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Time to get Fit thread

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Dion, Creatine...ugh. Double ugh, actually (for me).

We can't use it due to arm pump issues. That stuff also turned my personality sour the times when I used it for a period. It works for sure, but the side effects don't work for me. Honestly, I'd rather do Deca...but won't do that, so it's nothing for me.
I dunno if creatine has ever done anything for me. I always take it post workout though, and maybe half a teaspoon at the most and usually only on lifting days.

I've since gained 5 lbs since upping my protein and food intake and my lifts have gotten stronger. Yesterday I benched 185 for the first time without any assistance. Think I can hit 200 by the end of summer.
I'm not stoked not the weight gain, so I'm gonna ease off the bro-supplement for awhile. Creatine does work, BTW.

At my super goddamned advanced age, I need supplements. For me:

Pre-workout gets me jacked up at the end of the work day when I am physically and mentally worn the fuck out. And post workout really helps with muscle soreness. Both provide creatine among other things. I really like the pump I get not to mention my veins, including the one on the side of my forehead look sexy lol

And I need protein because I just don’t eat enough food. I don’t like feeling full. Summer’s around the corner and I really need to get back to my routine (diet and exercise) full time.

Thanks to all who post on this thread. You’re very inspiring.
I dunno if creatine has ever done anything for me. I always take it post workout though, and maybe half a teaspoon at the most and usually only on lifting days.

I've since gained 5 lbs since upping my protein and food intake and my lifts have gotten stronger. Yesterday I benched 185 for the first time without any assistance. Think I can hit 200 by the end of summer.

From what I understand from following Jim Stoppani, you have to take creatine on a regular basis and it takes a number of weeks until you receive the full benefit. Let me see if I can find his article on creatine. His web site is hard to navigate and find stuff.

EDIT: Found it:


Article may be password protected.
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Summer’s around the corner and I really need to get back to my routine (diet and exercise) full time.

Thanks to all who post on this thread. You’re very inspiring.

SAME. I have to go to Miami for work in Mid July. That gives me 2.5 months to get sexy.
For supplements, all I do is protein in the morning with my oatmeal to balance out the carbs, and then on days I go to the gym I take a Casein-based protein drink for overnight recovery. I do creatine because it has been studied to death and there is a ton of science backing it up.

Rika Usami - 2012 World Karate Champ
(I’m certain she could kick my ass)

I think I might pay good money for that, is there a line or something? :teeth

COVID has been a fitness apocalypse for me, I have been all snacks and minimal activity for over a year now since the gyms closed back in March '20. Reckon I will be joining this club.

I need to drop some serious weight.
I was visiting the gym and yoga training for the last 4 years. But a few days ago I decided to try something new and next week will be my first BJJ training. Now looking for headgear. If you have some experience, please, help me to choose from these 5 products https://bjjbear.com/best-bjj-headgear/.

I hope that with such a combination and proper nutrition I'll have amazing results and stay fit and healthy for a long time.
SAME. I have to go to Miami for work in Mid July. That gives me 2.5 months to get sexy.

Let’s do this!

Well I lift 3-4 days a week, isnt that consistent enough?

In terms of creatine benefits, I’m not sure. Fyi, I’m not the expert in creatine. ... you’ve got the 200 mid summer!

I think I might pay good money for that, is there a line or something? :teeth

COVID has been a fitness apocalypse for me, I have been all snacks and minimal activity for over a year now since the gyms closed back in March '20. Reckon I will be joining this club.

I need to drop some serious weight.

I’m up 15-16 lbs since that asshole ate a bat in Wuhan.

On a positive note, since I haven’t been lifting heavy due to gym closure, my shoulder pain is gone:love
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At my super goddamned advanced age, I need supplements. For me:.

Yes. I have always been a skeptic of supplements until COVID when I started to get into looking at supplementation. The reason being is, at the time, there was no vaccine and nobody talked about health. It was just all masks and social distancing and zero talk about get-your-shit-together. When COVID hit I decided to actually double down on supplements, wellness and working out.

I’m notorious in my family for getting really sick every year, regardless of the flu shot. At least twice a year. Now, I never get sick, and to hell with the flu shot. I still a haven’t gotten the COVID vaccine, yet I actually scheduled to get it.

