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CA Ethonal Push in a special committee - Shady in plain sight??


General Menace
Staff member
Apr 4, 2002
Menlo Park, Ca.
Keep me rocking life
BARF perks
AMA Life Member #203453
Yup. Despite the AMA and others saying E15 is bad for bikes the Lawmakers don't really care. We are minions in the big scheme of things. This is a chance to increase production. Charge those Ethanol companies and the Gas Companies to allow it. At least that is my take.

Here is the link: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202320242AB9


I have linked the Bill Analysis below. Here is an important snippet.

This is sort of a closed door action and the door has to still be cracked for people like me to peek through thankfully.

I would have loved to known about this earlier. I am thinking more fuel is great but there is science saying corn @ 15% is not so good. Profits for big business is good. Lower prices (ha!) is good for average folk and the ones they vote for surely.

I don't think writing a letter will help in this case. Gov gonna govern and avg. citizen gonna take it.
Frustrating. Hoping the AMA can pull a rabbit out of a hat and doing something. :dunno


  • ethanol 202320242AB9_Assembly Floor Analysis.pdf
    366 KB · Views: 0
Lower energy density= less mpg, does not store well for long, evaporates and wreaks havoc on carburetors and non-compatible rubber.

Big AG and big oil getting a bone.


Give me AV gas please.
Ethanol is such a cash grab in the name of cleaner emissions with no one really shining a light on the carbon footprint of growing all that crap corn and turning it into "fuel".
Remember when CARB mandated MTBE and it fucked up the entire water supply in CA and neighboring states? I do....

E15 is 88 octane so most won't be using it anyway. E85...now that's that ticket. 100 octane and the clean burn means smoother throttle and w/ a remap; more power.,
Less mpg, hydroscopic, etc.
The worst issues with ethanol are in older vehicles. I'd guess that the EPA is only too happy to see old cars and motorcycles go away and be replaced by EV's, so they are OK with ethanol hastening that process.
The worst issues with ethanol are in older vehicles. I'd guess that the EPA is only too happy to see old cars and motorcycles go away and be replaced by EV's, so they are OK with ethanol hastening that process.
Now that is shade on shady. :(
I used to run a fuel mix of gasoline and ethanol in my 1973 VW bus. But the engine was way built with huge 44 Webers, a hot cam by John Delong, and a compression ratio of a bit over 11:1, among many other enhancements. Never had a problem. But I do hear that ethanol can cause problems with certain vehicles.
Overall, MTBE was the second-most-produced chemical in the United States, with approximately 47 million barrels produced in 2005 (U.S. Energy Information Administration 2019). However, because of exposure and health concerns, some states banned or restricted the use of MTBE as a fuel oxygenate starting in 1999 (McCarthy and Tiemann 2006). The U.S. Congress passed a law that stated the federal government would not offer liability protection for oil companies still using MTBE in fuel by May 2006, which caused MTBE to be completely phased out as a fuel oxygenate. At that time, refiners switched to using ethanol (U.S. Energy Information Administration 2016).
**&&%%$$$$$ anyone running boats or other gas-powered equipment know that the lovely red plastic tanks on your 10-year-old equipment are not ethanol resistant. Just replace our old outboard with a brand new $15,000 4 stroke work horse Tohatsu. I was asked if we wanted to upgrade the tank and foolishly declined. Guess what, mudderfooker quit under the Richmond Bridge. Fuel system is fubarred another big bill on top of the cost of a rental boat while ours is in the shop.

I'm mad. Writing letters to all the fucktards who vote for this BS. The corn companies need to set up a grant to relieve the cost of repairs and conversions to "ethanol resistant" (whatever the fuck that even means) fuel systems.
Just because I can, , ,

I'ma gonna fill my mini with straight unleaded,
and check milage,
How many miles will a mini motor get,
without smog gas ??

This may take a few weeks, , ,
I have a Monkey, I hate they call it a Monkey.
I changed the spirit animal from Monkey to Road Runner.
I call it a mini, small m. always
I save the Mini for the Mini Cooper, big M. The real proper name

I try not to confuse,
**&&%%$$$$$ anyone running boats or other gas-powered equipment know that the lovely red plastic tanks on your 10-year-old equipment are not ethanol resistant. Just replace our old outboard with a brand new $15,000 4 stroke work horse Tohatsu. I was asked if we wanted to upgrade the tank and foolishly declined. Guess what, mudderfooker quit under the Richmond Bridge. Fuel system is fubarred another big bill on top of the cost of a rental boat while ours is in the shop.

I'm mad. Writing letters to all the fucktards who vote for this BS. The corn companies need to set up a grant to relieve the cost of repairs and conversions to "ethanol resistant" (whatever the fuck that even means) fuel systems.
Happened with old Montessa: the alcohol dissolves the fiberglass tank, and the carburetor becamefull of what I would call snot. dismantling the carburetor and cleaned it, all was good. don’t put alcohol fuel in a fiberglass tank.