2. Just curious, why hawthorne, nv? What's the story?
it's already been esssplained, but hawt-horn-e is all about the destination and the people as opposed to the ride there and the riding. it is a slight distinction when compared to other barf rallies, but an important one.
And lightning. Don't forget the lightning. Oh yeah, and the thunder too. arty
bah!, get there early enough and you can be lounging by the pool, watching the primordial electrical show over the eastern sierra, with chelada in hand whilst your friends fight it out with the roiling darkness
^^^^imagine this, with electricity (atypical, i consider myself lucky to have witnessed it) and it's still in the high 70s. if you don't mind the prospect of electrocution you could still go swimming....
this is where the shit goes down, if it hasn't already gone down elsewhere
bring itwe raced tricycles
remember kids, your AuntieBling says don't drink and drive