I’ve shared this before but here are my supplements:

Vitamin C
Vitamin D3
Vitamin B12
Fish Oil
Tribulus Terrestris

Green Tea Extract

Pre-Workout only for lifting sessions (races my heart too much for martial arts)

Vitamin C
Fish Oil
Tribulus Terrestris

Lastly, I really worked on building my home gym. I have a complete boxing set up, weights, bands, kettlebells, weighted mace, etc. when COVID hit, I was swinging cinder blocks from Home Depot doing body weight exercises and drilling boxing stuff with what I had. I’d go to the local park everyday and train. I was determined I did not need a gym membership to train.
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^ There’s some good supplementation there :thumbup You’re reminding me that I need to get back on my multi-vitamin and omega-3 at a minimum. I took Airborne daily during winter in hopes of not getting sick, covid or otherwise.

Btw I think I’ve posted before on this thread that Eric Heiden took only a multi-vitamin when he trainer for the Olympics and gold-medaled 5x in ‘80.
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Is America in a Sex Recession?

For fun.

Is the Sex Recession Turning into a Great Sex Depression?
Writing for the Atlantic in 2019, Kate Julian introduced America to the brave new world of the sex recession. Young people are having a lot less sex, Julian observed, for a variety of reasons. Julian’s essay drew from a passel of recent academic papers, with two articles by psychologist (and frequent IFS contributor) Jean Twenge especially relevant. Twenge and her colleagues showed that the decline in youthful sex is rooted in birth cohort rather than historical period. In other words, young adults are primarily having less sex because of how they grew up, not because of the state of the world when it comes time for them to be sexually active. Nonetheless, a paper by sociologists Scott South and Lei Lei showed that current conditions still make a difference, most notably lower rates of relationship formation and alcohol consumption (video games and low earnings play smaller roles).

The sex recession isn’t limited to young people. In another paper, Twenge and her colleagues showed that American adults of all ages are averaging fewer trysts a year. About two-thirds of this decline is attributable to the waning probability of being married or cohabiting. The other third is a decline in how often married couples get it on, a downturn with few apparent causes. It cannot be explained by hours spent at work or pornography consumption, as I wrote for IFS in 2017.
I know my brother, who is single down in Tucson Arizona has had a dry year.

What do people think?

The married folk on here be like, after a few years we're in a sex recession before the pandemic, especially after kids. :laughing
I believe it. Covid aside, I think alot of it can be attributed to social media, online dating, video games and streaming services. All these things keep people glued to their devices as opposed being out and about meeting new people and partaking in social activities.
My mace work is coming along. When I first started, I struggled to do 360s in both directions with my hands chocked up halfway on the bar. Now I'm working on one-arm 360s with my hand in the same spot. The whole thing is a major shoulder and tricep workout. One-arms are really stressing my left forearm and wrist too. It's been weaker than my right since I broke it years ago. Maybe this will finally balance it all out.

I've got a climbing trip to Utah next week - Joe's Valley. Of course I waited until last minute to increase my climbing training. Last night at the gym, I got a blood blister on the tip pad of my pinky finger. I love that finger for climbing. And now it'll probably barely be healed by next Wed :facepalm.
Friday, April 30, 2021

5x10 - Bench Press
5x12 - DB Shoulder Press
5x12 - DB Lateral Raise
5x10 - Hanging Leg Raise
5x10 - Bodyweight Squat
5x20 - Lunge

FYI: My gym is opening up its indoor facilities tomorrow #fuckyeahbro


• Omega 3 Tabs
• 1 Coconut/Oreo Donut
• 2 Slices Roundtable Pepperoni Pizza & Coke
• Pre Workout
• Post Workout
• 1/2 C Raw Pumpkin Seeds
• 1 Sumo Citrus
• Beef and Cheese Wrap
• 3 Dates
• Lentil Soup


Too lazy to calculate.


In 2002, I came across Body for Life and tried the 12-week body transformation but quit after a month. Then I partnered with my brother and successfully gave it a second shot. Every weekend we’d work out at either his gym or mine. During the week, we’d check in daily on our diet and workouts. I attribute the book for teaching me all about nutrition. I came to realize for me, getting in shape is 2/3 diet and 1/3 exercise. Myoplex used to be my “go to” twice a day.

