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TV Shows I am enjoying

i don't have any grief with the actor they picked. like i said previously, saw him first in the movie baytown outlaws, which i loved, and he was great in it. and i suppose the writer did a decent job with the whole idea of vikings, but i especially disliked the ragnar character. the writer seemed to be trying to walk a line between a man who was both sensitive and brutal. in the end, he just seemed to me to be an animal that needed to be put down. and IMO a woman needed to do it.

If you guys are talking about Travis Fimmel, he was the most believable to me as he reminded me of scary guys in high school, the steel-eyed unpredictable types that kept you guessing but ultimately ended up committing serious crimes or violence. I couldn’t help but imagine him on a Harley wearing colors at times.

The modern Scandis I have known, or seen via video depiction seem really remote from the images these shows put up there. There is really some dissonance there.

But speaking of Scandi joints, check out Beartown if you didn’t a few years back. I really enjoyed that show.
Just started watching Slow Horses. It's also excellent, if you're into a modern British spy thriller drama with Gary Oldman leading. Great writing.

If you guys are talking about Travis Fimmel, he was the most believable to me as he reminded me of scary guys in high school, the steel-eyed unpredictable types that kept you guessing but ultimately ended up committing serious crimes or violence. I couldn’t help but imagine him on a Harley wearing colors at times.

The modern Scandis I have known, or seen via video depiction seem really remote from the images these shows put up there. There is really some dissonance there.

But speaking of Scandi joints, check out Beartown if you didn’t a few years back. I really enjoyed that show.

at least for me, yeah, it was travis i was talking about.

not sure your point though wrt images of scandinavians. on my mothers side, they're all danish. my grandmother was a first generation american. her mother was brought to this country by her husband. he had married her sister, and after her sister died, he went back to denmark and married another of the sisters (my great-grandmother). back in the day, they all had huge families (my grandmother had 6 brothers and 2 sisters). they settled in northern minnesota (as a shit ton of scandinavians did), and intermarried with swedes and norwegians (the later being the butt of every joke lol). most of my relatives on that side of the family are all blue-eyed towheads, but there are a lot that are different, including my grandmother and me. she had blue eyes, but dark hair. my hair is dark dirty blonde, and my eyes are green (due to some icelander in there way back when, or so they tell me lol). several old uncles on her side have amber eyes. anyway - lotta variety in my own family - so not sure there's really a 'type'.

forgot to mention - i think i've seen beartown. sounds familiar, but gotta refresh my memory.
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at least for me, yeah, it was travis i was talking about.

not sure your point though wrt images of scandinavians. on my mothers side, they're all danish. my grandmother was a first generation american. her mother was brought to this country by her husband. he had married her sister, and after her sister died, he went back to denmark and married another of the sisters (my great-grandmother). back in the day, they all had huge families (my grandmother had 6 brothers and 2 sisters). they settled in northern minnesota (as a shit ton of scandinavians did), and intermarried with swedes and norwegians (the later being the butt of every joke lol). most of my relatives on that side of the family are all blue-eyed towheads, but there are a lot that are different, including my grandmother and me. she had blue eyes, but dark hair. my hair is dark dirty blonde, and my eyes are green (due to some icelander in there way back when, or so they tell me lol). several old uncles on her side have amber eyes. anyway - lotta variety in my own family - so not sure there's really a 'type'.

forgot to mention - i think i've seen beartown. sounds familiar, but gotta refresh my memory.
I didn;t mean skin, eyes, hair color, I meant countenance. It’s really hard to imagine the Scandis I have known being anything like the characterizations. My ex was half Swedish, with family still there so I met plenty, including my ex father in law, his bros, grandpa everything. They were good at drinkin, but even then, it was pretty laid back.
I know, religion and time is a powerful thing. It’s way easier for me to imagine that kind of savagery among Brits, Celts, and hey, well, Germans…. Our Scots-Irish clans back east make war better than just about anybody.
But who knows…
The wife and I have been enjoying Loudermilk on Netflix. Only 3 seasons but really good.
It’s a comedy(some drama)about a recovering addict that runs a group for recovering addicts.
The characters are great.
I did not know you wrote reviews for SF Gate :p

Dude ripped it up!! :laughing

He echoed my feelings to a T :laughing

I had wondered if being high might make it more watchable but it seems our reviewer answered me lol.

