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Time to get Fit thread

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My parents could've afforded to put me in marital arts schools (I walked into a TKD and Kenpo Karate school) but I was too pussy so I never followed through either one which is probably the main reason I stayed with BJJ to this day. Wish I had some kind of a striking background, probably would've changed my life for the better but hindsight is 50/50.

These days, we got kids training at a young age and by the time they get to their teens some of them are straight up killers.
I used to enjoy reading your write ups man, but this one sucks.

How can you post all of that and NOT SAY WHAT KIND OF DONUT


It was a a delicious cinnamon crumb - a melange of crumbling goodness where spicy cinnamon meets sugary heaven... deep within my mouth. And washed down with a cup of coffee brewed just like how I prefer my women...
Strong and bitter :love
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My parents could've afforded to put me in marital arts schools (I walked into a TKD and Kenpo Karate school) but I was too pussy so I never followed through either one which is probably the main reason I stayed with BJJ to this day. Wish I had some kind of a striking background, probably would've changed my life for the better but hindsight is 50/50.

These days, we got kids training at a young age and by the time they get to their teens some of them are straight up killers.

Its fantastic that you train in BJJ and I always enjoy reading your BJJ updates!
lol - i have to be careful with my workout - my body (thanks i think to inheriting my body type from my over muscular russian grandfather - who was a professional wrestler) packs on muscle bulk stupid easy. if i’m not super careful, i quickly end up looking like a short, overbulked up, long haired dude. :laughing

I think, in our new socially conscious reality, that you are supposed to embrace that, Igor.:laughing
These days, we got kids training at a young age and by the time they get to their teens some of them are straight up killers.

My kids (students) range from age 6-13 and they are killers with their hands.

There is a lot of stand-up grappling in my class (half the class is focused on pure striking), the other half is focused on grappling aspects of striking (clinch, take downs, using strikes to wrestle, ground and pound, etc.). I rotate my curriculum every 4 months:

Month 1: American Boxing/Kick Boxing
Month 2: MMA
Month 3: Karate (no forms, purely practical karate, somewhat of a derivative of Kyokushin BudoKai All Around Fighting developed by John Bluming)
Month 4: Self Defense (real self defense, to include situational awareness, alert zones, etc.)

Also, most of my students also roll BJJ on Mon and Wed so they’re training 4 days a week. My kids are super tough, and love to fight. I volunteer teaching 4 days a week, and I spend my own money on my students.

This Saturday was are first session of Santa Cruz Karate Collective. This is an idea I’ve had for awhile, and is for local karate advance belts to go deep in practical karate, and to learn from BJJ, Judo, and other styles to enhance our karate and teaching. We break down kata and drill it as fighting and self defense. The goal is to stay away from the karate cult crap that has cursed our art, and to make it real again. We drill the grappling aspects of karate, which is nearly half of all karate techniques. We trained hard for an hour and finished with sparring.

I went right into boxing after that. We hooked drills for an hour and 15 min and then sparred. The whole training was 2.5 hours of grinding hard work, getting thrown on my ass and punched in the face. It was brutal.

I drank one Gatorade Zero and one regular Gatorade during my training and it made a WORLD of difference. I highly recommend anybody going high output, don’t sleep on electrolyte drinks. I hadn’t eaten in 6 hours by time I was done and the calories in the Gatorade was enough to blast me through.

Subtract me out and the average age of the strikers is like 23, and I’m 46. When I tell people how old I am they are super surprised. I’m just happy I can still do this shit at my age.
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Nice! sounds like you got a great bunch of kids in capable hands. Its crazy how martial arts has made a resurgence today due to MMA. Wish we had something like this when we were kids.
Nice! sounds like you got a great bunch of kids in capable hands. Its crazy how martial arts has made a resurgence today due to MMA. Wish we had something like this when we were kids.

Back in my day, Karate was like today’s BJJ. I fear BJJ going down the same path of Karate, and it’s already happening with getting online black belts.

I’m a little older, and I fought quite a bit competitively when I was a kid.
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Back in my day, Karate was like today’s BJJ. I fear BJJ going down the same path of Karate, and it’s already happening with getting online black belts.

I’m a little older, and I fought quite a bit competitively when I was a kid.
Do you remember Fred Villari studio's guaranteeing a black belt in a year? All you had to do was to pay the testing fees. :thumbdown

My dojo took an average of 6 years to get a black belt.
Do you remember Fred Villari studio's guaranteeing a black belt in a year? All you had to do was to pay the testing fees. :thumbdown

My dojo took an average of 6 years to get a black belt.

