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Time to get Fit thread

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Back on the wagon...24 mile ride Hime-- > Hawk Hill/Rodeo Beach -->home. We took the harder way home too back up the big decline vs. the cheater way.

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After the disaster 2 weeks ago from the 2nd covid vaccine, this last week had allowed me to get back on track. 1/2 marathon training for the week:

13.39 mi
1,880 C

I did miss one of the 5 workouts due to moving apartments but the "long run" on Sunday turned out to be full filling. Listened to a podcast and just set the cruise control.

Diet continues to be my biggest down fall. :(

Have any of you heard of or read Ben Greenfield? https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/
Shitty day, felt a crunching sensation in my lower back this morning doing squats. I never lift heavy, was doing higher reps with 155 so shouldn’t have been any issues. Was on 4th set with someone talking to me so maybe not paying as much attention to task as I should have. Then weird sensation and jolt of pain like something crunching and compressing. Immediately stopped and lay on floor for a bit, lower back sore now. Back issues suck ass.
Sound familiar?
Shitty day, felt a crunching sensation in my lower back this morning doing squats. I never lift heavy, was doing higher reps with 155 so shouldn’t have been any issues. Was on 4th set with someone talking to me so maybe not paying as much attention to task as I should have. Then weird sensation and jolt of pain like something crunching and compressing. Immediately stopped and lay on floor for a bit, lower back sore now. Back issues suck ass.
Sound familiar?

Sciatica? The “jolt” you describe sounds like a nerve. But I’ve done this doing kettlebell clean and jerks with a medium sized weight, but the pain was a harsh dull, so it was a pulled muscle. I was not paying attention to my lift when I did this. Did hot/cold treatment and it helped.

Heavy karate training and sparring on Saturday, Sunday my wife dragged me to the golf course, and Monday: shoulders, chest and biceps, got a Moderna 1 shot, taught karate for three hours and trained for an hour. This morning, 16, 2 min. rounds of boxing drills and feeling a okay aside from the seasonal allergies.
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Shitty day, felt a crunching sensation in my lower back this morning doing squats. I never lift heavy, was doing higher reps with 155 so shouldn’t have been any issues. Was on 4th set with someone talking to me so maybe not paying as much attention to task as I should have. Then weird sensation and jolt of pain like something crunching and compressing. Immediately stopped and lay on floor for a bit, lower back sore now. Back issues suck ass.
Sound familiar?

Man that crunch sounds bad... Have you had back issues before? Could you have messed up a disc?

Sciatica is more of a pain that jags down from the back through the knee and it will make you almost take a dive if you can't recover from it. I had that once or twice and it was a bitch. It made walking hard because when that shit hits it makes my knee give way.

Went back to the gym last night after a week off due to knee issues.

I hit the heavy bag for about 15 minutes using 16oz gloves. Wiped me out forgot how tiring it was to hit a bag for 15 minutes with heavy gloves.

Did a cable machine chest workout due to my normal machine being in use by some using it as a leg press of all things. Think the cable workout was pretty good couldn't lift shit afterward. Also worked on my tri's doing a rope pull down with 3 second negative reps. Had to do about 30 lbs less than my max and it burned couldn't even finish 4 sets of 10 it burned so bad.
Have had minor back issues before, nothing needing medical attention. I was stressing today that it might be a disk but don’t think it’s enough weight to do that kind of damage. I see people in the gym deadlifting 700 pounds so the disks can take a lot of abuse. Not saying I could ever come close to those weights even if I drank steroids by the gallon.
Amazing how my legs are still not recovered from Sunday's ride...just did a LL (Lazy loop) through GG park to the beach and back.
Have had minor back issues before, nothing needing medical attention. I was stressing today that it might be a disk but don’t think it’s enough weight to do that kind of damage. I see people in the gym deadlifting 700 pounds so the disks can take a lot of abuse. Not saying I could ever come close to those weights even if I drank steroids by the gallon.

Try epsom salt bath for about 30-60 minutes. Or, if it's really bad, Chiro after that.

If someone talks to you in the gym, next time discus them a 5'er plate.
I found this video informative and interesting.


Got a decent swim in last evening. I'm feeling the need to rack up some open water time. I did a pre walk of the Alcatraz 8 mile run over the weekend. I got a REALLY good look at the distance between the rock and the shore..... yikes. :laughing
CINCO de Mayo

5x10 - Straight Arm Pull Down
5x10 - Hip Bridge
5x10 - DB Curl
5x10 - Cable Face Pull
5x12 - DB Hammer Curl
5x10 - Leg Extension
5x10 - DB Reverse Curl
8x10 - DB Lateral Raise
5x20 - Calf Raise
5x10 - Leg Press
5x10 - BB Wrist Curl
3x10 - Tri Press Down
5x10 - BB Military Press
3x10 - DB Upright
10-Minute Treadmill


• 2 Sumo Citrus
• Banana
• Breakfast Burrito & Coke
• Pre Workout
• 15 Gummy Bears (Haribo brand bc dextrose)
• Cheeseburger & Coke


Horrific as fuck.
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god I fucking love gummy bears. :cry


Barbell Row
Bench Press
Try epsom salt bath for about 30-60 minutes. Or, if it's really bad, Chiro after that.

If someone talks to you in the gym, next time discus them a 5'er plate.

Ignored it and a day later everything is fine. Much ado about nothing it seems. Sure seemed bad at the time though.
Ignored it and a day later everything is fine. Much ado about nothing it seems. Sure seemed bad at the time though.

You're too young...shit would scare me for at least a week ESPECIALLY if it just ghosted me.
You're too young...shit would scare me for at least a week ESPECIALLY if it just ghosted me.

Pretty sure I’m older than you. Poor form but lighter weight prevented any serious damage.
Ive felt similar issues a couple of times in the past and stopping immediately has always been the right answer for a quick recovery. Not always apparent until looking back later on.
Ignored it and a day later everything is fine. Much ado about nothing it seems. Sure seemed bad at the time though.
Glad to hear the back thing was a non-issue. Just be careful back injuries are the thing I am most scared of in life. Probably explains why I am the only fool in the gym who does lower back exercises. I will ignore my abs to take care fo the lower back. Yeah I know, before you say it abs help contribute to a stronger core......

Got to the gym last night and did a little fast walk treadmill work didn't jog/run due to knee pain last week.

Hit the heavy bag for about 20 minutes using 16oz gloves.

Did lots of back work and light rear delt work. Too many peeps at the gym so most equipment I wanted to use was being used already. So going to do biceps, some extra chest work and shoulders on Friday.

Also been holding steady on the scale so I have been slowly trying to decrease portions on a daily basis to try and get some extra fat burning in.....
Pretty sure I’m older than you. Poor form but lighter weight prevented any serious damage.
Ive felt similar issues a couple of times in the past and stopping immediately has always been the right answer for a quick recovery. Not always apparent until looking back later on.
Glad it worked out for you. :thumbup

As we get older, momentary lapses in judgment can create long term issues.

I know too many older people who got hernia's doing a sudden movement that they had done much of their life, just not as fast or sudden in a decade or so. I've also known several who had bad issues as a result of the hernia operation, one had a stroke and another got stopped up so bad from the pain medication that he felt like he was going to die, and even the emergency room just sent him home without fixing it (out of desperation he did an enema, and that did the trick).
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