I made it as far as the spider lady before finding something better to do. I could not endure Charlie Hunnam's atrocious lilt!
I didn;t mean skin, eyes, hair color, I meant countenance. It’s really hard to imagine the Scandis I have known being anything like the characterizations. My ex was half Swedish, with family still there so I met plenty, including my ex father in law, his bros, grandpa everything. They were good at drinkin, but even then, it was pretty laid back.
I know, religion and time is a powerful thing. It’s way easier for me to imagine that kind of savagery among Brits, Celts, and hey, well, Germans…. Our Scots-Irish clans back east make war better than just about anybody.
But who knows…

apologies for the continued thread-jack.

first off - you said 'images', so i took it literally, and ran with that.

second, not sure how fair it is to compare any that any of us have known in current times to people who lived that long ago. especially considering how little recorded history there is. i'm not a student of that time or place, but my understanding is that a lot is based on 'tales'. and if they were anything like my family, each and every time the story is told, that buck gets bigger, the bear more menacing, and the fish is a 100 year old legend that was lurking in that 60 foot hole, and finally got caught after a massive battle. also, the ambient level of savagery was probably universal, and completely disconnected from modern populations. the way i figure it, the writer took liberties. i do it myself. i describe my own projects as historically 'appropriate' rather than historically 'accurate'.

wrt modern scandinavians, as i said, my family is danish. have spent time there, and have nothing remarkable to report. but wrt to sweden, i've never been, but my SO worked there a lot, and the drinking was one of the things that blew him away (lot of staggering back to his hotel, and then drunk calls back to me in the US).

wrt what you describe as 'countenance' in-so-far as 'modern' scandinavians, again, can only speak about my family. i'll preface this by saying i married a portuguese man, so i've spent many years with an extremely volatile man who lives and breathes emotion and intensity like they were oxygen. stark contrast to the men in my family growing up, who were totally stone cold. so that part of the show didn't seem unrealistic to me.

fuck me. i can't do shit without an editor.
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we've been doing mini binges of Spy Family on Crunchyroll.
The little girl is a telepath so she knows her pretend father is a spy and her pretend mother is an assassin but they don't know she knows.

I enjoyed this show. If you're a fan of The Boys, this is a must see.

BEEF (Sorry if it's already been mentioned here, 21 pages bla bla).

We loved it!! It has a lot of elements of artist David Choe's life as I just learned. The characters are AMAZING!!!! I'm sad it's over (10 episodes).

The wife and I have been enjoying Loudermilk on Netflix. Only 3 seasons but really good.
It’s a comedy(some drama)about a recovering addict that runs a group for recovering addicts.
The characters are great.

I've just discovered this on Netflix. Really entertaining. I also just found This is Us on Netflix and I am enjoying it as well.
The wife and I have been enjoying Loudermilk on Netflix. Only 3 seasons but really good.
It’s a comedy(some drama)about a recovering addict that runs a group for recovering addicts.
The characters are great.

We are both enjoying it, and close to finishing 3rd season. A lot of shows are too grim for Ms BA so I am glad for this one. So thanks for recommend!

On a more serious side, check out Detective Forst. It’s Polish so that is interesting in itself It has a mysterious and cryptic ending, not happy but is very intense along the way.

PS Yes on Deadloch. It’s kinda filthy but pretty funny. Speaking of Aussie comedy, Fisk is pretty funny.

Also, I tried to watch Boy Who Swallowed the Universe with, oddly enough, Travis Fimmel. But there is a scene about three episodes in that is so gruesome, I can’t bring myself to watch it. Don’t want to spoil, but it involves harm to a child.
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just finished up season 1 of poker face. liked it, but maybe not as much as i thought i would.

am a couple of episodes into obliterated now (netflix). my dude thinks it’s stupid, but i’m kinda liking it so far.
I realize this thread is mostly all about TV series but "Cavendish" on Netflix is outstanding if you like bicycle racing.

Not a series though.

Never was a huge Cavendish fan as he has behaved like a (self admitted) asshole a lot of his career but no denying his successes and how he has handled failure.
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I relented on my aversion to the in-crowd impulse and started watching Beef last night. Pretty good so far. There seems to be a kind of genre developing about using Asian-American actors in place of whatever used to be “normal” and it’s way past due so glad for it. In other words, the beef story could e cast with anyone but the added dimensions are some of the pressures more unique based on stereotypes (tiger moms, overachievers, old-country parents, etc.)

It’s hard to penetrate the ‘murican sense of differentness but I feel like we are getting there. Not so hard for a Californian but I been back East enough to know that not everyone just accepts the diversity without training wheels.

The male protagonist in beef is hilarious though. He is a bro, just trying to swim the waters of the shit sandwich of his life. And drives a Taco!
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I couldn't get through the first episode of Obliterated, myself.

yeah, three episodes in, i lost interest. may circle back. only because it reminds me - of stuff.

in the meantime, got hooked on ‘boy swallows universe’ (netflix). creepy and weird, but kinda loved it. saw the darkest moment coming a mile off, but it was still… jarring when it happened.
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Watched the first two episodes of "Masters of the Air" and one thing jumps out at me.

Yes it's worth watching but the series has one believing nobody smoked cigarettes during WW2.

Never mind that smoking in the armed forces back then was around 50 percent back then.

No swearing either.