In my school, I try not to emphasize belts too much. My kids have learned and understand they don’t matter much, and are just a way to keep track.
In my school, I try not to emphasize belts too much. My kids have learned and understand they don’t matter much, and are just a way to keep track.
I would expect nothing less.

The school I mentioned is, IMHO, the McDonalds of Karate. I've run across a few others, whenever a dojo wants to sign up kids to a 2 year contract with automatic withdrawal and significant penalties for early withdrawal, it's putting business well before training in karate. My wife wanted to put my son into a school, and we got the very high pressure sales pitch to sign on the dotted line. I walked out of that meeting, I had already seen enough to not like the dojo but I was humoring my wife.
Back in my day, Karate was like today’s BJJ. I fear BJJ going down the same path of Karate, and it’s already happening with getting online black belts.

I’m a little older, and I fought quite a bit competitively when I was a kid.

Oh for sure, I can name a few gyms that come to mind. :laughing

Im certain the Lawler TKD I wanted to join as a kid was a McDojo but still would've been nice to learn how to do a spinning back heel kick back then! :laughing

20-Min Run


• Bagel & Butter
• Sumo Citrus
• Handful of Peanuts
• Mexican Coke
• Hershey's Bar
• Beef Massaman & Rice


Very terrible.


Rika Usami - 2012 World Karate Champ
(I’m certain she could kick my ass)
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Rika Usami - 2012 World Karate Champ
(I’m certain she could kick my ass)

Um she's kind of cute she could kick my ass any day.......

haven't done much gym work this week. I did a bunch of running last week and on Friday did some deadlifts. Don't know what happened but my knees have been complaining something awful probably didn't help that I had to do some baseboard install at the house over the weekend and was up and down on my knees for a bit.

Hoping to get back tonight and at least do some weight training for the upper body. Maybe do some heavy bag hitting to get in some cardio. Going to try and take it easy on the knees this week and get back to a regular routine next week.
Did a Run, Swim, Run last evening. 2 mile run to the beach, ~.5 mile ocean swim, 2 mile run home. Swim felt surprisingly good but I definitely need to up my swim training to make the 1.5 mile swim off alcatraz. Local pools are still by appointment only and that has proven difficult to do during the week. trying to commit to at least 2 Run, Swim, Runs/ week.

Did a Run, Swim, Run last evening. 2 mile run to the beach, ~.5 mile ocean swim, 2 mile run home. Swim felt surprisingly good but I definitely need to up my swim training to make the 1.5 mile swim off alcatraz. Local pools are still by appointment only and that has proven difficult to do during the week. trying to commit to at least 2 Run, Swim, Runs/ week.


Access to pools right now is ridiculous. :(
Access to pools right now is ridiculous. :(

Yeah it's been really frustrating. It's making me face my solo open water fears though lol. Cracks me up my confidence level with or without my floaty toys. With surfboard = "I got this now worries" Without = "im bait" :laughing
Yeah it's been really frustrating. It's making me face my solo open water fears though lol. Cracks me up my confidence level with or without my floaty toys. With surfboard = "I got this now worries" Without = "im bait" :laughing

Are you using a wet suit? If not you will be shaming me into some ocean swimming this weekend. I believe the water temp is a couple of degrees warmer down here. :teeth
Are you using a wet suit? If not you will be shaming me into some ocean swimming this weekend. I believe the water temp is a couple of degrees warmer down here. :teeth

Oh yeah. Currently using my surfing 4/3. I need to buy a swimming wetsuit but have been putting it off.
Rika Usami is my favorite kata performer of all time. That being said, kata is not kumite, and it never has been, and never was intended to be. So, while she is kick-ass, her "kicking ass" on a grown man who is 50 lb.s heavier than she is is unlikely.

*I shall not get on my soapbox of how karate has been absolutely bastardized, nor how martial artists have a false sense of security thinking they know self-defense*

Guys, creatine resulted in a 5lbs weigh gain, while working out more. Yesterday, I boxed in the morning and did karate in the evening. That being said, I've also up'd my calories, slightly, not for hella-bro-gains, but with the more working out, I'm just hungrier. Also, I'm lifting weights more.

I'm not stoked not the weight gain, so I'm gonna ease off the bro-supplement for awhile. Creatine does work, BTW.
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