Bill has an interesting background. Worked out of his mother’s garage in early 20s. He was behind MetRX. Made a fortune selling EAS. And I believe is now married to a young lass :love


Bill now at age 56:

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Saturday, May 1, 2021

Back to the gym!

10-Min Elliptical Trainer
5x12 - DB Curl
5x15 - Leg Press
5x10 - Bodyweight Squat
5x10 - Calf Raise
5x10 - Leg Extension
5x10 - Lat Pull
5x20 - OH Shoulder Rotation w/Plate
5x10 - BB Mil Press


• Multi Vitamin
• Omega 3
• Sumo Citrus
• 3 Eggs &1 Slice Wheat Bread
• 1 Old Fashion Donut
• Pre Workout
• 15 Gummy Bears
• Green Curry Chicken & Jasmine Rice




Since the Derby is today, today’s inspiration is Secretariat!

“Big Red” won the triple crown in 1973.

In the Kentucky Derby, his time of 1:59.40 is still the record! Only one other horse has broken the 2 minute mark since!

During the race, he ran each quarter-mile faster than the one before, with times of 25.2, 24.0, 23.8, 23.4, and 23.0 seconds :wtf

Today’s Derby winner won in 2:01.02. Think about all the advances in training, supplements, breeding, etc. in the 48 years since Secretariat won and his record still stands!

In the Belmont, the “tremendous machine” won by 31 lengths. I recommend you view it on youtube!

But wait there’s more. He literally had a huge heart. From the doc that performed the autopsy:

“We were all shocked,” Swerczek said. “I've seen and done thousands of autopsies on horses, and nothing I'd ever seen compared to it. The heart of the average horse weighs about nine pounds. This was almost twice the average size, and a third larger than any equine heart I'd ever seen. And it wasn't pathologically enlarged. All the chambers and the valves were normal. It was just larger. I think it told us why he was able to do what he did.”

The Belmont:

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Was doing good for a couple of weeks with no junk food then went crazy today and gobbled down four cookies.
Sh sh sh sh sh shame
Yes. I have always been a skeptic of supplements until COVID when I started to get into looking at supplementation. The reason being is, at the time, there was no vaccine and nobody talked about health. It was just all masks and social distancing and zero talk about get-your-shit-together. When COVID hit I decided to actually double down on supplements, wellness and working out.

I’m notorious in my family for getting really sick every year, regardless of the flu shot. At least twice a year. Now, I never get sick, and to hell with the flu shot. I still a haven’t gotten the COVID vaccine, yet I actually scheduled to get it.

I’ve shared this before but here are my supplements:

Vitamin C
Vitamin D3
Vitamin B12
Fish Oil
Tribulus Terrestris

Green Tea Extract

Pre-Workout only for lifting sessions (races my heart too much for martial arts)

Vitamin C
Fish Oil
Tribulus Terrestris

Lastly, I really worked on building my home gym. I have a complete boxing set up, weights, bands, kettlebells, weighted mace, etc. when COVID hit, I was swinging cinder blocks from Home Depot doing body weight exercises and drilling boxing stuff with what I had. I’d go to the local park everyday and train. I was determined I did not need a gym membership to train.

Word of caution. DHEA has long term effects on heart rhythm and they aren't good. I ended up with a heart arrythmia that may have been due to it.
Sunday ~ May 2

Light workout.

10-Min - Elliptical Trainer
5x20 - Bench Press
5x8 - Hanging Leg Raise
5x10 - Cable X- Over
3x10 - Cable Upright X-Over


• 3 Sumo Citrus
• Costco Poppy Seed Muffin Top - discard the torso
• 3 Eggs & Slice Wheat Bread
• 1 Sprinkles Donut
• Pre Workout: 3 Cups of Coffee
• 10 Gummy Bears
• Post Workout
• Thai Green Curry rib eye, rice and green beans
• 1/4 Cup Raw Pumpkin Seeds


Come at me, bro.


Diana Rigg :love

I goddamned love her so much. She actually smoked a pack of lung darts daily since she was 18 but damn, she looked fit and athletic as Emma Peel.

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