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Want to know what's up in California? Legislation


Well-known member
Aug 26, 2007
Off Elk Mtn
Different strokes
Big Bore and little bore Thumpers
BARF perks
AMA #: 2817058
This is a list of what's up legislative wise.

From the California Motorcycle Dealers Association
We have an entire Subforum on land use and legislation but it doesn’t get the traffic it deserves. The more folks see what’s going on the louder voice we can develop.
Thanks G :thumbup

Several of these came up in last weeks meeting. Another meeting on Monday so we will see if more chat takes place.

Here is a bit of additional info:

AB 3102 - This allows you to take the test at a training site. It does not mean you have to take the entire course. Assuming not you still have to do the written test.

SB 961 was basically opposed by all on the committee with concerns flashy shit will take away focus and potentially create a safety hazard. Thoughts are that it will be ammended to remove moto's. Hope so. Flashy shit is not good add to that they have to be tracking yo ass to know what the speed limit is right??

SB 708 is a patch to fix some dudes veto. Do not like that guy.
You “forgot” your helmet so all you have to do is wrap a piece of clothing in like turban style on your head?
Some feedback on SB 960 -- speedy flashy speed limit thing. I borught this up in our Moto Safety SHSP meeting today because I think it would be dangerous to us. All eyes looking where we are going thing!!

ABATE of CA with AMA support is fighting against this and so far it is looking like an exemption for Moto's is likely.

I found out that Virginia (thanks to MSF commitee member Rob G.) has tried all sorts of things to see if there is a way to communicate to a rider passively enough to provide the warning but none are viable.
Helmet, handgrips, gloves, seat and more were all tried.

Nick H. (AMA) brought up that this whole deal was developed in Europe and they too have failed to identify a viable solution for the application. I don't see how the Transportation committee will be able to follow through... although the "technology to be developed and approved" caveat is always possible when dealing with politico's.
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You “forgot” your helmet so all you have to do is wrap a piece of clothing in like turban style on your head?
There's already a thread specific to this legislation, but yeah, stupid as all hell.
The passive speed monitoring system is a doozy. Those 80s trucks and bikes have never been so attractive.
Remember the 80's 85mph speedometers? That was to keep us under 85. Didn't last long.

Edit: Was going to ask why my font has changed, but now it's back to normal. Huh??
You must have clicked the B button.
SB 708 is a patch to fix some dudes veto. Do not like that guy.
I support any movement on this issue. Not happy with SB708, but a short term patch is a patch. The real compromise bill, SB894 that was passed overwhelming by both chambers, TWICE, should be what's on Gov Good Hairs desk. I would love to hear Gov Newsom's rational if he approves the limited SB708 event permits costs to the OHV fund, vs the compromise SB894 bill he vetoed, and the previous one he let die on his desk. It was after all his chicken shit "public" reasoning for canning the other bill, when anyone involved knows his and his allies real agenda. No need for a tinfoil hat to figure it out.

For folks that haven't followed, SB894 and it's predecessor bill, both approved overwhelmingly by both chambers..... would have compromised, eliminating registrations for competition offroad motorcycles for any but active racers. Only active racers, with current licenses from legitimate sanctioning bodies, would be able to register a competition offroad motorcycle, be it 2 or 4 stroke.

The DMV in the meeting presentations calculated that it would in the range of perhaps a thousand or little more registrations. It would take out the vast majority of registered competition bikes (2 or 4 stroke,) which are used by non racers for recreation. Could have been a win for CARB, Newsom, and the environment, while still supporting the offroad racing community in CA.

Governor Newsom, in his vast wisdom decided it would cost the OHV Fund too much money to implement such a sticker program (the majority of which was already in place with the DMV for the green/red sticker program.) Noodle that. At least that was his "public" reasoning. :facepalm

This was never about banning just two strokes as many folks who don't follow the issue mistakenly believed, but all competition motorcycles on public lands. People seem to forget, or not know, that 4 stroke competition motorcycles are also not CARB compliant..... Nor are there CARB compliant models, 2 or 4 stroke, that are remotely appropriate as replacement in the state of CA for racers. It's going to a gun fight with a pocket knife.

I'll support SB708, as it's all I can do as a motorcyclist. But the real solution, that again was overwhelmingly supported in a bipartisan manner by both chambers in Sacramento, will only come when Governor Newsom moves on. Who knows, maybe we will get lucky and he'll leave early to run for President.:toothless
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