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Welcome to 1Rider


Mama says he's bona fide
Feb 8, 2003
San Luis Obispo
Yamaha FJR1300
Welcome to the BARF 1Rider Forum.

Our purpose here, which the name suggests, is to make sure that one rider--you--makes it home safely from your next ride. We’re going to work toward that goal with mutual self-help, everyone contributing to get us all home.

Budman launched this safety initiative (then called the BARF Safety Patrol) in spring 2008 after a horrific string of motorcycle deaths in the Bay Area: 25 in the months of March and April, many more than in the same months in previous years. And that deadly season followed a deadly year: 95 deaths in 2007 compared to 69 in 2006. But forget about the numbers. The message is simply this: motorcycling in the Bay Area has become much more dangerous in a very short time. The overload of RIP threads and the loss of BARFers and friends of BARFers is what inspired the creation of this forum.

If these deaths occurred in random, stuff-happens kinds of incidents, an effort to reduce them wouldn’t be very promising. But most were preventable with just common sense and basic riding skills. And that’s where 1Rider comes in.

While the general focus here will be on safer motorcycling, one specific focus will be on attitudes.
  • We want riders to accept 100% of the responsibility for their safety.

  • We want riders to acknowledge their mistakes, to learn from them, and use them to become better motorcyclists.

  • And we want riders to see two very different aspects of motorcycling: one, the opportunity for good, clean high-performance fun when the situation allows it; and the other, a need for self-control and total commitment to safety when the situation demands it.
As the 1Rider forum takes shape, we’re going to develop these ideas about attitudes and more. But the real power will come from the extraordinary expertise and range of experience within BARF. It is your contributions that will help us all to get home safely.
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A 1Rider should stay on 1Side of the yellow line.
A 1Rider should be at least 1Turn ahead of the bike.
A 1Rider should be patient
A 1Rider should check their ego back in the garage
A 1Rider should practice skill building
A 1Rider has fun and makes sure others do too
Being a life long motorcyclist I feel it is very important to help educate the new, keep the thoughts of proficient motorcycling in the minds of all. Barf is committed to doing that and this forum is a creation of that committment.

Life is good on two and something that I value so much and want to see my friends and fellow motorcyclist enjoy for the long term. I am sure we will see some friction in thoughts and ideas, but the discussion of such should help enlighten just a bit.

Thanks to DataDan for accepting the position to help run this forum. I have watched as Dan provided awesome information to the board and engage both new riders and experience riders into thought..... I felt that having a home for many of his insights and others of similar nature would be good, because they will not fade away into the abyss of information that is on our board. This is a home for common sense and moto knowledge about our ride.

I hope others will be contributors to the forum.

This spring we will be out in force in the hills to remind the folks in the good riding spots to think and make it home.. there is lots of miles to find smiles with.

Barf is in a unique position to provide this info. The State of California Office of Transportation Safety has invited me back to the second ever Motorcycle Safety Summit as a presentor. So in April I will spend an afternoon with a very knowledgable panel of motorcyclist and state officials that are in a position to guide our State in its efforts to create a safer environment for us on the streets.

1Rider of course can use some help.

We could use help with:
* Getting our info into the hands of High Schools around the Bay to give us the chance to visit their students and share the passion for the moto and our passion for them to apply the right way to learn how to ride and do it in the safest possible manner. I have all the materials.. just need help in doing mailings and contacting these folks to get us in the door. We also have handouts directed toward parents done and getting those to schools or other places that might touch a parent that has a young man or woman who rides. This is meant to educate the ones who may be buying their loved one a bike or have one of their family members engaging in the sport without really knowing what is is to be a motorcyclist and the ways it can be made safer.

* Photographers for a poster campaign that will be presented to the OTS and also for us to distribute to our sponsors and other business that are willing to step up and help.

* Folks to distribute 1Rider emergency cards and the posters to businesses.

* Folks to sit in a booth and watch others ride on a sunny day knowing they are missing out on the ride, but are touching someone in a good way in the hope they all will make it home.

* Videographers to create very short interviews of popular motorcycle personalities to provide safety messages for the 1Rider website and for use in the high schools. A longer term goal is to provide an entire video that can be distributed to any high school or junior college about the safety message.

* Folks who know moto personalities who can provide a contact introduction to see if they would be willing to provide a written or video message.

* Folks who are willing to step up for our sport!

My sincere wish is that everyone who rides.. rides everyday they want to and that all the families and friends connected with you get to have good times with you for a lifetime. Also to bring the knowledge to the general public that we are humans under the helmets and every one of us is worthy of their attention on the road and that they have a duty as a motorist to watch out for us and make smart decisions themselves.

Ride smart today... ride again tomorrow :ride

Credit where it's due: Coffae came up with "1 Rider" as a slogan for the BARF Safety Patrol back in April. Since then, it lost the embedded space was promoted from slogan to name.
sign me up, let me know how I can spread the knowledge!

I'm in my 28th consecutive year of riding

Have a safe and joyful 2009

Very cool! :thumbup

I've always thought that it was a shame that some threads regarding making it home safely got filtered down in the General section so quickly.
Some of the greatest joys can come out of riding a motorcycle, and arriving home safely to loved ones. Thank you for keeping the flame alive and reminding all of us that every aspect of motorcycling has a influence on others too.

Its time to give back to the sport that has given me so much fun,frustration, cold chills and sunburn. Please post whatever activitives needs to be addressed first so I can assist.
Great idea! This should be interesting...:teeth
Thumbs up! Happy New Year: don't drink and ride!
* Videographers to create very short interviews of popular motorcycle personalities to provide safety messages for the 1Rider website and for use in the high schools. A longer term goal is to provide an entire video that can be distributed to any high school or junior college about the safety message.

I can help with this part. Let me know when you're ready to roll on this and its a done deal.
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While the general focus here will be on safer motorcycling, one specific focus will be on attitudes.

  • We want riders to accept 100% of the responsibility for their safety.

  • We want riders to acknowledge their mistakes, to learn from them, and use them to become better motorcyclists.

  • And we want riders to see two very different aspects of motorcycling: one, the opportunity for good, clean high-performance fun when the situation allows it; and the other, a need for self-control and total commitment to safety when the situation demands it.
As the 1Rider forum takes shape, we’re going to develop these ideas about attitudes and more. But the real power will come from the extraordinary expertise and range of experience within BARF. It is your contributions that will help us all to get home safely.

Dan- let me know what I can do to help.:thumbup