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Time to get Fit thread

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Old injuries have been coming for me recently. I tore the MCL in my left knee snowboarding 5 or so years ago. Healed up fine by all accounts but then last year I managed to strain it. Bothers if I push to hard with squats or lunges. On top of that I managed to irritate my rotator cuff (tore it playing football in high school and there was no surgery option back then). I'm trying to avoid taking time off from working out however as I don't want to backslide. I do think I'll be cutting out running and focusing on cycling for cardio days so I bought a new shock to bring my old MTB back to life to at least give me a more entertaining option for riding.
First week of 1/2 Marathon training. I missed Sat and Sun workouts due to moving/relocating.

8.33 mi
1,213 C

Arthritis in my hips is coming back. I will need to start doing the band work the PT taught me.
Boxing yesterday and felt great. Did not spar as to protect my brain, but drilled trading and footwork.

I’m gonna amp up my karate training as I have an international test coming up in October. It’ll be for my Nidan/2nd degree black belt
1/2 Marathon training for a fat guy

I was able to complete the full week of 5 workouts last week which increased my mileage more than the 10% per week recommended to avoid injury.

14.76 mi
2,103 C

The arthritis in my hips is flaring. I will have to increase my band work this week to keep the arthritis at bay.

I hope y'all had a productive week last week! :thumbup
Did a two’fer yesterday - weight training (legs, chest and biceps), teaching kids how to be trained bad-asses, and then my own karate training. Karate is shorter classes and less intense than boxing, so I know I can throw in a weight training session that same day and not feel like hell. Have a nice pumped feeling this morning from lifting.

I need to stay more on top of consistency. Some weeks I train a lot and some weeks I miss everyday due to insane schedules. Like, last week I didn’t train at all except for boxing on the weekend. My personal gym is nice and it’s at my home, so I need to make it a point to get out there for an hour.

I got the trampoline for cardio, but I think I want something a little more substantial. Maybe I’ll check out a trampoline workout and follow it on YouTube or something.
Only got two days in last week but felt good after the workouts. Did some running on the treadmill and my knee is still acting up for some reason.

Oh well, it will have to shut up and deal as I am doing a Tues, Wed, Friday routine this week in order to help my daughter with homework yesterday and Thurs.
Did a two’fer yesterday - weight training (legs, chest and biceps), teaching kids how to be trained bad-asses, and then my own karate training. Karate is shorter classes and less intense than boxing, so I know I can throw in a weight training session that same day and not feel like hell. Have a nice pumped feeling this morning from lifting.

I need to stay more on top of consistency. Some weeks I train a lot and some weeks I miss everyday due to insane schedules. Like, last week I didn’t train at all except for boxing on the weekend. My personal gym is nice and it’s at my home, so I need to make it a point to get out there for an hour.

I got the trampoline for cardio, but I think I want something a little more substantial. Maybe I’ll check out a trampoline workout and follow it on YouTube or something.
Have you thought about a second one to add lateral movement? It might take some cords around the legs to keep them from moving apart.
Have you thought about a second one to add lateral movement? It might take some cords around the legs to keep them from moving apart.

Yeah, but I not trying to be a trampoline person. I’m really just trying to get in some cardio that’s not too rigorous that would fal into the “active recovery” category because my utmost focus of output is in turning my body into a DESTRUCTIVE WEAPON! All kidding aside, pretty much everything I do, I want it to compliment my sport, and not open me up to injury that wil take me away from my sport. I guess BMX and MTB is my jam and can ruin me for martial arts, but I’d say after 35 years of doing circus tricks on a little kids bike, I got a handle on that.

But yeah! All I really want in my physical life is to compliment my martia arts and not take away from it. Honestly, I am considering a Wind Bike but we just hired an architect to build a custom home and I feel like we ‘bout to be kinda broke.
Yeah, but I not trying to be a trampoline person. I’m really just trying to get in some cardio that’s not too rigorous that would fal into the “active recovery” category because my utmost focus of output is in turning my body into a DESTRUCTIVE WEAPON! All kidding aside, pretty much everything I do, I want it to compliment my sport, and not open me up to injury that wil take me away from my sport. I guess BMX and MTB is my jam and can ruin me for martial arts, but I’d say after 35 years of doing circus tricks on a little kids bike, I got a handle on that.

But yeah! All I really want in my physical life is to compliment my martia arts and not take away from it. Honestly, I am considering a Wind Bike but we just hired an architect to build a custom home and I feel like we ‘bout to be kinda broke.
How about 4 eye bolts mounted behind you and resistance bands to cuffs on your ankles and wrists, then throw your kicks and punches. That should get your heart rate going. :laughing
Aw man. Hope you heal up fast!

Thanks Dan. I'm gonna try and get in for some legs/ abs, but cast sweat sucks.


u crash the bike or is that not moto-related?

Mountain Bike. Ugh...needed 6mm more ride height!

Berto, sorry to hear that!

Is it a fracture or a full break?

Lousy timing for winning any of those classes, unless you wanted to really challenge yourself.

fracture, I think. I say that cause I didn't really ask when the doc said "cast for 3 weeks, it'll be quick". Hasn't felt so "quick"!

Don't think those class leaders have anything to worry about from me. When I get back on the bike, I still need to find the speed of the old bike from 2019. I AM super excited about racing my standup though this summer...assuming there's enough water in the lakes.
So I streamed a YouTube trampoline workout and it was pretty awesome. It was one of those videos with a a chick with a pony tail telliing “COMON GUYS! YOU CAN DO IT!” and I got a decent cardio workout. Skipping rope on cement just sucks and it destroys the rope, so this was a good alternative.
So I streamed a YouTube trampoline workout and it was pretty awesome. It was one of those videos with a a chick with a pony tail telliing “COMON GUYS! YOU CAN DO IT!” and I got a decent cardio workout. Skipping rope on cement just sucks and it destroys the rope, so this was a good alternative.

:thumbup Sometimes I watch David Goggins for a little motivation.
Goggins, Les Brown, Arnold, Will Smith, Eric Thoman, Rogan... I got a bunch to stoke the fires. I need it :laughing

That is a good list. Have you ever listened to Billy Alsbrook? I like his "Champion 5".

20-Minute Run


• Bagel & Butter
• Sumo Mandarin
• Quinoa, Kale & Turkey Meatballs
• 1 Date
• 1/2 Gatorade
• Chicken Massaman & Rice
• Handful of M&Ms

Stop taking Airborne since I made it through winter without getting sick.


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First ride in 3 months, 1st since rib bruising, it didn't hurt. Did 12 miles just as a booster to get me back into cycling. I have 30 days to get into ok cycling shape for a cycle weekend :)
Saturday, April 24, 2021

So much easier at the gym.

4x10 - Bench Press
4x10 - Squat
4x10 - OH Shoulder Rotation w/35 Plate
5x10 - DB Shoulder Press
5x10 - DB Lateral Raise
3x10 - DB Slightly Bent Over DB Lateral Raise (Jeff Cav.)
3x10 - Hanging Leg Raise
2 Sets - Farmer Carry with DBs
4x10 - DB Upright Row


• 3 Eggs & 2 Slices Wheat Bread
• 1 Donut
• 4 Espressos
• Pre Workout
• Post Workout
• Nation’s Cheeseburger & Coke
• Handful of Peanuts
• 2 Dates
• 1 Minneola Tangelo


Today IDGAF.


I grew up in SF’s Sunset District. Finances were tight so my parents wouldn’t let join the Boy Scouts nor take up martial arts. So I bought this book when I was about 10-11:

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