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TV Shows I am enjoying

Awesome, thanks...Low budge is entertaining. Hopefully. But, I mean I also love my OuterBanks on Netflix too. There's your ammo!
Awesome, thanks...Low budge is entertaining. Hopefully. But, I mean I also love my OuterBanks on Netflix too. There's your ammo!

Sooooo, I started watching... Randall Park is in it!!!!! Wow. Dude is pretty famous now.
Just finished Seal Team Season 6 Ep 5. F bombs and other cuss words first appear in Season 6. I presume the show was broadcast by Peacock? Too lazy to google. Peacock picking up Seal Team for its final season, Season 7.

Is the Reacher show worth watching? I never saw Jack Reacher movie with Tom “Five Foot Five” Cruise
I think the first Tom Cruise Reacher movie was pretty good, don't recall the second. A lot of folks who like the books didn't care for Cruise as Reacher (I haven't read the books, so I can just like it for a movie).

The first season I give a 6.5. To me, it's ok. The guy is kind of a jerk, to be honest.

Second season, I'm watching, but I find it slow and not spectacularly engaging. I'll muddle through, but its just kind of generic.
Reacher is supposed to be a significantly large guy, and the actor in the show certainly fits the bill.
On The Fly, Adventures at Altitude... Smithsonian Channel...





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Been really ill since Boxing Day, so I have watched more teevee than I would want to admit. Scraping the barrel. I watched so much I can’t remember the titles of most. Oh, School Spirits. Kept me interested but completely didn’t get the finale.

Watched the doc about Malaysian airplane 380, what a frickin mess. Not the doc but what actually happened.

Finally got around to watching Electric Dreams, really similar to Black Mirror, not sure which tv production came first. About to finish, I think I have one left but it was definitely enjoyable and I recommend it if you like those futuristic mindbenders.

Such low energy that I been watching YouTubes and even Facebook videos, which are sort of hilarious. There is a whole genre of clearing beaver dams. Also, nubile young Asian women catching fish in some uncertain Southeast Asian country or island. Those are hilarious along with videos of fit young women in exercise clothes pitching camps in the wilderness. There’s a few of those wood and resin furniture pours left but I guess we have been moved on. And a whole bunch of people using free weights very dangerously. There is some kind of algorithm of degree of stupidity to insistence on self-video taping.
I also got hypnotized watching some guy clear a gravel pile, it;’s so very strange.
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I'm really enjoying Kaleidoscope on Netflix. Great casting and acting so far.

I'm watching series 1 of Slow Horses on Apple. I'm into it
I’m always behind on what’s trendy. Just started watching the Vikings over the holidays. I recall watching some other a Viking series last year but threw in the towel on that one. This one about Ragnar Lothbrok more interesting.
I’m always behind on what’s trendy. Just started watching the Vikings over the holidays. I recall watching some other a Viking series last year but threw in the towel on that one. This one about Ragnar Lothbrok more interesting.

hadn't paid any attention to vikings until i watched baytown outlaws (movie). one of the dudes was the same aussie who played ragnar. total weirdo (and i do
love weirdos).
Been really ill since Boxing Day, so I have watched more teevee than I would want to admit.

Get better soon!

Watched the doc about Malaysian airplane 380, what a frickin mess. Not the doc but what actually happened.

I haven't watched the Netflix show yet, but I did watch this one on YouTube.


Quite a compelling treatise.

We've been watching this show "Expedition Unknown" from the Travel Channel

It's a travel show with an "ancient mysteries" and "treasure hunting" bend to it.

I find it fun, I like the host, like his humor, most of the episodes are interesting.

But just remember when you're watching it, it's a TV host on a travel show, and it makes it that much better when things get a little silly.

My favorite scenes are when he talks about having trepidation about going down into some dark hole, or over the edge of a cliff, or some other sketchy situation, and the next scene is typically from inside the hole, or at the bottom of the cliff looking up or whatever, essentially pointing out that no matter how sketchy the situation was, the camera man went first!

But it's good, he does some legit stuff. Finds interesting junk.
Been following this too, Josh gets to open/find/discover stuff in his travels. Oak Island, Skinwalker, Blind Frog, Moonshiners, also.

I did catch John Travolta in a bank commercial this xmas, a 30 second and 10 second in a Santa suit with BeeGee's music, with a strut, involved.
But just remember when you're watching it, it's a TV host on a travel show, and it makes it that much better when things get a little silly.

My favorite scenes are when he talks about having trepidation about going down into some dark hole, or over the edge of a cliff, or some other sketchy situation, and the next scene is typically from inside the hole, or at the bottom of the cliff looking up or whatever, essentially pointing out that no matter how sketchy the situation was, the camera man went first!

But it's good, he does some legit stuff. Finds interesting junk.

Likely all fake and staged like that Bear Grylls phony
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Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy

Super good show. If you're even slightly hungry when it starts, you'll be ravenous by the end.
Likely all fake and staged like that Bear Grylls phony

To a point its staged, I mean he has to meet up with these people, they have to get permission, and what not. Amazing when he shows up to a boat and finds his dive gear there.

But beyond that, I think it's as legit as it can be.

Hiking 10 hours into a a jungle, lowering down a couple hundred feet into a cave, spending 3 days underground.
Been following this too, Josh gets to open/find/discover stuff in his travels. Oak Island, Skinwalker, Blind Frog, Moonshiners, also.

Love me some Josh :thumbup Oak Island tickles me and Skinwalker barely makes the cut. Blind Frog is a no way for me. Moonshiners?? Not really into it, but it is OK.

To a point its staged, I mean he has to meet up with these people, they have to get permission, and what not. Amazing when he shows up to a boat and finds his dive gear there.

But beyond that, I think it's as legit as it can be.

Hiking 10 hours into a a jungle, lowering down a couple hundred feet into a cave, spending 3 days underground.

And then in a hospital because of Bat Guano giving him an infection.

I agree that it is organized, but you cannot stage some of that stuff. He entertains with his sense of humor too and heck he is a member of the Explorers Club so that makes him legit and like many others in the Club a bit nuts!
I’m always behind on what’s trendy. Just started watching the Vikings over the holidays. I recall watching some other a Viking series last year but threw in the towel on that one. This one about Ragnar Lothbrok more interesting.

Vikings is a fucking awesome show.

The other Viking show you might have been watching was The Last Kingdom? Which I also think is awesome but if you didn't like it, you didn't like it.