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Time to get Fit thread

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That's interesting history and shows how fast extreme sports (and even regular life) can turn bad, quickly. Reading your account, it reminds me of a friend, Mario Bonfante. Mario was a fast up and coming 600 kid about a decade ago. He was also heavy into the BMX freestyle comps. He was doing a backflip type trick and landed on his head/ neck. He's now paralyzed from about the mid chest down and yet, he's gone to to race cars and all kinds of stuff. Mario's a hell of a guy, but it all comes down to that one moment. Seconds, really.

You're super luck Dion and I feel a connection to your stories and philosophy. Maybe it's cause we're the same age and into the same type of activities, or maybe it's how you tell the stories. Either way, always count your lucky stars.
I am very careful with my brain now. I’ve seen what one bad incident could do, and how even small concussive impacts can make matters worse. I am nervous about how things will be when I’m in my later years. So, for boxing, I gotta be careful. You can see a black eye, but you can’t see what’s happening behind the black eye.
Knew a guy back in the 90's, good competitive climber. He was bouldering just 4 feet off the ground, fell off of it about 3 feet and hit his head on a rock edge. Died within 1-1/2 hours.

Who'd have thought that somebody who had climbed many 500 ft cliffs would die from 4 feet.
Knew a guy back in the 90's, good competitive climber. He was bouldering just 4 feet off the ground, fell off of it about 3 feet and hit his head on a rock edge. Died within 1-1/2 hours.

Who'd have thought that somebody who had climbed many 500 ft cliffs would die from 4 feet.

You know. After this crash I just rode home and fell asleep. People told me that was the worse thing I could’ve done.
Still in.

Push ups done. 120

Curls. Yes.

Lagging on the rest. Work has been relentless 11-12 hours a day. Super frustrating.
Slipped on belt botch sort of. Gained 10 over the winter. :(

So need to swim. Coming soon.
You know. After this crash I just rode home and fell asleep. People told me that was the worse thing I could’ve done.
Back in the 70's I got a bad concussion on the first play when on the kick-off a guy just ran up and speared me with his helmet. I played the rest of the game (both offense and defense) with triple vision that kept me from intercepting a ball because I couldn't tell which of the 3 balls was the real one. Worst thing I could have done. But, you know, back then you just toughed it out.
We have our hearts set on going to Hawaii. I can’t go to the motherland without leaning up a bit, so yeah, I’m on a diet :loser cut down the carbs and calories and the weight drops. I’ve been holding on to 10 extra lbs through the winter, anyway. 200-205 is a good lean weight for me without it hurting my martial arts.

BTW, this trampoline was a cool idea; it was on sale at Walmart for $20 and has a jump counter. It’s extremely low impact, light cardio great for warming up before weight training. I put on a Dj mix and aerobisize myself for 20min. I figure I destroy myself in boxing on cardio, so this is a good “active recovery” thing. I essentially just run in place on it.
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Finally restarted BJJ with a small group other dudes who got their jabs. Feels nice to be back.
Is it just me or guy on the right looks like 80s porn actor? :laughing

Finally restarted BJJ with a small group other dudes who got their jabs. Feels nice to be back.

I'm jelly. But ecstatic that you're back in it.

... my brother's friend is long time BJJ guy; started back in the day. I always was impressed knowing he could destroy 99.8% of the human population. I'm too old so train hard AO!! Do it for the old guys!
We have our hearts set on going to Hawaii. I can’t go to the motherland without leaning up a bit, so yeah, I’m on a diet :loser cut down the carbs and calories and the weight drops. I’ve been holding on to 10 extra lbs through the winter, anyway.

I'm up 15 lbs goddamnit.

Finally restarted BJJ with a small group other dudes who got their jabs. Feels nice to be back.

My stepson is killing it in BJJ right now, just tapping every kid he rolls with. He didn’t stop training right through COVID, but man he is so talented. I taught him a North/South choke from mount and he pulled it off the other night, by feinting the arm bar attempt and switching to the choke. I’m not a BJJ guy, but I know a few things. Couldn’t be more proud!!!!

He’s the kid destroying from the bottom. The kid he’s sparring with is much bigger than him.


BJJ is blowing up at Kaijin right now, but nobody wants to come throw punches with us. Our striking program is not growing at all, and I’m getting the feeling people don’t like getting punched or kicked. It was like that with our Muay Thai program, too. BJJ following really reminds me of karate in the 70’s.

I’m looking at bringing back Santa Cruz Karate Club. I just gotta get the :thumbup from the gym.
Our striking program is not growing at all, and I’m getting the feeling people don’t like getting punched or kicked.

Broke my hand Wednesday....FML. Gonna need to switch things up for awhile while it heals. 804 leg presses @ 100lbs. Goal met,. Hand busted next day!

Finally restarted BJJ with a small group other dudes who got their jabs. Feels nice to be back.
It was always interesting to me that at every track meet, the most dangerous man walking around the meet was the most quiet and humble guy. He has had his BJJ academy in El Sobrante for years and some of his students compete all over the world as he did for years.
Broke my hand Wednesday....FML. Gonna need to switch things up for awhile while it heals. 804 leg presses @ 100lbs. Goal met,. Hand busted next day!

Berto, sorry to hear that!

Is it a fracture or a full break?

Lousy timing for winning any of those classes, unless you wanted to really challenge yourself.
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