88


Steve Goddamn Austin! Office romance during the day with Lindsay Wagner :love when he’s not one-arm curling a BART train and then he goes home to cuddle Farrah Fawcett :love

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Sunnyvale is a nice gym. I find them to be the most difficult of the 3 bay area gyms. If you get a chance check out their brand new Santa Clara bouldering gym. Love that place.

Actually wasn't that bad scheduling for this week and next. Also had less people then Belmont. Weird considering it's actually bigger.

To bad Santa Clara bouldering only. I tried to like bouldering, but just not my thing. Somehow feels more serious. :laughing
Actually wasn't that bad scheduling for this week and next. Also had less people then Belmont. Weird considering it's actually bigger.

To bad Santa Clara bouldering only. I tried to like bouldering, but just not my thing. Somehow feels more serious. :laughing

Bouldering to me is more of a social sport. If golf is akin to TR, then bouldering is like going to the driving range. I definitely take less risks though, especially on overhangs and shit. Saw a lady break her foot first day I was there.
5 neutral grip pullups, 3 shoulder width pullups, and 7 chinups over 3 sets :)

Very slow progress though I add maybe 1 rep a week
My climbing gym opened back up and I went, twice now. The vibe hasn't changed at all. Now everyone is just wearing masks and there are slightly fewer people. Its been cool to boulder on diff angles and diff holds than my home wall. Plus the variety in route styles is nice too.

It's probably been a full year since I climbed at that gym. Im definitely stronger than March 2020 :laughing. I ticked off 4 V6's in those 2 trips and worked a few 7s and 8s.
You're well beyond the bulk of the pack if you finished V6's and worked V7's and V8's. :thumbup
I can't remember if I have ever posted on this thread, but I love how it's always "Time To Get Fit" given its history.

Anyway, my gym (City Sports) reopened and aside from the hassle of having to wait for somebody to leave, it sure is great.

Being the lazy fatguy loser that I am, I decided to not get extraordinary during the shutdown and find alternate work-outs, buy Pelotons, do some highly self-motivated workout at the house, but existed just doing yardwork and lots of walking/hiking. I could really feel negative effects too as time slipped by.

I was surprised I didn't die first time on machine circuit. I have gone three times thus far and was pretty sore after first.

But it feels great to workout again even though my belly is just way too far out there right now. As a geezer, I think I appreciate it more because decline and death are so much closer by (plus I work in a retirement community).

Cheers to all of us finding our way back to some kind of fitness. Maybe you never left, but I didn't catch the COVID 19, I gained 'em.
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Yesterday’s workout before teaching at the MMA Gym:

20 Rounds of Boxing Drills - 2min Rounds; 1 minute breaks between rounds

3 Rounds - Weighted shadow boxing (3lb weights)
3 Rounds - Slip rope
3 Rounds - Slip Bag
4 Rounds - Double End Bag
4 Rounds - Heavy Bag
3 Rounds - Speed Bag

Working on some stuff to fight taller people. I have been cursed at 5’9” and everybody is taller than me. This has been a huge part of my training for years.

I GOT A TRAMPOLINE! Skipping rope on cement just kills my joints, Achilles and I have developed a ganglion cyst on the ball of my foot. Skipping rope on the mats at the gym ain’t bad, but I just can’t on cement. So, I’m gonna give trampoline a try. Actually pretty stoked on this.
Friday, April 2, 2021

I am fucking weak.


5x10 - Bench Press
5x10 - Hanging Leg Raise
5x20 - OH Shldr Rotation w/25 LB Plate
5x10 - DB Incline Flye/Press
5x10 - DB Bent Over Flye


• Shadow Box (I have NO punching power)
• Run in Place & Jumping Jacks
• 30-Minute Run


• 3 Tabs Airborne
• 2 Eggs, Turkey Patty & 1 Slice Ezekiel
• 1/2 Muffin (Product of Japan :love)
• 1/4 C Pumpkin Seeds
• Pre Workout
• 10 Haribo Gummy Bears
• Post Workout
• Salmon Steak, Quinoa/Spelt & Broccoli
• Seaweed
• Handful of Chocolate Raisins


Cal - 1705
Pro - 98
Carb - 134
Fat - 86


The reason why my generation has hairy palms.... Rachel McLish :love
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I was surprised I didn't die first time on machine circuit. I have gone three times thus far and was pretty sore after first.

But it feels great to workout again even though my belly is just way too far out there right now. As a geezer, I think I appreciate it more because decline and death are so much closer by (plus I work in a retirement community).

Cheers to all of us finding our way back to some kind of fitness. Maybe you never left, but I didn't catch the COVID 19, I gained 'em.

Great to hear you persevering and soldiering onward. The first few weeks are the WORST...even now, the days where I feel lazy, sluggish and slow and don't want to go, I make myself go, change and then if I still don't want to go, take the day off. There's so many days I'd skip if I didn't change and go to the facility. Getting there and getting ready is 90% of the pain, really.

Age is a number. So is weight and so is strength. 90 days will give you some new figure elements to be proud of which is turn, will drive you to try newer, harder things.

ProTip: once comfortable with the exercises and form, don't take the easy route to the task (IME). Harder (balance drills, isolation, 1 more minute of cardio, etc) is always so much more rewarding and thought provoking.

Oh, one more ProTip: Take pictures today in the mirror. Take them as frequently as you want, but compare back to how you used to look. You don't have to show anyone or tell them you do this, but they're pretty darn motivating. Especially when things start going the wrong way from taking too long of a break!
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