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TV Shows I am enjoying



So I’ve gone down the military TV show rabbit hole. Love Seal Team. Six turned out ok - Season 1 was average but Season 2 sucked me in.

I poked around Bezos Prime and discovered Lioness. I had no idea its a Taylor Sheridan show. Binged S1 E1 and S1 E2 tonight. I like.

Nicole Kidman’s face looks weirder every year.

Michael Kelly is an excellent actor.

Zoe Saldana is like a younger, unannoying version of Jada Pinkett Smith. And she is a good actor!


Been watching Expats. Haven’t seen her in anything for a long time, and her character in this one is a little OCD scary/unnerving. So when I read your comment I realized that was part of it. Or were you alluding to something else?
Masters of the Air has been spectacular so far. If you’re a fan of Band of Brothers and The Pacific, this 3rd collaboration between Hanks and Spielberg is a must-watch.

And while I’m watching Masters of the Air, I’ve been watching Ted Lasso as a palette-cleanser. So goddamn heartfelt and funny. That show is easily going to be in my Top 10 and I’m not even done with it yet.

+100. Excellent so far. BoB and The Pacific are better, but Masters is brutal. I never knew what happened in the bombers...big time worth a watch. With Scorp fuller on this.
I remember watching a WWI flying movie, Fly Boys I think, something like that. And, for whatever reason, I always linked fighter combat to "machine on machine". Pilot A shoots up the machine of Pilot B and they fall out of the sky.

Not quite how it works. Turns out tissue and basswood aren't very good at stopping .30 caliber bullets from chewing up the people inside.

Similarly with the show "Dogfights" on History channel (that was an extrordinary show). Pilots get within the performance curve of an enemy and you could feel the inevitability of the outcome on both ends of the conflict. Pretty chilling, honestly.

Trying to watch The Pacific now, I don't recall getting through it the first time. BoB was OK, I think it was just too long, get overloaded with ti all.
+100. Excellent so far. BoB and The Pacific are better, but Masters is brutal. I never knew what happened in the bombers...big time worth a watch. With Scorp fuller on this.

My Dad was a Wireless Operator on a Lancaster bomber (much better plane than the B17, IMO!) from 1943 'til the end of the war in Europe and we could rarely get him to talk about what a typical mission was like, but he did say that he lost a TON of friends over the years. He told many stories of what life was like on the air bases, though! I started watching "Masters of The Air" expecting to see battle scenes similar to "12 o'Clock High" but it's a LOT more intense than that!
Masters of the Air has been spectacular so far. If you’re a fan of Band of Brothers and The Pacific, this 3rd collaboration between Hanks and Spielberg is a must-watch.

And while I’m watching Masters of the Air, I’ve been watching Ted Lasso as a palette-cleanser. So goddamn heartfelt and funny. That show is easily going to be in my Top 10 and I’m not even done with it yet.

Both great shows for sure.

The CGI in Masters of the Air is not distracting to me.

I was lucky enough to see a B17 off in the distance standing on a hill near Sebastopol a decade or so ago.

Magnificent things.
John Stewart has returned to the Daily Show, I caught Monday's show, He's back, more grey, still sharp.
Wasn't there last nite, maybe just Mondays ??
Looks to stay for the election
My Dad was a Wireless Operator on a Lancaster bomber (much better plane than the B17, IMO!) from 1943 'til the end of the war in Europe and we could rarely get him to talk about what a typical mission was like, but he did say that he lost a TON of friends over the years. He told many stories of what life was like on the air bases, though! I started watching "Masters of The Air" expecting to see battle scenes similar to "12 o'Clock High" but it's a LOT more intense than that!

Your Dad was a very fortunate man as being on a bomber was a death sentence for half.

3249 shot down, 55,573 crew lost, 44 percent death rate, average crew age 22, life expectancy 2 weeks. :wtf

4750 B17s lost, 37 percent of the total after an average of 11 missions.


So I’ve gone down the military TV show rabbit hole. Love Seal Team. Six turned out ok - Season 1 was average but Season 2 sucked me in.

I poked around Bezos Prime and discovered Lioness. I had no idea its a Taylor Sheridan show. Binged S1 E1 and S1 E2 tonight. I like.

Nicole Kidman’s face looks weirder every year.

Michael Kelly is an excellent actor.

Zoe Saldana is like a younger, unannoying version of Jada Pinkett Smith. And she is a good actor!

Watched two episodes of this. Thought it was meh. Average television imo.

True Detective is the show to watch right now.
I started watching "Masters of The Air" expecting to see battle scenes similar to "12 o'Clock High" but it's a LOT more intense than that!

I haven't seen MoA yet.

But I've always wondered how well modern portrayals of those runs are, and how much they're embellished (or not) for the sake of cinema and drama.

There was a recent movie about Black pilots in Korea, flying Corsairs, I have not seen it yet.

But one of the trailer scenes of them flying through what seemed like far too much flak, but I don't know.

On the other side of the coin, you seen vintage film of ships in the Pacific, which were, literally, just bristling guns, unloading everything into the sky. Most of which you couldn't see (no tracers). So, who knows.

What's also interesting, is that, as I understand it, the daytime raids were very hazardous, so they tried night raids for a while. But the hazard was not from anti-aircraft, but from fighters. When they got the long distance fighters to escort the bombers, they went back to daylight raids. I may be wrong, that's just my understanding.
Happy to have the NCIS's back. FBI too.

Wife thinks I am wack for enjoying Quantum Leap. She said what is that guy a motivational speaker :laughing

I told her last night I like the fixing thing for the betterment of others and yeah he tries to inspire and help others.
Also a non fiction book on WWII Pacific stuff. Intense. Good book. Pres Bush is in it.

Great book, Butch. There's some pretty disgusting parts, but one of the best WWII pieces I've read. Well recommended.

Trying to watch The Pacific now, I don't recall getting through it the first time. BoB was OK, I think it was just too long, get overloaded with ti all.

I think BOB was long cause it was the first in the series and based on Ambrose's original book (of same name). The book is excellent as well.

My Dad was a Wireless Operator on a Lancaster bomber (much better plane than the B17, IMO!) from 1943 'til the end of the war in Europe and we could rarely get him to talk about what a typical mission was like, but he did say that he lost a TON of friends over the years. He told many stories of what life was like on the air bases, though! I started watching "Masters of The Air" expecting to see battle scenes similar to "12 o'Clock High" but it's a LOT more intense than that!

That's absolutely incredible stuff Alan. I can't imagine his life in that time.

Your Dad was a very fortunate man as being on a bomber was a death sentence for half.

3249 shot down, 55,573 crew lost, 44 percent death rate, average crew age 22, life expectancy 2 weeks. :wtf

4750 B17s lost, 37 percent of the total after an average of 11 missions.

Unreal numbers. Everything I think of what service/ job one would be fortunate to get in WWII, I've yet to find a frontline job that has a low mortality rate.
Unreal numbers. Everything I think of what service/ job one would be fortunate to get in WWII, I've yet to find a frontline job that has a low mortality rate.

No kidding but bomber crews had the highest fatality rate of any fighting type during the war. Flak was underestimated in its effectiveness.

At least half of the USAAF aircraft shot down over Germany fell to flak (5,380), and it was estimated that flak accounted for 1,229 aircraft lost by RAF Bomber Command between January 1942 and April 1945.

Anti-aircraft fire had two roles to play. One was to shoot down enemy aircraft and the other, more important, role was to force bombers to drop their ordnance sooner or from a higher altitude, thus reducing bombing accuracy.

Flak also damaged aircraft, causing them to slow down and lose altitude, making bombers easy pickings for marauding German fighters.

Depth charges in the sky. the Flak scenes in MoA are intense.

Ever seen a McRib product-placed in his films? … didnt think so

Ever seen him in a McRib ad or commercial? … didnt think so

Ever seen paparazzi photograph him eating a McRib? … nope

Ever seen a McRib wrapper in his car? … there you go, McRibolio.